
Chapter 900 Happiness Comes to an End

Hachi Chan was not the type of player to panic under in a frantic situation either. She had given March Rain a life-steal buff, then proceeded to heal the others. The first dangerous situation had passed with no casualties.

Disease Cloud only lasted for 10 seconds, so it was not long before it had dissipated.

This time, Lu Li did not arrange them in their positions; they had to figure it out for themselves. It was a simple formation, and they correctly separated themselves five metres apart so that Stomp would not be able to hit all of them at the same time.

After taking critical damage from Azure Sea Breeze, the Boss suddenly became enraged.

"Try this on for size!"

Azure Sea Breeze was taken aback, since he did not realise what was happening. After all, they had not even eliminated one quarter of Ramstein’s HP. If the Boss became enraged before his HP even reached 75%, then there was really no need to continue.

Flurry: Ramstein the Gorger’s next three consecutive attacks are 30% faster after receiving critical damage.

This was only an increase in Attack Speed, not an increase in Attack.

"Hurry up and increase your DPS! Haven’t you all realised that the Boss is becoming stronger and stronger?" Lu Li shouted. He did not look too optimistic.

In this situation, the Xin Xin Mercenary Group would have found themselves in hot water if they had not realised that the Boss was growing stronger as the battle ensued. Most of them thought that there was a limit to Ramstein’s strength and that his ultimate skills were not powerful enough to eliminate them, so they had become complacent.

Everyone in the team trusted Lu Li with their lives. They did not question any of his decisions, so they instantly increased their DPS after his instructions.

The second Disease Cloud was still not that devastating yet. However, the first casualty resulted when Azure Sea Breeze was stunned by Ramstein and lost aggro. Shortly after, the Boss rushed towards Wandering, who despite activating a damage shield, was still unable to hold on. Games did have an aspect of luck to them, and Wandering was just unfortunate that he had been struck by consecutive Critical Hits.

Ramstein the Gorger’s Flurry skill was not that strong, but it should not have Critically struck so many times.

After consecutive Critical attacks, there was an increase of 60% in Attack Speed. Originally, there would have been two strikes each time, but now there were three. Wandering never had any hope of being able to tank this in the first place.

Lu Li was ranked third on the list of aggro, so the Boss had instantly rushed towards him after killing Wandering. He could only run using his many skills, and tried to escape the Boss’ grasp until Azure Sea Breeze had recovered.

In Dawn, it was nigh impossible for one person to take on a Boss.

If there were no members to help, he would not be able to even clear out 10% of the Boss’ HP. However, he was able to stay alive for a longer time than the others. This was intentionally allowed by the game designers, and enabled Thieves to be able to last longer in co-op battles.

Hachi Chan had successfully revived Wandering and everyone else continued the fight.

During this time, Ramstein the Gorger’s strength was already terrifying. However, it was fortunate that he did not have much HP remaining.

Lu Li did not know whether it was possible to burst the Boss down in such a short time. He had devised a few strategies to try out, but they required a bit of luck. Firstly, the Boss could not perform any consecutive critical strikes. Secondly, the Disease Cloud could not envelop two healers at the same time. Last of all, the backup Tank needed to hold the Boss’ attacks for a few seconds after the Main Tank was stunned.

However, Lady Luck did not favour Lu Li just because he had been reborn. No one expected Wandering to go down a second time. As a result of this, Lu Li nearly died as well.

His ways of escaping were slowly running out, along with his HP.

If he had died, a disaster would have ensued. Hachi Chan had already used her Revive and Lu Li would not be able to Revive Wandering if he died. Losing both main members in the party this early in the Boss fight would make things problematic.

Lu Li had to praise his own foresight and judgement in this dire situation.

He recognised that Azure Sea Breeze would likely go down as the greatest Main Tank in Dawn. Of course, without Azure Sea Breeze’s existence, Lu Li would not have been where he was today.

Azure Sea Breeze had used his antidote that was equipped on his belt to eliminate the status ailment, just as Wandering was beginning to crumble under Ramstein’s attacks. However, the side effects of the antidote decreased his maximum HP by 30% for two minutes. This was a huge penalty for the Main Tank, but it was more favourable than a complete wipe out.

Lu Li barely escaped from the jaws of death and rushed over to revive Wandering.

He should not have let Hachi Chan use Revive first, as he was in much more danger than her.

If Hachi Chan still had her skill available, she would have been able to easily revive Wandering and continue the Boss fight. After all, losing Lu Li would only mean that they lost DPS.

As such, this fight depended greatly on Wandering. Although Lu Li had not given verbal praise to Wandering, he had begun to praise himself.

"Hachi Chan look at your big brother and how much he’s done! Come on! Don’t you want to bring me on some quests?"

"Remnant Dream, help me loot a good item later, since I’ve done so much for the fight!"

"Lu Li..."

Who could shut these kinds of people up? No one, except for the Boss. Ramstein began rampaging around the battlefield when he merely had hundreds of HP left. He landed three Critical Hits consecutively, instantly killing some members on the squad.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Did Ramstein also hate people who talked too much?

Lu Li wanted to shake Ramstein’s hands, just for managing to silence Wandering. However, the fight was nearing an end and a complete wipe at this stage would be completely devastating.

Wandering took over the main aggro, fully understanding that he was going to be alone in tanking the rest.

It was after this that everyone had realised the might of Wandering. Usually, they did not think much of him, so they were speechless at his strength and contribution to the team. Lu Li then decided that he was going to use him much more often in Boss fights to showcase his ability and develop his skills. "Boss...Boss...my experience..." Azure Sea Breeze was extremely disheartend, and laid on the ground as if he was crying.

These level 50 Bosses, if defeated, rewarded a tremendous amount of EXP. As Azure Sea Breeze had already died, he would not be receiving any of it.

It was unfortunate that he had died extremely late into the fight. Furthermore, if there were no items of use to him after completing the fight, this Boss would have been a complete waste of time.

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