
Chapter 899 Disease Cloud

However, it was Lu Li who had suggested to reject Fandral Staghelm.

Fandral Staghelm was an Elder of the Night Elves, and his name was known across the ends of the earth. He had been a prominent member of the Cenarion Circle since he was young. Staghelm’s large stature and explosive temper made him of the hardest beings to interact with, and he was also a powerful Druid.

Because of his personality, he often had conflicting views with his master. Even so, he was still recognised as a prodigy by Malfurion.

When his son Valstann died in battle, he fell so far into the darkness that he was beyond help.

As soon as the surrounding monsters were cleared out, Ramstein the Gorger instantly appeared, not giving them time to rest and regain composure. Fortunately, Lu Li had already known that this was going to happen, so he instructed his party to rest and recover their HP and MP as quickly as they could.

Ramstein the Gorger had the highest Attack in Stratholme, besting even his master, Baron Rivendare.

His strength grew gradually over time, so it would be wise to avoid unnecessarily prolonging the battle.

Many teams died here because their DPS players were not strong enough.

However, Lu Li’s squad had the Rage of Nathanos Blightcaller, which increased their HP and Attack by 20%, and critically also gave them a 20% chance of ignoring Ramstein the Gorger’s Defense.

Ignoring Defense was a highly regarded Attribute when battling Ramstein. Lu Li had planned to burst him when his Defense was at the lowest, so that they would be able to deal maximum damage.

Furthermore, when the Ignore Defense did activate, the chance of Critical Strikes would be increased as well.

"Fight!" Azure Sea Breeze yelled as he grabbed his shield and rushed at the Boss. It seemed like he had shaken off the harsh treatment of the mayor the other day.

"Wait! Let Azure build sufficient aggro before rushing up," Lu Li frantically called to his team with sweat dripping down his forehead. They had fought with him for so long, so it was surprising that they would be so reckless.

One of Ramstein’s hands was replaced with a hook which immediately latched onto Azure Sea Breeze, who was then pulled in and bludgeoned.

"Screw you!" he cursed before being Stunned.

At this moment, Azure Sea Breeze had already lost the Boss’ aggro. If it was not for Lu Li preventing everyone else from rushing into the battle, they would have been victims of the second skill that was cast.

This stage of the battle was difficult, especially for the ranged attackers because of their comparatively low Defense.

Fortunately, only Azure Sea Breeze had managed to draw aggro, so he was the only one targeted by the Ramstein at this moment.

"Alright, let’s begin. Flower, let Wandering pull second aggro and I’ll pull third," Lu Li instructed, immediately distributing roles to the party. When the player who held first aggro lost it, it would be passed to the second player.

Wandering was a secondary Tank, so he had the role of backing up Azure Sea Breeze.

As for Lu Li, he was able to escape the Boss in a myriad of ways. On the other hand, Lonesome Flower had to read the Boss’ attack patterns and time his escape.

After setting up the Aggro order, Lu Li was about to set up their formation as well. However, he was not able to explain why, so he decided against it. After all, the Boss’ next move was not enough to kill everyone, so he waited.

As they fought the Boss, they also chatted among themselves. After a short while, they began to talk about the killing competition that had taken place.

Besides Lu Li, Moonlight had also entered the competition. However, because the city was just too large and they did not have a way to communicate, one was at the north of the town, while the other was at the south.

As there was an announcement when a champion had been crowned, everyone knew that Lu Li had won this time.

Lu Li’s response was quite simple; he claimed that it was all luck.

Moonlight, however, fully understood why Lu Li’s victory was extremely difficult to come by.

Moonlight actually had around 300 points as well, and had reached this point faster than Lu

Li had. However, he was much more rushed and rigid when doing things, instead of being relaxed like Lu Li. Because of this, he was shot after killing a few police officers in the game.

When he died, his score was reset back to 0. Moonlight became extremely bored of the competition quickly after.

Ramstein the Gorger seemed irritated that his enemies were talking among themselves while they were battling, so he decided to use an ultimate skill.

A thunderous boom sounded throughout the map, then another, and another as Ramstein furiously stomped on the ground. This skill caused the players around him to be stunned, but this was merely the beginning of his assault.

During this time, he would cast a skill called Disease Cloud that afflicted nearby players with a status ailment. In addition to being poisoned, their HP would rapidly decay over time.

It was imperative that they all escaped the poisonous cloud immediately, otherwise, its effects would grow and they would quickly die.

According to the strategy, Lu Li should have placed everyone 5 metres apart from each other, so that only a maximum of three people could be hit by Stomp at a time.

Unfortunately, seven people were stuck inside the Cloud, and Azure Sea Breeze was in an even worse position. Not only was he inside the Cloud, but both healers were stunned and unable to help him.

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