
Chapter 709: Squeeze My Hand

Chapter 709: Squeeze My Hand

At Yang Globals Hospital

Cris never left Brix\'s side throughout the ordeal. Lenny had made it but she had to stay in the ICU for further observation. And only one guardian was allowed to stay in the ICU so Cris had time to rest and report to work.

She finished her work early and asked Kenzie\'s permission to substitute Brix and do his work so that he could have proper rest.

She came to the hospital during lunchtime and Brix stepped out so he could join her. They both walked to the hospital cafeteria to eat.

"Brix, I will stay here and look after your mom so you should go home and get some rest. Also, you\'re much more needed in the company now so you must also go to the office," Cris explained.

Brix did not comment. Yes, he knew he had a lot of things to do and that it was not necessary for him to stay here since there were many doctors looking after her. But it was just that he wanted to stay with her. She was already conscious but very weak so he would give her strength spiritually and whispered words of encouragement whenever she would open her eyes.

"Let me take care of your mom Brix. I want to do this… Please?" Cris pleaded. She wanted to show Lenny that, even though Lenny did not like her, she would still care for her because she was Brix\'s mother. Because if not for Lenny who gave birth to Brix, she wouldn\'t have had a chance to meet him in this lifetime.

Cris held Brix\'s hand on the table and gently squeezed it. Their eyes met so she added, "Listen to me okay? Go home, take enough rest and then report to work. Or is it because you are worried that I will not look after your mother properly?"

"Of course not!" Brix quickly denied.

Cris chuckled and said, "Then trust me and let me look after her while you are not around."

Brix exhaled deeply. It was not that he did not trust Cris but it was because he was ashamed of letting Cris look after his mother especially after his mother said a lot of harsh things to Cris and even treated her like a nobody. He thought about it and finally agreed to let her stay.

Cris was glad that Brix listened to her and left the hospital to go back home and rest. She took a deep breath before she entered the ICU where Lenny was recovering.

She bit her lip in worry seeing her condition. Lenny had many things attached to her body including her mouth and nose. She sat beside her with many thoughts in her mind.

After a while, Cris noticed Lenny open her eyes and move her head a little before looking at her.

\'She must probably be disappointed to see me and not Brix,\' Cris thought.

Although Lenny was not able to speak because of the tube in her mouth, the doctor said that they should always talk to her and encourage her as she was conscious and is able to understand everything.

"You must recover soon Ma\'am. You should fight and be strong because Brix is waiting for you. I have witnessed how much Brix loves you and misses you so you have to recover fast," Cris said with a smile.

"Please stay strong if you want to spend more time with your son. If you recover, I promise that I will listen to you no matter what you request, just make sure to recuperate well," she added.

Lenny stared at her blankly and Cris could not understand what she was feeling. She held Lenny\'s hand and gently patted it. Cris felt a light squeeze from Lenny\'s hand.

Cris smiled and said, "That\'s right. We still have to fight and settle our issue so make sure you come back strong. Will you give up and let me win so easily? So make sure you get well soon. Since I promised to listen to you, even if you ask me to stay away from Brix…"

She paused, before adding with a hoarse tone, "I will listen and let him go if that is what you want. I think you know that I am someone who never goes back on my words right?"

Cris bit her lower lip, wondering if she was doing the right thing. Brix loved his mother very much and she did not want to become the reason for their strained relationship.

"You may probably think I\'m a hypocrite but I\'m not. Yes, I love Brix very much and I\'m willing to fight for him but I realized that he can only have one mother. So, please hurry up and recover or else you will see me taking care of you every day." Cris said and wondered if Lenny found her humor annoying or not as there was still no reaction from her.

She wanted Lenny to recover so that Brix could spend more time with her and witness his mother change for the better and let go of her greediness.

She felt another squeeze in her hand and she wondered if it was a good or bad response from her.

"Madam, since you are awake and I am also bored, do you want to hear stories about how I was before I met Master Jack? If your answer is \'Yes\' then squeeze my hand once and if your answer is \'No\' then squeeze my hand twice. If you don\'t respond then I will decide whether to tell you the stories or not."

Cris waited and felt a squeeze after a minute. Cris, who was happy, lost her smile when another squeeze came from Lenny.

"I guess, I seem annoying to you Madame…" Cris said with a sad smile.

Soon the nurse came to attend to Lenny. Cris also helped the nurse out pertaining to personal matters like cleaning Lenny, massaging her muscles once in a while, and then updating her about the current news in the country since Lenny loved to read magazines and news.

She even brought some books which she knew Lenny would like and read them to her. When night came, Cris saw that Lenny was already asleep and stopped reading. She sent a message to Brix telling him that his mother was good and reminded him to rest well before adding \'I love you\'.

Her phone beeped and she gushed reading Brix\'s reply, \'I love you too\'. She felt giddy and smiled foolishly for a while before she rested her head on the side of Lenny\'s bed.

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