
Chapter 708: My Personal Assistant

Chapter 708: My Personal Assistant

At the Yu Group Building.

Luo shook her head as she looked at her husband who was busy giving instructions to the interior design team about further changes for Craig\'s office.

"Are you that happy and excited for Craig\'s return, huh? It\'s so obvious baby!" Luo teased. It had been a month since Craig and Gale left the Capital City to permanently stay with Craig\'s mother in his hometown in the southern province. Just recently Craig\'s mother left the world for her heavenly abode.

They had attended the funeral last month and at that time her husband Noah was still hoping Craig would decide to come back and settle here in the city for good. Noah had offered the COO position to Craig and it had been approved by the board as everyone knew of Craig\'s capabilities from the years he had worked for the Yu Group.

Just last night Craig had called to accept Noah\'s offer and he was very happy.

"Ah, you really love Craig that much," Luo teased more.

Noah only chuckled and said, "Well I do miss him since I don\'t have anyone to nag."

"You can nag me anytime," Luo smiled. Noah turned around and walked towards her and pulled her waist as he whispered, "Ah, why would I nag my wonderful wife? All that this man knows is to love you, Baby."

Luo\'s blushed and she hit her husband\'s chest lightly to scold him as there were workers inside. Noah chuckled and said, "Hmm, it\'s not like you to be shy like this. I heard Liam and Lana plan to extend their stay at the beach resort. I feel bad that we had to come back but how about we join them for a few days? I think it\'s time that Calvin has a…"

Luo covered her husband\'s mouth and quickly pulled him out of the office.

"Shhh, why are you behaving so shamelessly in front of the workers? Less talk, okay and more action please." Noah heard Luo speak as they walked down the hallway. He could not help but chuckle wondering why she was feeling shy for his wife had never let him down in surprising him with her shamelessness.

Luo suddenly stopped and turned around to say, "Oh wait, you have an important meeting today. Let\'s see if your schedule has an opening tomorrow, then we can take a quick break."

Noah chuckled and said, "I thought you were going to kidnap me right now."

"Are you disappointed? Don\'t worry I will surprise you next time," Luo said with a wink. She had started helping her husband with his work now that their baby, Calvin would soon turn 2 years old.

Right now, Calvin was staying with his nanny at her parent\'s house. Her parents often borrowed Calvin saying they missed him.

"I\'m sure that when we pick up Calvin later, my mother-in-law will ask you again to let him stay for another week. Why don\'t you agree if she does ask? We can just sleep in their house," Noah said as they entered their office. They had tried to convince Luo\'s parents to stay with them, but the elders had refused, saying they are used to sleeping in their own house and sleeping anywhere else would not be comfortable for them.

"Hmm, yeah we can do that," Luo said with a smile. She was glad that Noah loved her parents as his own and he was even thoughtful towards them.

Noah\'s mobile phone rang and he answered it as it was a call from Craig.

"Gale and I have decided to fly to the Capital City tomorrow. If you and Luo have no plans then we can all have dinner together. Gale insists that she will cook for you guys," Craig informed him.

The two talked a little more about Craig\'s plans before ending the call. Craig looked around for Gale who had walked away from her seat while he had been talking to Noah.

"Gale," he called out but there was no answer. He looked for her in the kitchen but she wasn\'t there so he looked inside the bedroom and saw Gale come out of their restroom.

"What\'s wrong?" he asked in a worried tone when he saw her long face. Gale did not answer but he noticed she was carrying something in her hand. It was a pregnancy test.

"There could be something wrong with me," Gale whispered with a raspy voice.

Craig sighed and quickly walked towards her pulling Gale to his chest as he whispered, "Why are you in such a hurry, Gale. We still have a lot of time. I\'m sure it\'s just not the right time and there\'s nothing wrong with you. What if it is me who has a problem? Please don\'t be anxious. If you want, since we are already going to the Capital City, we could ask the best doctor to examine both of us and guide us so we may have a baby."

Gale bit her lip. She was already feeling frustrated. She wanted a baby badly, but things were not in their favor. Every time there was a delay in her monthly period she would do a pregnancy test, but it was always negative and a few days later she would have her period.

"But when we go back to the City, you will have very little time for me," Gale whispered. She would often be left alone,? just waiting for Craig to come home. Unlike now, when she and Craig were always together as he was just managing his mother\'s farm and she too could roam around with him.

Craig gently pushed Gale to look at her and said, "Hmm, I thought we had agreed to move to the Capital City permanently and accept Noah\'s offer?"

Gale sighed loudly. Yes, she had agreed because she knew that it was what Craig wanted. He was used to living in the City, not in the province and he had come here only because of his ailing mother. His mother had not liked living in the city and now that she was gone there was no reason for him to stay at the farm.

Gale forced a smile and said, "Ah, yeah don\'t mind me. Maybe I have gotten used to living here."

Craig kissed her forehead and said, "I will make sure to spend more time with you, and if you want you could stay with me in the office. I will? hire you as my personal assistant."

Gale chuckled and said with a pout, "Do I look like a clingy wife then?"

"So? It\'s not you but your clingy husband who is asking for it," Craig said and kissed Gale\'s lips passionately.

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