
Chapter 188 - The Stupidest Man On Earth (2)

This wasn\'t the first time she\'d gotten pregnant, but Lin Meirong was sure as hell she didn\'t suffer like this during her first pregnancy. Throughout this pregnancy, she\'d been subjected to discomfort and pain. If she\'d known she would suffer like this, she should have got ridden of this baby. 

As she waited inside the obstetrics department alone in the hospital, her attention was caught by the latest advertisement being shown on the television in the waiting area. Her jaws tightened when she saw Lan Jinyao, looking better than ever. 

Ever since she was forcibly kicked out in the entertainment industry, Lan Jinyao\'s career started to flourish, much to her chagrin. The woman whom she\'d considered as a lowly rival was now considered one of the fastest rising stars of the year. 

She cursed herself and looked away in shame. If only she wasn\'t heavily pregnant, she would be able to find another way to live a better life than this. She was scheduled to deliver her baby today and yet Mu Jianyu was nowhere to be seen. 

Was he still trying to win his ex-wife back? She wondered. Why was he still chasing a woman who clearly didn\'t want him back anymore? 

"Stupid," Lin Meirong muttered to herself. The rumors about Li Xiuying\'s marriage to Shen Zichen were all over the news. And if it was true, that only meant that Mu Jianyu would never have a chance to win her back. 

Why would Li Xiuying choose him over Shen Zichen anyway? After all he had done, was he really expecting Li Xiuying to accept him again? Even for someone like Li Xiuying, that kind of betrayal would be enough to kill the love she had for her husband. 

"Miss Lin? It\'s your turn now," The nurse appeared and called her name to enter the doctor\'s office. 

Lin Meirong stood and winced when a sudden jolt of pain hit her abdomen. She stood still and held her bulging stomach, attracting the attention of the waiting nurse. She broke into a cold sweat as she felt the pain gradually increasing. 


Mu Jianyu had decided to take full custody for this child, who wasn\'t even his in the first place. Dare to make a fool out of her? Then she\'ll let him be the stupidest man on earth by taking in another man\'s daughter. 


Li Chuntao had finished her work for the day and was looking forward to seeing her husband before he leaves for work that evening. The desk where her assistant and secretary were situated was already deserted. She didn\'t blame them, as it was already past seven in the evening when she finished her work. 

As she and Su Ling walked through the mostly empty parking lot, she rummaged her purse for her phone to give her husband a call while Su Ling took the car keys in his pocket and pressed the unlock button, making Audi\'s headlights flash. 


Li Chuntao turned and saw Mu Jianyu approaching them. He seemed to have aged overnight as he looked shabby and poor at the same time. 

"Mr. Mu, I believe the restraining order is still in effect. Why do you still insist on meeting me like this?" Li Chuntao crossed her arms and sharpened her gaze on her ex-brother-in-law. 

"Ying, can we talk? I\'m not here to make a scene. I just want to talk to you." His voice was surprisingly gentle. 

She stared at him for a moment, her face devoid of any emotion. 

\'If it isn\'t for you, Ying wouldn\'t have died because of your mistress.\'

\'If you haven\'t betrayed her and let Lin Meirong hurt Ying, none of this would have happened.\' 

\'You are the root of this problem, you bastard!\' 

Li Chuntao wanted to snap at him and scream at his face but she wouldn\'t. Mu Jianyu would never know how much Ying had to suffer because of his betrayal. Not only she lost own her life, but she also lost the unborn child in her womb. 

The sense of betrayal and disappointment was so strong that Chuntao had no doubt that Ying regretted everything in her last breath. Still, no matter what Mu Jianyu said today and in the future, he wouldn\'t be able to change what happened in the past. 

Meanwhile, Mu Jianyu wasn\'t surprised to see that she was faring well without him. She was still as beautiful as the first time he\'d met her. She even looked happier now than when she was still with him. He recalled her stricken expression at the way he ruthlessly asked her for a divorce. 

He closed his eyes for a moment and cursed himself. When his eyes opened and landed to her ring finger, he inwardly grimaced. God, he\'d been a bastard to Ying, and now it was too late for redemption. 

"So you really married Shen Zichen, huh?" He said with a sarcastic chuckle, which made Li Chuntao wonder if it was for her or himself. 

So many times, he\'d tried to reach her after she served the divorce papers on him. He\'d also rehearsed the speech he would make once she showed up. He wanted it to be sufficiently grovelling, given the pain he\'d inflicted for what he\'d done, but tonight, his brain seemed to forget everything. 

The ring on her finger was clear enough to announce her marriage with another man. Not just any man, it was her childhood friend, Shen Zichen. His sworn enemy. 

Something was tearing inside of him and the pain drove into him relentlessly, forcing him to accept the reality that he\'d already lost her. 

"I thought we were done. You have no rights to pry into my personal affairs now, Mr. Mu." She bit out while her cold gaze was steady. 

Mu Jianyu reached out a hand, wanting to touch her arm, but Su Ling was quick to prevent it from happening. 

"You should leave, Mr. Mu. Our Miss doesn\'t want to have anything to do with you." Su Ling stated, but Mu Jianyu ignored him. 

"Ying, I\'m sorry. I\'m really sorry." 

Li Chuntao hadn\'t expected him to apologize, but wasn\'t it a little too late? If sorry was enough for her to forgive all his sins, then she wouldn\'t be able to face her twin sister in the afterlife. 

"Well," she shrugged and tucked the stray locks of her hair behind her ear. "It doesn\'t matter to me now. If that\'s all, I think you should go before our guards throw you out from here." 

Sensing that he wanted to say more, Li Chuntao shook her head, stopping him. She knew that he wouldn\'t give up on \'Ying\' easily but she wanted to see Shen Zichen now. 

"I heard Lin Meirong is about to give birth soon. Congratulations. Shouldn\'t you be happy and celebrating right now, instead of stalking your ex-wife?" When Mu Jianyu didn\'t say anything, she continued, "let\'s not meet up like this anymore. What would people say if they see you following me around instead of looking after your child? Wait, is it even your child?" 

Her question stunned Mu Jianyu, rendering him speechless. It wasn\'t lost to him what Ying meant by her question. Since Lin Meirong had apparently been in multiple affairs with different men before him, how sure was he that the child she was carrying was his?

Li Chuntao turned around with Su Ling following after her.. She slid onto the backseat of the car and didn\'t spare Mu Jianyu another glance as they drove away from the parking lot. 

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