
Chapter 99: When Hell Summons You (***)

Chapter 99: When Hell Summons You (***)

The sun\'s rays shafted through the sky. From the moment that Xinzi had set foot into the Tower of Harmonious Bliss to now, nearly three days had passed—56 hours, specifically. Everyone in the White Immortal sect knew that Xinzi and Chun Xu had been practicing the Yin-Yang Sword Array, so occasionally, random outers, inners, and even some elite disciples would drop by the tower, and with flustered faces, glanced at the top.

Some concealed the bizarre hope that, by standing in the tower\'s vicinity, they could eavesdrop on the fairy\'s sounds. Others wished to visualize the scene, and others still clenched their fists, raging at the thought that the sect\'s most beloved goddess was getting crammed full by an impious monk. Most of these men had Dao Companions of their own, and as they gathered underneath the tower, their understanding ladies made their way to the Liberation Temple, eager to donate all they had to offer.

Up in the tower\'s finest room, a naked Chun Xu lay on her stomach, arms and legs spread out while her eyes seemed lost in ecstasy. Xinzi lay on top of her, his massive hands held the Sword Fairy\'s, and with his herculean frame, the monk covered Chun Xu entirely—making it so that, had anyone been watching them from the door, they\'d have the illusion that Xinzi was humping the ground.

The long unhurried moans, squishy sounds and juice that dripped over the ground as Xinzi swung his hips told a different story—enabling potential onlookers to realize that a beauty lay under the monk, consuming his meat in her loving cunt.

Xiao Hu, only onlooker of this spectacle, had by now gnawed all her nails, tore small tufts of hair, and bit her lips to blood. The crazed look contrasted with the unsettling calm in her bloodshot eyes, eyes that seemed to accept the scene it witnessed, while the body and soul rejected it all the same. Xinzi\'s cock tensed in its umpteenth orgasm, and more milk filled Chun Xu\'s clenching cunt.

"Mhmm, I think we can stop here…for now," Xinzi said, and for a moment, our monk rested on his fairy. It wasn\'t that he didn\'t want to continue. In fact, he could carry on for weeks or more. But two issues forced him to stop.

First, unlike Chun Xu who could still condense an abundance of Spiritual Drops, Xinzi had capped a while ago and struggled to contain all the energy he harvested through dual cultivation. In the Soaring Crane mountain, the monk had already plundered 18 top-quality Primal Yins. This doesn\'t even account for the Evil Qi and other benefits that demanded breakthroughs. Add to that Chun Xu\'s Primal Yin harvested through this intense dual cultivation session, and Xinzi felt a bit bloated.

Second, Chun Xu couldn\'t handle him. Thanks to the Nine Paths, Tower and Five Elements Transmutative Technique, our monk\'s Yang Qi had risen far beyond what Dong Ling confronted in the Ice-Fire cave. Add to that the fact that Dong Ling\'s Extreme Yin Transformation excelled at handling berserk yang shots, and it became obvious that the Sword Fairy had already exceeded expectations.

"What a lopsided defeat." Naturally, Chun Xu herself didn\'t think so. At the end of the day, the Sword Fairy came to meet her monk as an equal, but instead got completely dominated in his expert hands. Never in her life had she suffered such an absolute defeat. Thankfully—though she\'d never say that out loud—this was the type of loss that she\'d welcome any day of the week.

"It\'s fine, you\'ll improve. When you get a better grasp of your Congenital Storm Breathing Technique, we can have a fair fight." Xinzi placed a kiss on the Sword Fairy\'s back, comforting her with lies. The words made Chun Xu roll her eyes in exasperation. Indeed, she could improve. But the cultivation method she paired the array with was only of the sage-grade, whereas Xinzi\'s unfathomable method likely reached a tier that she couldn\'t appraise. Trying to match him in their future dual cultivation sessions would just end in more disastrous defeat. As Chun Xu\'s thoughts reached this point, she resolved to push herself harder and "fight" as often as possible. Exhaustion took hold, and the Sword Fairy passed out, leaving only Xinzi, who now glanced at Xiao Hu.

"Did Lord Hanxing not tell you that your talisman was on a deadline? It\'s been hours since it stopped concealing your presence. I have to say that your cultivation method is much more depraved than I gave it credit for. To think that you can grow so fast just by getting cucked. It\'s almost miraculous. But I\'m confused. Who is driving your jealousy? Chun Xu? Me? Both? Let\'s not find out," Xinzi said and stood up, ambling at Xiao Hu, whose eyes widened at the realization that she\'d been exposed for a while now.

Instinctively, she glanced at Chun Xu, wondering if the Sword Fairy too had taken note of her wretched state. "Don\'t worry. I\'m pretty good at keeping my partner\'s attention. To say nothing of noticing you, in my arms, A\'Xu had likely forgotten that a Xiao Hu exists. Don\'t blame her. It\'s a natural reaction." Xinzi read through Xiao Hu\'s fears. But in her ears, the "don\'t blame her" was like a slap in the face, making her hate Chun Xu even as she tried to transcend the rage.

"You should be more concerned about yourself. I\'m not that familiar with it, but I\'m pretty sure that the Green Immortal Sword Art Xue Yuanshao made you cultivate drove its creator insane. A peerless madman is still a madman—madwoman in your case. Is that what you aspire to? And where is your gorilla boyfriend? Odd that from start to finish, he didn\'t appear to defend you." Xinzi crouched before Xiao Hu and peered into her eyes. Covered in a mixture of body fluids, the monk\'s body emitted a scent that rattled Xiao Hu\'s nostrils. Yet, she couldn\'t find the strength, the nerve to clap back or wave him off.

Her thoughts wandered to the gorilla, who for her sake, went on a wild-goose chase. "He is…tracking a village." Xiao Hu replied with a trailing, absentminded tone. Hiding things from Xinzi when he controlled her soul was equal to harebrained defiance. As she met the monk\'s gaze, Xiao Hu realized that she didn\'t want to do foolish things anymore. Would it not be better to take a backseat, forget all aspirations and cultivate under his firm guidance? Perhaps then she\'d find a new path to bliss, and add some meaning to her wretched existence.

The more these words swirled through Xiao Hu\'s mind, the more ardent her gaze at Xinzi became. Her desire to stand as a leading force of the cultivation world collapsed, replaced by a longing for warm shelter.

Shocked by the intense look, Xinzi knuckled Xiao Hu\'s forehead. "Yeww. Nonono, cleanse your thoughts. This is not in the script. I know that I\'m a peerless beauty that can overturn kingdoms with one walk in the street, but you\'re not supposed to surrender to my heroic demeanor. Restrain your…" Xinzi\'s words died in his throat, because as Xiao Hu gave up on herself, the monk could see blinding strands of rainbow-colored light leave her body en masse, and hover nearby.

Xiao Hu couldn\'t see them. Chun Xu wouldn\'t have been able to either. Throughout Dongli, only three people could see these strands: Xinzi, Qingxin and Tusha.

\'This is…Heaven\'s Grace?\'

\'Master, you\'ve successfully destroyed the Chosen\'s fate. Xiao Hu has lost Heaven\'s love and is regressing to an average blessed individual! Congratulations! Now we have to store…master, abbot, master-abbot! What are you doing?\' Through rapid mental messages, an excited Tusha confirmed Xinzi\'s thoughts. By accepting her degradation and choosing to surrender to the oppressor, Xiao Hu had lost Heaven\'s favor and her status as its Chosen.

Heaven could tolerate character development, but never mental surrender. Good-Fortune wise, as her soul had been touched by Heaven itself, Xiao Hu would always stand leagues above the average person. But the Chosen\'s destiny that should have helped her rise to the top of the Three Paradises before becoming Heaven\'s food, vanished here.

Initially, Tusha\'s heart teemed with glee. Even without her guidance, Xinzi had managed to corrupt the Chosen to the point that she became a willing, desperate pet. Xiao Hu might have lost the Chosen halo, but to the Lords of the Infernal Paradise, her soul would always be worth mountains. Alas, Tusha\'s joy was short-lived, because as soon as Heaven\'s Grace filled the atmosphere, dark-purple light flashed in Xinzi\'s eyes. Underneath the monk, a pit of darkness formed, with coiling strands of evil winds rising and blending to form large, fiendish shapes.

The shapes cackled like the frenzied emissaries of hell, and to Tusha\'s horror, Xinzi stretched his hand out—aiming the Swallowing Skill at Heaven\'s Grace!

\'Master stop! You are not an Ancient Spirit and were not chosen by Heaven\'s Will! The Grace isn\'t something you can absorb! Even the Lords of Hell wouldn\'t dare!\' Tusha\'s voice boomed in Xinzi\'s mind, but to the infernal nun\'s horror, Xinzi could hear of her words. In his mind, the voices of ten-thousand demons sang in sync: \'Absorb the Grace!\'

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