
Chapter 300 My New Kawaii Wife!

"I hope so because I don\'t know what I would do without you and the rest of the girls," I said, and she giggled before she kissed me gently. Everything was going to work out in the end; I just knew it. "What do you think about becoming one of my wives?"

"I already am, silly," Serria said as she giggled and nuzzled into my chest fur.

"You know what I mean! Would you like to make it official?" I asked, and she looked up at me with a soft smile on her face.

"Your Kitten, right? Of course, Ashia! I would love to be your wife! I have been waiting for you to come back!" Serria exclaimed, and I chuckled before I kissed her again.

"I love you, my little Kitten," I said, and she giggled as she started to purr gently in my arms.

"I love you too, Ashia," Serria said as she snuggled against me contentedly. There was a lot left to go, but I really needed this time with Serria, even just relaxing in general. It was going to get hectic again soon enough, but for now, I just wanted to enjoy some peace and quiet with my little Kitten.

"Ashia! Rai Cait and Shiva are asking for you on the bridge," Miasma hollered over the intercom; then, I heard a struggle ensued before Messia came on. "I will send them down to you, do not worry, my Queen, and I will punish this miscreant Skunk!"

"Thank you, Messia, but I will Bee up in a bit," I said, and then Serria giggled as she got off my lap.

"I think our break is over," Serria said with a chuckle, and I nodded my head in agreement before we left the room hand-in-hand to go check out what was going on.

The Metal Meccats were waiting for me with Messia and Miasma. One was telling the other that she couldn\'t sit in my seat, and I am sure you can guess the order.

"Ashia! Tell this Buzzing Bee to stop Bee-ing so touching! I am just keeping your seat warm for you so I can sit on your lap when you get here!" Miasma giggled as she jumped up from my chair, letting me sit down, but Messia expertly slid into my lap, giving Miasma a self-satisfied grin as she did so.

"Nice try, but it won\'t work! I am going to stay here so Ashia can concentrate!" Messia said as she snuggled into my chest fur, and Miasma made a face before she walked over to Serria.

"What is going on?" I asked as Shiva laughed and shook her head at the antics of my girls. It seemed that this was just another day for them, and I wouldn\'t have it any other way. They made me so happy, even when they were bickering like this!

"We wanted to go over the final battle plans for the Swarm Wars," Rai Cait explained, and I nodded my head.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked, and Messia snuggled in a bit closer as if trying to make sure that she would stay on my lap rather than Miasma or Serria. This was getting amusing fast!

"Well, we were thinking that we could use the new ships against the nests," Shiva said, and I looked over at her with a raised eyebrow. "They can fly now."

"They are not exactly stealthy, though," Rai Cait pointed out, and I nodded my head in agreement but then had an idea. "What if instead of attacking them outright like that, we used them to block out the sun? It will make it harder for the Wasps to see what is going on."

"That is perfect! We can use the ships to create a shadow over the area, and then we can drop down the Drones with no problem!" I exclaimed, and they all nodded their heads in agreement. "Do you think it will work?"

"It should, but we won\'t know for sure until we test it out," Shiva said, and I nodded my head again. This was getting more complicated than I had originally thought, but luckily I had some really smart people to help me figure this out!

"I think that is our best bet," Rai Cait said as she looked over toward me expectantly. "What do you think?"

"I think it is a great plan!" I exclaimed, and everyone cheered before they all started to get up from their seats. Messia pouted a bit as she was forced to leave my lap, but Miasma just giggled as she grabbed her hand and pulled her away. Serria came over and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before she, too, left with the other girls while Rai Cait remained behind so we could talk.

"How are you holding up?" Rai Cait asked when we were alone, and I let out a long sigh.

"I am holding on, but I really need this to end soon," I admitted, and Rai Cait nodded his head in agreement. "Everything is moving so fast. I just want things to go back to the way that they were before all of this fighting started. I just want to explore the rest of the world, but there always seems to be something that is in the way."

"I know how you feel, but this is the life that we have been given. We just have to make the best of it," Rai Cait said, and I nodded my head in agreement. "You are doing a great job with all of this, by the way. You are much braver than I ever could be."

"I am not sure about that, but thank you for thinking so highly of me," I said as he smiled at me reassuringly before he got up from her seat. There were still a lot of things that needed to be done before we could relax and get back to exploring again, so it was time for us to get back to work!

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