
Chapter 294 Bad Sky Seafood

"So? How are we supposed to stop this thing?" Sig asked, and Tag grinned.

"The power of friendship, little brother! Ow!" Tag cheered, but then Sig slapped him.

"Get your shit together, you idiot of excellence!" Sig roared, but Tag waved him off and reached his hand to his brother.

"You and I are just going to have to do the best that we can, right? What are we going to do?" Tag asked with a big stupid smile. "Plus, we both have new wives! We can\'t die before Keanu and Mindy yell at us!"

"Yeah, let\'s go. I still have to find that one I was screwing around with," Sig said with a smile, grabbing Tag\'s hand, and the two of them started to transform together.

The men\'s yellow and black ferret bodies became segmented and metallic as they started to form into a massive dragon. The bodies merged, and then their tails got longer as the two of them found themselves flying as one massive creature. Their wings were yellow and black, like their overall color scheme, but on each wing was one blue feather for Sig.

Tag\'s eyes turned green on each side of the dragon\'s head where his own had been a moment ago. If you looked carefully at the top of its head were two small white horns that came to points! The draconic form had large teeth in its maw from which steam poured out through its great mouth! From behind them, they could feel heat oozing out into the air around them!

Tagsig burst into the air as they jumped and jet engines flared to life, and their targeting system locked onto the high-speed projectile that was hurtling toward the ground. The Divinity Spike munition was a 25-foot-long rod of tungsten that was being hurtled from space, and the brothers made contact with it at 5000 feet, latching on to the rod. They tried to slow the rod, but it was coming too fast, so they bit down on it.

"MOST EXCELLENT BITE!" Tagsig\'s double voice roared, and they snapped down on the rod hard, making it snap.

The two halves smashed into the side of the mountain, but on their sides, and then bounced down the mountain after making two large craters in the side. There was much damage, but everyone had survived, inside and outside of the mountain.

Tag and Sig were very confused right now as they floated, surrounded by golden light mere inches from the mountainside that they should have smeared in a splash of blood guts and mechanical parts.


"I have no clue. All I know is that we didn\'t die-"

Suddenly, both men separated and went back to their yellow and black Ferret Folk form to stare at two glowing ferret girls that looked identical. Both of them wore white dresses that were edged and detailed in gold, and the women were the prettiest creatures that either of them had ever seen.

"Who are you?" Tag asked, and the two women giggled.

"We are the Ferret Goddesses," One of them said, and the second one nodded. "And we have chosen you two to become our champions."

"Why?" Sig asked, and they started giggling again like the answer should be obvious.

"Your Queen told you to abandon the Goblins, but you refused, and you both put your life on the line for the sake of others. This is also not the first time that you have both protected those that have needed it. My name is Claire, and this is my twin sister Sara," The first explained.

"We have been watching over you, and even if you get in trouble, you both are always trying to help people, and now to teach them to be... Excellent. I am not sure about how you both talk now, but there is no denying that meeting your Queen was good for you both," Sara explained, and the four of them floated down to one of the craters the broken spike had made in the mountainside. The mountain now looked like something had been chewing on it.

"So, what do we need to do?" Tag asked, and the two Goddesses looked at each other.

"There is a great evil that is coming, and it must be stopped. We have chosen you both to help others become excellent like you have," Claire said.

"But we can\'t do it alone, so we are going to give you these," Sara said as she held out her hand, and two necklaces appeared in her palm. One was black with a yellow gem in the center, and the other was yellow with a black gem in the center. Put them on."

The brothers did as they were told without hesitation, and when they put them on, they felt power flow into them.

"These will allow you to transform into your dragon form whenever you need to," Claire explained. "And this form will be more powerful than any other form that either of us could give you."

"So what do we need to do now?" Sig asked.

"You need to find others who are willing to become excellent like yourselves," Sara said.

"And how are we supposed to know who those people are?" Tag asked.

"You\'ll just know," The sisters said together before disappearing in twin beams of light that left behind sparkling dust motes.

"What just happened?" Sig asked, and Tag looked down at his black necklace.

"We didn\'t die. Most excellent if you ask me, and now the Queen isn\'t going to kill us, and everyone survived. Good day at the Cockatrice coup if you ask me," Tag laughed, and Sig rolled his eyes but then hugged his brother.

"I am glad that we are still here, and what those girls asked is not anything different than what we have already been doing," Sig said as he pulled away from his brother.

"Yeah, you are most definitely right, but now we have to go help our Queen! If that gets past her, there is trouble up top. Are you ready to do this again?" Tag asked as his necklace started to glow, and he reached his hand to Sig.

"To Bee excellent? You Otter know better! It never gets old!" Sig said, his own yellow and black gem glowing.

"Your puns are just as bad as the Queens!" Tag laughed, and Sig grinned.

"That is a compliment!"


I let all my anger and frustration boil out of me and my arms fused as my tail broke off. It split into six long cannons that floated to create an arch over me, and my hands smashed out to the side to grab two new weapons that just became available to me.

[Dual DragonBee Great Blades] Activated!

The fusion of my arms turned into two large blades that were black with yellow stripes going down the length of them. My eyes flashed as I turned to look at Brand, who was still trying to come at me, but I was done playing around.

I brought up my right arm and brandished my blade at him as he met me with massive claws like saw blades. I shifted my body to the side and brought up my left arm as I slashed at his side, but he was already gone in a blink.

I turned as his form solidified behind me, and he slammed his claws down at me, but I had already teleported out of the way by blinking. He tried to come at me again, but I was done playing games.

I focused all my energy on one point in front of myself before releasing it in a massive beam! General Brand was hit square on by the blast and sent flying backward as his mech started to smoke, but then his red mech started to repair itself.

"Foolish girl. Do you really think that you can defeat me?" Brand asked, but I just glared at him as I twirled my blades before pointing them at him.

"You are the one who is going to Bee defeated today, and I am going to make sure of it," I growled before charging at him with a battle cry.

I blinked to him, and we smashed blades, causing a burst of sparks that vanished instantly, but so did Brand. I turned just in time to see his form materialize behind me, and he slashed at me with his claws, but I was already gone.

I reappeared behind him and brought my blades down on either side of him, but he had already teleported away. This time I was ready for it as I had placed a Beacon Bomb on him before he could disappear and then blink to safety.

The Beacon Bomb detonated, sending Brand hurtling through the air as his mech started to smoke and beep. He tried to get back up, but I was already there as I brought my blade down on him with all my strength.

Suddenly, a rocket launched from the red mech\'s chest, and we were both blasted back. I tried to blink to him, but my own body was repairing, and the blast had been electrically charged. Now I was forced to wait for my reboot while I watched that bastard float away as he healed back up.

"No matter how much you try, I will kill you and everything that you hold dear! Now I will force you to choose! Kill me, or save all the people on that station!" Brand laughed, and then his body started to shift and became a smaller but intense-looking red tube.

Right as control returned to me, Brand\'s red mech laughed a massive missile at the Divinity Spike.

I blinked at the rocket and then blinked it to the other side of the station to go off to space, but Brand was off my scanners already.

"My most excellent Queen!" Tagsig called in my mind. "Did you lose something?"

Suddenly, a massive black and yellow mecha dragon came into my scan, but Brand also came back. He seemed to be in the boy\'s mouth.

I was so happy that I wanted to give them a kiss!

"You should have chosen wisely, little girl. Now you will watch as I destroy everything that you love!" Brand laughed as he started to self-destruct, but then he screamed as Tagsig chewed and then swallowed the crushed mech. A moment later, the mecha dragon shit itself, and a spray of hot metal and flames flared out of its ass.

"Uh, sorry, my Queen. Bad sky seafood gives me the most deadly of shits!" Tagsig said as I laughed hysterically as I blinked over to give the massive dragon a hug.

"I have missed you both!" I said, but I let go of them. "I need you to help the people on the station and make sure everyone gets on my ship that will be coming over here soon. The hive has grown since we last saw each other, but now I am going to end this."

"Leave it to us, but are you sure you don\'t need our help?" Tagsig asked in their double voice, but I shook my mech head.

"No, the Sky Folk Forced me to leave you all, and now I am going to finish the conversation that we had started before they threatened me," I said, and then turned to Kadeon. "Hilda! To me! It is time for you to make an appearance, Eel Goddess of the Sky Folk!"

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