
Chapter 273 Freakin Laser Beams!

I sped forward to my doom but prepared my shot before going through. The moment I was inside, I angled forward away from the farthest one and let my shot go.

Two arrows fired from the bow, but I was forced to stop momentarily as the shot went off, but I was moving right after. One of the arrows hit a slime, killing it, but I had to keep moving as the other slime streaked across the area I had paused.

I changed course and pulled the drawstring back, slowing down but not stopping.

The slime slid behind me, just barely missing me, but it slammed into the wall, stopping. I shot but missed with the first double shot but was able to let off the second just before I was hit.

The slime exploded in black particles, and my Power-Up menu came up. I was surprised how well that had gone, but I had still come close to getting damaged.

[Extra Projectile 2]

[Speed Increase 1]

[Lightning Strike 1]

I looked over them, but at this point, it would be silly for me not to take the extra projectile. Lightning Strike would probably have a chaining effect, or shock might even just roll out, and I knew what speed was.

I selected the extra shot and tested out my bow. I pulled back and released a shot that released three arrows.

I smiled as I watched the arrow fly down the center where I aimed and the other two fly off to either side. That was more like it; if the next room was the same, I wouldn\'t have any trouble.

I started forward and headed through the next portal, and the turtle was waiting for me, but I lined up my shot and fired. The center arrow hit, but the turtle didn\'t die, so I fired two more shots before it exploded into particles.

"I am really starting to like this bow!" I said to myself as I started forward, moving a bit faster than I had before.

I stepped through the next portal, and there were three ugly gray pig-looking men with axes. I started moving, putting back a shot a little faster, and shot at the leading one.

I hit it and the one on the right, but they didn\'t slow down, and I had to get some distance before I could get my next shot off. Two more shots and I had taken down the first, but now the other two had me cornered.

I just stood and fired shots until the last two were dead, but I took a strike from each of them, putting me in the critical. My view pulsed red, but I sighed when I saw the Power-Up menu pop up.

[Fire Strike 1]

[Ricochet Shot 1]

[Ice Orbs 1]

I picked Fire Strike, and my vision went back to normal as my health bar was filled up. That had been a close call. Those pig men were relentless, and I had almost died and had to start all over.

I suppose that would happen a lot more before this was done, but I didn\'t want to think about that.

I tried my bow, and a fiery arrow appeared as I pulled back on the string. I released the arrow, and three burning arrows flew out.

The moment the first hit a walk, there was a five-foot-wide explosion and two more right after. Even a slight breeze kicked up from it, so I moved closer to the wall and fired a shot at close range.

I was partially engulfed by the small explosion, but I felt nothing from it other than slight air pressure changes. The explosion noises were even muted compared to what I had heard from the first shot.

That was the final confirmation that I needed to know that none of my weapons or attacks could hurt me. Not like I really had thought that they would, but it was better to be safe than sorry in the middle of a fight.

I started moving to the next room, and as soon as I got through, there were two more turtles in each far corner. These were yellow and had longer and skinnier shells and bodies.

I lined up a shot and fired, only hitting one, but the other arrow exploded around it, killing it. Unfortunately, I didn\'t see the dim yellow light coming from the other turtle\'s open mouth.

Suddenly, a massive yellow beam, even bigger than the turtle, slammed into me. I tried to get out of the way but suddenly stood back in the starting room with the three weapons.

"Gah! Son of a bitch! God damn, turtles got me again! Talk about mess with the shell and get the freakin laser beam! Rawr, this place is so stupid!" I screamed, pulling at my hair.

This place and these monsters were starting to get on my nerves, but I needed to calm down. Freaking out was only a temporary respite from this annoying task, but I just had to start making it fun.

One thing was that I was slowly getting more powerful and faster with the more monsters I fought. I was also learning the patterns of each monster, but it was just frustrating to keep finding monsters with new abilities.

I turned back to my weapons and walked over to them, but there was something different about the bow. Its grip had changed, and now it looked like a more excellent bow.

That little thought made me think of Tag and Sig. I hoped that they were keeping Miku and Rixie safe.

I needed to finish here to return to them and stop all this mess. Thinking about my family only made me miss them, which wasn\'t helping me, so I turned my focus back to the weapons.

The weapons changing was interesting and could mean that the more I used each weapon, the stronger it would get. That would make sense, but I still had yet to try the staff.

As much as I wanted to try out the bow again to see the difference, I should see what weapon suits me best. It would be a shame to sink time into one weapon and find out that there was a better one.

I reached forward, grabbed the staff in the purple light,  and felt a sense of power run through me.

"Look, Arry! I\'m a Wizard!" I laughed as I raised my new weapon of mass destruction.

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