
Chapter 262 Always Wanted To Wear My Defeated Foes

It seemed that everyone had already started packing long before we got back, which was a good thing. Every second I was away made me anxious; I just wanted to get up into the ship and get a hold of everyone.

I needed to start making plans. We still had to make a stop at the Meccat capital, which would take time, but that just meant we would have to coordinate.

"Are you alright? You look anxious," Helaina asked, and I nodded.

"I need to get up into that ship and start making plans with my subjects that are out in the field right now. I have friends that could be in danger and many innocent people, so I need to get back in contact with people," I said, voicing my frustrations.

"Shiva, can you tell the bear where he is going and show us to the top? Queenie needs to talk to people, and she can\'t do that from inside the mountain\'s seal," Sakura called over to where Shiva talked to Bill.

"Yes, just give me a moment, and then we can go," Shiva called back, and Sakura turned back to me with a satisfied smile.

"There, now you don\'t have to worry as much. I can be helpful," Sakura told me and then stuck her tongue out at me in an appealing manner.

I couldn\'t help but smile, regardless of the situation.

"Thank you, I just hope that I can do something about that massive weapon in space. On top of that, the Sky Folk also has my other ship and people. So, that is another problem on top of the thousands of goblins that are about to be killed. There are just so many moving parts right now, but I have been stuck underground in this cave, cut off from most parts of my system," I complained, but the girls just shrugged.

"You will have to deal with them, and we will help you. You are not alone in all of this. We will get back your people and friends, and then we will try to stop these crazy sky folk! Hopefully, we can work on a solution for the rest of the Wasp Queens as well," Helaina said as she took one of my hands, and I nodded to her.

The truth was that I had forgotten about Helaina\'s Virus, and that would be something that I would have to take care of. I didn\'t want her trying to go rogue on me before I could bring her into the system, but I was also worried about what might happen if I tried.

"Since we are waiting on Shiva, I think that now is the best time to do this. Since I don\'t know what will happen when you leave this mountain, I am going to have to do something to put you to sleep and keep you there. I need to get you to somewhere I can properly scan you down, but we can\'t take the chance of you running off. I am sorry it has to be like this, but I am not sure what else to do to keep you safe," I explained to Helaina, but she nodded in agreement.

"I was sure that you would have to do something like this, and I don\'t want to lose control. That is the thing that scares me the most right now," Helaina said as we turned to each other.

I smiled at Helaina and then leaned in to give her a kiss that she returned. This was a brave woman, and I didn\'t want to lose her, so when we pulled apart, I closed my eyes.

While I didn\'t have full access to the system, I could still do certain things, and I had an increase in power thanks to all the fights I had been in. I became bodies and floated in a golden space while I used my mind to browse through the many different concepts to work with.

Through my collection of Genes, I had gained access to many different skills and abilities that I could use to create things. I started collecting the skills I would need and began constructing the case in my mind but also in front of me.

I heard the girls both gasp as I began to use Nectargy to create a golden transparent coffin. There was nothing overly special about it other than being nearly indestructible, and it produced a frequency that forced a person to enter a sleeping state.

I opened my eyes, and there was an open golden coffin, just like the one I had created in my mind. This was a handy skill; I hope I can teach Gamble this when I get back.

"You are just full of surprises, aren\'t you?" Sakura asked while shaking her head at me.

I just shrugged.

"They don\'t call me Queen for nothing. This is just a small part of my abilities; just wait till you see the mechanized armor suits we have. Like wearing a Meccat!" I said with a chuckle, but the comment made Sakura lift an eyebrow at me.

"I am listening. I have always wanted to wear my defeated foes as armor!" Sakura said while making a fist with her right paw.

"I will tell you about them later. Right now, Shiva is coming over here, and she is shifting back into her transport form. We need to lift that on her, and then Helaina needs to get in," I said and then turned to Helaina, who nodded at me with a determined look.

"Yes, I am ready, but that looked pretty heavy," Helaina said as she looked at the coffin uneasily, but Sakura was already lifting one end of the case.

"Come over here, and back up to me, and we will load this bad boy up!" Sakura order as Shiva compiled.

The backup siren was all that was missing, but it was a great idea. I went over and helped Sakura push it on, and we were done fast.

"See, easy! Work smart, not hard!" Sakura said with a laugh as I rolled my eyes and then turned back to Helaina.

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