
Chapter 239 Don't I Get A Choice?

"That is understandable, I have only just come into this power, but it has been in my body since I was born," I explained as I slowly let go of Sakura and then got off of her so we could both sit up.

"Do you think that you could answer some of my questions now, and this one; what are you? A God? Something More? Because you could have killed me, and none can do that; believe me, they have tried," Sakura said as she got into a comfortable cross-legged pose, and I nodded as I did the same.

"Sure, I will start with what you just asked. I don\'t know what I am, but I am not from here; anything else I say to you will just confuse you," I said, and Sakura raised an eyebrow at me.

"I guess so, but then that means you are one of the heroes, but I still have never heard of any ones like you," Sakura said to me, and I gave her a closed eye smile as I thought back to my conversation with B2.

"Something like that, but I am trying to find a way out, and I would like you to join me. I have five wives, seven if you count the other two that I have not got a confirmation for yet. My tail is back on my ship with all my unborn children, but I also have to wait to use them to seed my wife\'s eggs. The last question was about my snake, and this is Hexi, but I think she is in a hibernation state of some kind right now," I explained, and Sakura just stared at me blankly.

"Seven wives? And what? You think that I will be your eighth one?!" Sakura asked indignantly, and I leaned into her as she did, making her face start to darken with red again.

"Maybe, I haven\'t decided yet. Can I touch your soft-looking ears and tails first before I decide?" I asked, reaching up towards Sakura\'s long ears, but she pulled back and stood up defensively.

"Wait! Don\'t I get a say in this?! Who said I wanted to be your wife!" Sakura yelled as she shook her finger at me.

I put my palm to my forehead in the act of forgetfulness and tossed it to the side dramatically.

"Oh, that\'s right! How rude of me!" I said dramatically as I stood up as well. "But, I never said I had made my choice yet. I just wanted to feel you up first before I made my own choice, but feel free to make your own choice at any time."

"Huh? I can just decide for myself, and what if I say no?" Sakura asked, stepping back from me, still pointing her finger at me.

"Are you saying no?" I asked as I stepped forward for each one of her steps back.

"What? No, I didn\'t say that, but," Sakura started to say, but then I closed the distance in the blink of an eye, and my nose was almost touching hers.

I heard Sakura\'s breath catch in her throat as I took her into my arms. I really didn\'t like this part, but I would mean every word of it, unfortunately.

​ "If you do decide to say no, then you will have to join my Hive regardless, or I have to kill you," I said plainly, and it was the truth.

If this creature was placed here by one of the gods, I would be almost declaring war with Rai Cait and the Meccat. The only way this would work is if I took Sakura into my Queen\'s System so I could control her.

"Oh… I guess that makes sense, but then why are you here? You didn\'t have to come here, right? You are here to see Rai Cait, not me. So, why did you come here?" Sakura asked nervously as I held her in my arms.

"Since you are stronger than Rai Cait, I thought that if I came and dealt with you first, I wouldn\'t need to mess around fighting the rest of them," I explained.

"So that means that you came in here intending to kill me, right?" Sakura asked, but it looked like she thought she knew the answer already.

"No. You are the one that attacked me, and I only defended myself. I wanted to talk like we are now so I could come to an understanding with you. I don\'t want to hurt someone as beautiful as you, but I need Rai Cait and the Meccat\'s help," I said, and Sakura looked surprised.

"What could someone like you need from a God? He couldn\'t come close to defeating me, and then he could only seal me away, but you could easily kill me. There is no way that you need his power," Sakura said, and I nodded my head.

"Yes, you are right, and I don\'t need his power, but I do need his people. I am only here because I was attacked by the Sky Folk, and I was transported here to a safe location, but my people are still with them. Along with my ship, my wives, and my unborn children," I said, and Sakura got a disgusted look on her face.

"You might have trouble convincing Rai Cait and the higher up Meccat to go against the Sky Folk. They all pretend to hate the Sky Folk, but they have a secret pact with them," Sakura told me, and that surprised me.

"What? How do you know this?" I asked in confusion for the first time in our conversation.

"I guess you wouldn\'t know this if you aren\'t from around here, but there used to be as many Ninetails as there were Meccat. We lived on one side of the mountain, and they on the other, but they constantly attacked us to try and take the land from us, but we were much stronger. That was until we were suddenly attacked by an armada of Sky Folk and had bombs drop on us until there was nothing left," Sakura told me, and the pink fire from her ear and tail tips intensified.

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