
Chapter 232 Contact Reestablished

Pixie and I kissed before she Left through the Honey Gate to go join her builder crew. Many Hex-Combs needed to be constructed for residential now that we were all allowed back inside.

Raine was already starting to produce more SugaBee Workers, and they would need places to stay. There were also other people that were already pregnant, and we would also need more manufacturing areas.

I walked forward, the seal of the Honey Gate passing over me like a cool line as I passed through it. I stepped into the central Manufacturing Hex-Comb, and walked to my office, where I could already hear the demon Otter rummaging!

"What are you looking for?" I asked before I even got in the room, as all of me had decided that she was for sure trying to dig through my work, but I was wrong.

I stepped into the room, and she was digging through her own stack of papers on one of the two tables I had provided her. At least I hadn\'t accused her of anything, and it became a unanimous decision to slow down and stop jumping to conclusions until I found hard evidence of… What?

"For the Track Slider blueprints, I brought with me. I know that I put them somewhere," Jess said to me absently, not paying attention.

"I need to talk to one of the Queen\'s guards that is away from the ship right now. Do you mind if I have some privacy?" I asked, all of me on edge with this, but more than half decided that it needed to be tested.

"Yes, sure. I am just here to learn from you. Let me know when you want me to come back, but I want you to start being more talkative when I do. I didn\'t come here to be Brand\'s spy; he told me about you and asked me to learn from you. I wasn\'t sure about it, but after glancing at your work, and I am sorry for that, but you are a genius, and I would like to pick your brain on how you can do so much," Jess said as she walked by, and brushed against me; leaving the room.

I sighed but was already tapping the screen on my arm and setting scans to find the men. Tag and Sig were easy to find, and I found everyone but Will with them, and I sent a ping to Sig.

"Is that really you?" Sig asked.

"The same one that introduced Tag to Miasma. How are things going with you all? I can see that you are moving through the mountains, but I can\'t get a clear view of you," I called, and Tag answered back right away.

"We are putzing around the mountain with this box on wheels. It\'s going to take a week to get there!" Tag complained, and I smiled, walking over to the table.

I started to rummage through my papers until I found what I was looking for. I had been working on the engine, but I hadn\'t figured a way out to actually build it yet, but Sig could make it work.

I scanned the papers with my eyes and then set the paper back down. One of the most valuable skills that I had was scanning and then transferring my documents into the ship\'s system.

I now sent the document to Sig, and I heard him swear and then a bunch of people yelling in the background.

"Dammit, Sig! I am the driver around here! Don\'t just slam on the breaks when we are driving under a cliff upside down!" Tag yelled in the mic.

"Can it! I am fixing the putzing!" Sig said, and then Tag let out a whoop, and everyone in the background screamed. "Not that fast, you foul!"

"We will stick to wherever we drive, so all I have to do is not crash, right?" Tag asked, and I shook my head.

"What is your plan? And where is Will?" I asked.

"Will went to go find the Miscreant, but we don\'t know where that is. The plan is to infiltrate the goblins and then thin out the control that the Tellarider has on them, and then we will assault them. Granthus is working on the way to pin the Geo-Sect away so it can\'t escape. Then we will force the Tellarider out from the Geo-Sect, and hopefully kill it. The problem is that not even John knows what the thing is going to be like," Sig explained.

I was browsing through the files as Sig told me this, but I also couldn\'t find anything on the Tellariders. If the creature hid, there was a good chance that I was weak, and they shouldn\'t have too many problems dealing with it once it was out in the open.

"Good, I will look for Will, but the plan sounds good. I will continue searching for new information about the Tellarider. Do you still have the Queen\'s Blessing?" I asked, feeling a bit hesitant, but Tag answered right away.

"Yup, she is still alive somewhere, but we have no idea where that is," Tag explained, and I nodded to myself.

That was enough, and I was still sending out massive planet-wide burst scans that only targeted her, but she was still not showing up. I held faith that everything was going well with her.

"Thank you all for doing this; the Queen is sure to reward you all very generously when she gets back," I said to them all, but Sig laughed.

"You know that we don\'t need any reward; we just want the Queen back. Find her Gamble, and we will deal with this; don\'t worry," Sig said, but I rolled my eyes.

"Don\'t say things like that! Now, something bad is for sure to happen!" I said into the mic, but the men just laughed at me, and then I ended the connection with them.

That was all good news, but now I needed to set scans to find Will, but I could do that with Jess in the room.

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