
Chapter 197 Anti-Gravity-Diamond

We started to move forward because going back wasn\'t really an option; we needed to get down to Pendra. Whatever this monster was, there was no way that it could take on the four of us, so I was fine to give the boys a chance to stretch their legs.

"Make sure that you are being careful, Serria and I can both heal you, but we shouldn\'t be relying on the BeeBliss Serum. We still have a ways to go and know that this thing has called out; there might be more things coming," I explained over the mic.

"Yes, Queen. I will take it head-on, shooting it with Sig, and then we will engage and take it down," Tag explained as he carried Sig in his massive cannon form.

Sig had shifted into a hexagonal barreled cannon with alternating lines of green and silver running down each side of the barrel. The handle and trigger were held on the top like a machine gun, but it looked more like the single-shot type.

"Alright, I am trusting you boys, get this done fast so we can move on, but we can\'t heal dead," I told them, and that was the moment that we came in range.

I saw the long shape appear on my mini-map, and it looked almost sixty feet long, but I could tell how tall it was yet. That wasn\'t a problem because as soon we came around the corner, I got my first view of the massive creature.

[Name]: Ancient Behemoth

[Class]: Gravity Magus


[Anti-Magic Field]: Magic cannot be used within 50ft of an Ancient Behemoth.

[Magic Nullification]: Immune to Magic.

[Physical Resistance]: Resistant to Physical Damage.

[Demi]: Target a point and creatures within 20ft of that point that Gravity Damage.

[Gene]: Nullification.

This is fine, nothing to see here; this thing was about the same as me, but older, and very likely a lot wiser. It was too late to take back the plan, and I just had to have faith that Tag and Sig actually had a plan.

The creature looked like a giant devil horned, humped back bear with purple fur. There was a purple light that was starting to form at the end of the Behemoth\'s horns.

Tag started firing shots as he got close, and the shots broke through the Anti-Magic Field without any problem. Three shots slammed into the beast and knocked its head back, canceling out whatever it was preparing.

I filed that bit of information away; there was a clear difference in Magic and the energy that was produced by each Class if it was specified as Magic. That could be helpful in the future when fighting or defending against enemies.

The creature started to charge Tag as he fired more; the energy was hitting the creature, but it wasn\'t having that much effect on it. Then Tag tossed Sig into the air to fly over the top of the Behemoth and then crashed into the creature.

Tag got the creature in a headlock, but he was having trouble holding it, and I found myself inching forward, wanting to help. It wasn\'t needed yet; Sig flashed and transformed back into himself, holding two daggers that he used to slam into the back of the Ancient Behemoth.

Sig\'s momentum carried him down the back of the creature, and blood sprayed into the air in a wide arc. That caused the monster to lose control, and Tag was smashed into the wall, but the moment Tag hit, a burst of red energy exploded from him.

All the cracks on Tags armor burned with red light, and steam poured from him as he started to get bigger and more Draconic. Tag\'s head started to change into the face of a dragon with razor-sharp teeth as the Ancient Behemoth kept trying to smash him into the wall.

Suddenly, Tag snapped his mouth open and then bit down on the monster\'s head, causing it to scream a bellowing cry, but then it ceased. Tag had just crunched down harder, and that must have severed its spine. All vitals from the monster were gone from my sensors.

"See? It was a bit of a rough start, but we got the job done!" Tag said after his head shrank back down, along with the rest of him.

"I am impressed; I guess that you have become more of a Tank now, and you can withstand taking damage a lot better," I said, but then Tag winced, grabbing his side.

"Yeah, pretty tough, but that thing was no joke. If I didn\'t have the Queen\'s Blessing that you gave me, I would have been a goner," Tag said as he started to walk back to Serria and me.

Serria ran up to him, and the paws of her NekoBee started to light up green, and Tag was surrounded by the light. As Serria did that, I noticed that Sig was over… What was he doing?

I floated over to find Sig using his knife to hack out a section of the Ancient Behemoth. Sig turned to me, covered in blood, giving me an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, but these creatures have a special digestive system that creates Gravity stones of different qualities like the Levi-Stones. Other Behemoths produce them, but they can never produce the Anti-Gravity-Diamond; they only come from the Ancient Behemoth\'s," Sig explained before he crawled inside of the beast.

I waited for him to come back out, but a sizable pink organ sac was tossed out first, and then Sig followed. The sac was lumpy, but I waited for Sig to wipe himself off before asking any more questions.

I wasn\'t sure what we would use the stones for yet, but if it was anything like the ability that allowed me to fly, then we would no longer be constricted to where we could build. If we could keep things in place and floating while we moved at any speed, these would become invaluable, but I was curious about the Anti-Gravity-Diamond.

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