
Chapter 107 A What Dragon?

As the three of us went down the lift, I couldn\'t help but get excited about the prospect of dragons. Mythical creatures that I had only seen in shows and read in books, and now I was going to see one in real life!

"So, what do we need to do?" I asked, trying not to sound over-eager, but at the same time not really sure why I was holding my excitement back.

"You just have to warm them up with your body heat; just put them between your Chest Eggs. They will warm-up, and then it should only take about five to ten minutes. You just need to be careful when you are talking them out because there are Cold-Stones in there to keep the eggs cold," Rixie explained as the two of us walked to the storage wall where I kept valuable things.

Miku had gone over to my bed and was now crawling onto it. Figures, but that was fine; I was sure that she had no idea what Rixie was talking about and was just waiting for the end result.

"So I can just warm them up in my Jiggle Joggers? That sounds like I\'ll be cutting holes in glass with my nip tips!" I said with a laugh as I pushed on a section of the wall, and it slid open.

"We will help you warm them up a bit in our hands, but it is important for us to be out of sight and you holding the eggs… nevermind, you have four arms, you will figure it out," Rixie said with a smile as I closed the wall back up.

"Yes, I am excited to pet their smooth bodies!" I said as we walked over.

"Smooth? Only true Dragons have the tough scaled hides, and there is no way they will breed with another lesser species. Eight hundred years ago, another Traveler like you showed up and gained the ability to change himself into another monster. He was killed by the dragons after they found out that he had impersonated a True Dragon," Rixie explained as we crawled onto the bed.

That sent alarm bells off in my head thinking about the boys and Tag now being part Dragon.

"What about Tag then? You must have seen when he evolved, and now that he is part Dragon, right? Will we get in trouble for that?" I asked.

"No, Tag is only part dragon, so he is not a True Dragon. There are three main breeds of dragons, but there are others. Cat Dragons are the smallest variety, then there are the Bird Dragons, and you do not want to deal with them. The last is the only race the True Dragons accept and allow in their domain, the Draginius, Horse Dragons," Rixie explained, and once she was finished, I handed her the tube.

"That is really good to hear, but that is a lot of dragons to worry about. Dragonius, though, I think I would like to have a word with that race. I don\'t even care what they can do to help us; I just want to see and ride a dragon-horse! And I will be back for those damn Nightmares! Shaggy Loin Cloth hasn\'t heard the last of me!" I declared, but both girls laughed at me, and then Miku spoke up.

"You think the Nightmare are proud? You want to ride a Draginius? The imperial right hand to the True Dragon Lords? You want to ride them? I think there are places that could have you killed just for suggesting it," Miku said jokingly at first but ended off in a more serious tone.

"Really? They are that big of a deal? I mean, where I was before coming here, horses were viewed a lot differently. I will have to start learning more about the races, so I don\'t make these mistakes out in front of important people," I said with a sigh.

"You are learning, but it wouldn\'t hurt you to be a bit more conscious of the world around you. I can advise you on certain races if we go to visit them, but you will have to find a guild for the Sky races," Rixie told me.

"Wait, then how do you know so much about Dragons then? Aren\'t they a Sky race?" I asked in confusion as Rixie slowly opened the golden tube.

"You would think that, but the Sky Kraken Lords forced them out of the Oceana Realm. Every fall, there is a great war in the Oceana Realm called the Swarm War, and the True Dragon refused to help, saying that it was not their concern. Since then, All dragon kind have been locked under the ever-changing Realm Divide," Rixie explained as she slowly tipped the tube while still holding the cap at the end.

I watched as a small glowing blue stone rolled out of the tube and into the cap, and then Rixie tipped the tube back and then motioned to me, and I put my hand out. I cupped my lower hands together, and then she angled the tube, and a small grey cold egg rolled into my hand.

It was only a bit bigger than an average size egg, but the lines that were etched around it like rings made it kind of look like a rock. The rocks were so cold that I had to keep moving them gently in my hands, or I was scared of it giving me frostbite.

I looked over, and the girls were warming up their eggs, but both looked like they wanted to give me them. I used my top hands to press my Chest-cubators together and then placed the first egg to rest in between them.

After taking the other two still freezing eggs from the girls, they got off the bed.

"We will leave you now with them, but we will bring some meat back right away for you to feed them," Rixie said, but Miku had already left, and within a couple seconds, she was back.

"Here is a bowl of meat, but now we are going to see how Pixie is doing with the pump," Miku said, and then the two of them disappeared into a shadow.

I was left alone with my three rocks and a smelly bowl of meat, but I think I just felt a disturbance in the Breast Force!

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