
Chapter 46 - 46. Country Of Waves

The Land of Waves was a nation located on an island near the Land of Fire. It did not have a hidden village, thus relying on seeking assistance from other hidden villages like Konohagakure.

The Land of Waves has many rivers running through it and was famous for its mangroves, which were filled with all kinds of lifeforms. Though an isolated island, relying on shipping for commerce and trade, it was prosperous. ​​

Shiroken read all this information while on the boat, as they crossed the sea.

"WOAAAH! There is so much water here." Haku exclaimed excitedly at the edge of the boat.

"Hm? Did you never see the sea before? You live on an island nation." Shiroken asked him.

"Uh-uh, mum and daddy never brought me to see the sea. I read about it in a book. Are there many fish in there?" Haku said, looking at the deep blue water with his wide shining eyes. This was the innocence of a child, and Shiroken was glad he was able to save it before that innocence was lost permanently.

"Of course, want to eat one?" Shisui asked with a smile.

"Hmm... will it hurt the fish?" Haku wondered.

Shiroken sat beside him, "Yes, but you can make it painless. This world has a hierarchy structure, it\'s called the food chain, or you can call it the food pyramid. It tells you that the strong eat the weak.

"What do cats eat?"

"MICE!" Haku answered.

"And what will happen if the cat stops eating the mice?" He asked further.

"Umm... Mice will live happily?" Haku deduced, not really sure if his answer was right.

Shiroken didn\'t know if he should be happy about such innocence or worried. He ruffled his hair, "Of course, but they won\'t let us humans be happy."

"Hmm? Why?" Haku inquired. Even Shisui was listening with focus. Zabuza though was sitting alone on the other corner of the boat.

"Because if the cats stop eating rats, the rat population will increase too much. And when that happens, rats start eating away at whatever they can find, spoiling livestock, grains and other food. This in return caused disease, a big scary disease.

"This happened once back in my village, but thankfully nobody died from it.

"So, in nature, everyone has a role to fulfil, everyone is born to do something. So you eating the fish is completely normal, because even that fish eats the smaller fishes or shrimps." Shiroken explained to him.

But Shiroken added something, "However, I am strictly against those who kill wildlife carelessly, for fun and not to consume. Taking away a life should never be seen as a fun activity, because, what\'s stopping... let\'s say a beast to appear and kill you too because he felt it was fun?"

Haku nodded multiple times and looked down, "Umm... so I can eat it?"

"Haha... yes, sure you can. Let\'s eat some grilled fish with the dumplings I brought." Shiroken used his mysterious powers and melted a kunai into a suspended grill. He would provide the fire with his own hands.

"Shisui, catch a good fish," Shiroken ordered while he prepared some spices.

"Hey, Zabuza, come here and help, or you can say goodbye to this tasty food," Shiroken shouted at the self-absorbed ex-ninja for hire.

Zabuza looked at him and grunted. He wanted to deny it but he knew that he would still be forced. So he went ahead.

"I told you to go with Haku to Dama country, why did you decide to come with us?" Shiroken inquired him as he heated up the dumplings in freshwater steam.

"I have a contract there," Zabuza replied in as few words as possible.

"But you had given up that job, right? Your aim was to change the Kirigakure\'s administration and it\'s done." Shiroken argued.

Zabuza nodded in agreement. "I took this contract before meeting you. I must complete it, as I don\'t like breaking contracts."


"WAAAA! Brother Shisui, that\'s a big fish." Haku exclaimed loudly.

Shisui had indeed caught a big fish, about a quarter of the size of the boat. Shiroken chuckled wryly "Well, I guess we will be having a lot of fish now. Good job, Shisui, your senses are getting better. NOW! Gather around."


They slowly, but fast by the world\'s average speed, reached the Wave country in less than a day. They had to waste some time as they could not find a way through the mangroves that surrounded the shores of the country.

Soon, they got frustrated and ditched the boat itself, and started running on foot.

"Let\'s head to the capital city, someone must have seen Utakata before around there. I will also keep my senses sharp. Haku, make Zabuza your horsey." He instructed them.

Zabuza reluctantly gave Haku a piggyback so they could run faster. He was inclined to follow them as he was told to come to the capital too by the employer.

Meanwhile, Shiroken talked to his sword, "Tenken, does Wave Country not have a Daimyo?"

"HM? How would I know? No Daimyo existed when I was still roaming around." Tenken said.

Of course, just like how shinobi were in their warring clan\'s phase, these human clans must have been too. In the end, one of them came on top in each region and became Daimyo.

After running for a few hours, they finally arrived at the developed village. It was unknown how many lived there, but the village looked decently maintained.

"Let\'s find out who runs this place and talk to him. There has to be one central figure who runs the country." Shiroken decided.

"I will go and talk to my employer," Zabuza notified and dashed away to do his own thing.

When Shiroken arrived at the village, he saw a few people hurriedly walking in a direction. He asked what happened.

"T-There... There is going to be an execution," they shouted. Shiroken knew that from his senses, he wanted to ask why but people ran away.

Shiroken, Haku and Shisui looked at each other\'s faces, well, not Shisui but he did act like that.

The trio also hastened to see what was happening there. But as they got closer they saw about a thousand people gathered around a small round metal mesh wall. Inside the wall was a man, crucified.

Beside that man stood two swordsmen and a man in a suit and small black goggles and he spoke up, "LISTEN UP! This man here has defied the Gato corporation, he has disturbed the order of this land.

"His punishment is EXECUTION! Let this be an example so no one will ever dare stand in our way." The man in the suit shouted at the people.

"FATHER!" A boy from the crowd cried while the people around him stayed mute, watching the show.

"Big brother, shouldn\'t we help them?" Haku asked.

Shiroken nodded, "Of course we should. But, you should only help people who want to help themselves. Look at everyone here, there are about a thousand people, even if they pick up their utensils and fight they can win. But, they don\'t."

But, he could not let that man die for no reason, at least not before he heard what the man had done so wrong against this Gato corporation. If it was something really heinous, he\'d do the deed himself. And if he was innocent, he\'d win the friendship of the people and they\'d openly tell him about Utakata.

So, he moved close to the mesh wall and shouted with his hand raised, "I OBJECT!"

Gato was shocked that someone had the gall to speak against him. He turned around to see. "WHO WAS IT? COME FORWARD!"

Shiroken annoyedly replied, "You fat sack of meat, can\'t you see, I am already in front."

Gato looked at Shiroken\'s tall, domineering form. ~Never seen him before, huh, that sword looks nice.~

"BOY! Do not test me. I will forgive you if you give me your sword as payment. Or I will punish you the same." Gato greedily demanded.

Shiroken was taken aback, ~The audacity of this man.~

~Hehe, he\'s dead.~ Tenken chuckled silently.

Shiroken took out the shining sword from its scabbard, "Sure, I will bring it to you."

As if cutting butter with a hot knife, Shiroken walked forward and cut the mesh metal wall, making a clear path for himself. This should have been enough of a clue to Gato that he messed up. But greed blinds people.

"Here, take this." Shiroken proceeded to hand him the sword.

Gato happily extended his hand to take it.



"OOPS! The sword slipped." Shiroken, with the straightest face possible, muttered.

Next, only a scream was heard, as now a detached hand lay on the ground, and a man rolled on the ground in pain in his own pool of blood. This was Gato\'s nightmare just starting.



[You can see Country of Waves, Gato and the kid on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 30(23 currently) advance chapters at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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