
Chapter 109:

Chapter 109:

[Everybody’s wild about Harry Potter]

[Will Evans’s latest literary blockbuster, has been nominated for the fifth position in the New York Times’s best sellers, for this week. “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” follow the exploits of an orphan delivered on his aunt’s and uncle’s doorstep and forced to sleep in a closet until his 11th birthday.

On that glorious day, Harry is rescued from a life of ill-treatment at the hands of his odious relations by an invitation from wizard Albus Dumbledore to attend The Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, delivered personally by a giant named Hagrid, who rides a flying motorcycle.

Not only that, but Harry quickly finds out that the people of the wizardry clique (usually invisible to plain muggles like you and I) consider him a modern-day hero because as an infant he was marked for death by the evil wizard known most commonly as You-Know-Who (they don’t even like to say his name!) and yet he survived with little evidence of the attack other than a lightning bolt scar on his forehead.

The book is a richly written masterpiece that brings together childish naivete, drama, mystery and magic in a beautiful orchestra of events.

Like his own character, Will Evans’ life has the luster of a fairy tale. Orphaned and made to sell scripts to movie agencies like the MCA, while struggling to build a name for himself in Hollywood, he began writing “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” as yet another attempt at greatness, this time in the literary world. Using his accredited fame Will garnered, from the motion picture productions, namely [The Blaire Witch Project] and [Sherlock Holmes], Will Evans has once again unraveled another facet to the mystery behind the talent shown by the genius artist.

Having already sold more than twenty-thousand copies, on the first day when it hit the shelves in the UK, and by now it has sold over 1.5 million copies worldwide. The e-book market, being organized by Warden books, is being overwhelmed, with just as many digital copies that distribution companies like Oranzon, had to set up separate servers to host the gargantuan number of requests.

“Harry Potter” is already in the race for nominations for awards the British Book Awards, Children’s Book of the Year and The Smarties Prize. Rave reviews have appeared on both sides of the Atlantic, and book rights have been sold in England, France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Greece, Finland, Denmark, Spain and Sweden.

A second book, “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,” has already been teased by Warden Books, and only time will tell what else is in for the future of the brightest new star, coming out of Hollywood.

-FNN, World’s largest news network]

A man walking down the streets of Hollywood boulevard read, on his phone. He was wearing plain black T-shirt, on a Black leather jacket. His hair was covered by a cap, with the symbol of a lightning bolt etched on it, and most of his face was covered by the Polaroid aviator sunglasses that he was wearing. This man was none other than Will Evans himself, who had taken it upon himself to take a stroll through Hollywood Boulevard and the surrounding areas, where he was just exiting a bookstore after taking account of the number of children, young adults, and teens, who were reading the first few editions of the “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone”.

He could listen to the audio being played on the giant television screen where a famous Monday Morning TV show, was showing a discussion about the topic, as he was walking across the theatre on the Hollywood Boulevard.

“I am telling you, Larry, this is just another stunt from a new person in Hollywood, trying to build an image of an author, playing to the mindset of people that he’s a talented artist. But he’s not, he’s just a fluke show, that’s grasping for attention at this stage. I mean, sure he did great in his previous films, [The Blaire Witch Project] and [Sherlock Holmes] were fantastic, I admit that. But, his actions after both the films, opening his own talent agency and production house? That shows that he’s not taking the risks into consideration, and is riding on the coattails of his success. This book is also the exact same thing, he’s milking his success for everything it is worth.” Harold McTavers, the co-anchor of the show had commented, and Will couldn’t keep the amusement from forming a smile on his face. While he admitted, that to a normal person, moving so fast, especially in Hollywood, Will was anything but normal. The only thing Will wanted was to get the movies and artistic masterpieces of his old world, out into this one. The money was a welcome side effect.

“Harry, if you’re saying that, then you haven’t read the book at all. My daughter practically squealed in delight when she finished reading it and she’s twelve. She hasn’t squealed in ages, not even for her doll collection or the Tiara that I got her for her last birthday. Will Evans is a talented artist, one of the most talented people to come out of Hollywood. I mean come on, there are rumors of The British mounting another expedition to the states to, quote on quote, ‘Extract one of their own!\'” Larrison Worthington, the show’s other co-host continued.

And what the anchor said, that was true. Well, not in exactly the same words. But there were talks of inviting Will, to speak at Cambridge University, in regards to proper story writing. Will though was amused by the reactions. They had justified him being British due to his mother’s British heritage.

Smiling to himself Will continued his walk down the beautiful Star-Studded walkway, past the bookstore and the Giant Television set, whistling Hedwig’s theme merrily as he slowly made his way back home.


Dream Vision Studios, Los Angeles, California

The CEO of MCA, Mathew Collins had sent, Jacob Woodsworth, the Agent representing Reagan Norris, to negotiate the deal between the Dream Vision and MCA, in order for Reagan Norris to work as the lead actor for [500 days of Summer].

Jacob was seated opposite Jeffery Houlston, the lead cinematographer of Dream Vision and Carson Duckstein, the director of [500 days of Summer]. They were just about to finalize the deal for Dream Vision to secure the position of Reagan Norris as the lead actor.

“My client really liked the script sent by your company and is looking forward to working with you, please send my compliments to Mr. Evans for yet another fantastically written script, I am a fan of his writing. And give congratulations from MCA, for the success that he’s achieved along with our help, we really liked the new book that he’s authored. I think we can establish a longstanding relationship among our companies, The MCA is ready to send Reagan as the allocated artist for this movie at 3 million USD.” Jacob tried to sweet-talk his way into the negotiations, while subtly exaggerating MCA’s role in Will Evan’s colossal success.

Jeffery knew what he was trying to do, and was pointedly ignoring the sweet nothings that Jacob was trying to sell them. Though he did admit, that 3 million USD was a good deal for an actor like Reagan. But he still negotiated for less, “We are ready to part with 2.5 million USD, as the payment for hiring your client for our film, and we will also include a promise for including more Actors from MCA for projects that we undertake in the future.”

“Yeah, based on his acting In previous films and the talents at MCA, we can make some really good movies.” Carson chimed in.

“That is an acceptable rate, but there needs to be an extra clause in the deal, it is non-negotiable.” Jacob looked like he was hesitant to mention further, so Jeffery motioned him to continue. “MCA wants ten percent of the box office share for [500 days of summer].”

That was an outrageous demand from the MCA, and the rage that erupted on Jeffery’s and Carlson’s faces must have been palpable for Jacob hastily added “That was a demand set by our CEO, Mathew Collins for this movie, he would like to establish a more friendly partnership through this deal, by using that as an apology for past transgressions from Dream Vision’s side.” Even Jacob had trailed off at the end of his statement, his voice coming out in a bare whisper.

The incredulity must have shown on Jeffery’s face and his next words summarized his feelings aptly.


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