
Chapter 163 Two Questions

Hearing his words, everyone was confused and nervous. They weren’t sure if they could even answer his questions. But, they didn’t want to give up that easily.

Elders were also curious about the questions. All of them stared at Brian as he started using his true essence to write the questions in red letters.

[Q.1- In the future, I give you a quest. I choose two people to go and scout our enemies. While returning, one of them got caught by the enemies. You have two choices. Stay and fight till you die or abandon your partner to escape and reveal all the information you learned to me! What would you do?]

[Q.2-  In the future, you saw one of your comrades killing another of your comrade who was previously captured by your enemies. What would you do in this situation? Kill your comrade to avenge your other comrade or capture him?]

After writing his questions, he turned around and took out a small watch that he made for himself. It was practically similar to the normal wrist analog watch.

“Your two minutes, begin NOW!”

With his words, everyone began to ponder over the questions. They knew they didn’t have much time but his questions were tricky. They weren’t sure whether being righteous is what Brian wants or not.

Even Elders were complicated. They didn’t know what kind of answer he wants. Of course, they would’ve known if they had thought about it for a long time.

At this moment, a few disciples started writing their choices while others were still pondering. The time was slipping away from their hands.

After two minutes passed, Brian shouted.

“Stop and raise your paper!”

At this moment, not everyone raised their papers. Only two hundred people raised their hands.

“Stand up and walk forward!”

Those two hundred stood up and walked forward. While they were walking, Brian kept his eyes on others. He had also asked the elders to do so. He didn’t want them to mix up after all.

So, once they came closer, he walked between them along with the elders and forced others who followed his instruction late to leave. Others also left. They didn’t even need to know whether they were right or not because they had already failed.

After that, he moved in front of the remaining two hundred and spoke.

“Alright, now write your name on the top of the paper and put it on this table.”

Everyone followed his instruction and wrote their name. After they finished doing so, Brian nodded and spoke.

“Alright, I will give you the unwire right now. Since you have already submitted it, you can’t change the answer. So, if you are wrong, then you should leave even if it is a single answer.”

“Remember one thing clearly! Even if only ten of you pass, I will take only ten but even if all of you pass, I will do everything to convince the Saint to take all of you even if I have to create another legion.”

Hearing his words, their nervousness soared. Even Elders were surprised by his commitment. After all, taking ten people as a legion would be foolish. And, convincing the saint to create another legion for him would be extremely risky.

The saint can be convinced but the saint will definitely make his task harder. Now, they were very curious about the answers.

“Let’s start with question number one. This is something that would happen in the future and I am just letting you know what you should do. That’s why I made it into a question.”

“Because if you have another opinion, you are welcome not to join my legion. And, the answer to this question is…… Stay and fight till you die.”

When he said that, many of their heartbeats skipped. Nearly a hundred of them clenched their fists in frustration. One answer wrong means they failed. So, it was really hard to digest.

A hundred of them clenched their fists and turned around.

“Would you not like to hear why?” Brian asked.

Hearing his question, a hundred of them stopped on their track.

“The upcoming battle is simply a war. You must kill your enemies. So, you must be prepared to put your life on the line. Once I take the responsibility, I will make sure that you don’t die.”

“Of course, I can’t make it happen but if it is something against extremely powerful enemies, I will definitely fight to keep you alive. And, I will be doing this because I want most of us to make it out alive or…. Die together.”

“If you stay with your friend, there is a slight chance that you two might be able to escape together. And, if you give to send the signal, we can come for help. Remember when you take a life, you are scum.”

“But if you were the reason behind your friends’ death, you are worse than scum. I am willing to be scum but I won’t be someone worse than scum.”

Hearing his words, everyone felt a bit ridiculous. In this world, betraying even your own family was a common occurrence. Many of them have betrayed someone close to them to get here.

And, Brian was calling all of worse than scum. They didn’t know how to feel. Anger? Guilt? They had no idea.

Brian wasn’t doing this for fun. He wasn’t exactly doing this for the legion either. He found the mentality of these people was completely messed up so he was trying to change them.

In his world, words can become deadly weapons. So, he was using them proficiently against his enemies.

They can’t argue with him. Because they knew what they did was morally wrong. They knew it wasn’t something a person should do. And, that’s why nobody wants to admit it.

Those hundreds turned around and left. After they left, Brian spoke.

“Alright, now let’s talk about the second question. It is rather easy. Capture him. It’s not that I like people betraying me. I had clearly stated this through my first question.”

“The reason behind it was quite simple. As I said in the question, if  your comrade has been captured by your enemy, there would be eighty person chance that the enemy has manipulated your comrade into killing your other comrade.”

“That is why I want you to capture them. You have to understand one thing. Killing someone doesn’t mean revenge. This is something I learned recently. So, I can’t give many lectures to you about this.”

“But, hear me out! If you kill your enemy, would you truly feel satisfied? I mean I brutally injured that young man who harm my benefactors. But, my anger didn’t fade away.”

“Of course, it didn’t fade away until the Saints of Wu Family announced their new rules. Yes, exactly at that moment, I felt like I truly took my revenge. Do you know why?”

“Let me ask you something. Just how many enemies he has made?”

When he asked that question, the disciples looked at each other with confusion. How were they supposed to know that?

On the other hand, elders and some disciples instantly understood his words.

“Commander Brian!” Suddenly, one of the disciples raised his hand and spoke.

“Yes?” Brian looked at him with surprise. He didn’t think there would be someone who would actually know how many enemies that young man made.

But, this disciple had something else to say.

“Commander Brian, are you sure that making your enemy regret is the ultimate way of revenge?”

When Brian heard his question, he was stunned. Slowly, a smile appeared on his face as he nodded.

“Yep! That’s exactly what I find out. Let’s move back to the previous question. I don’t know how many enemies he has, but we do know that he has a lot.”

“I can say that so confidently because his reasoning to injure my benefactors was dumb. Yes, he was just a brain-dead idiot. If you want to know how much, then three of Long Tian would be equal to him in terms of idiocy.”

“So, now that he has lost all of his privileges, he is currently living his life with fear. The constant fear of someone attacking him out of nowhere. Because till then, his enemies were restricted by his status but now that he doesn’t have that, he will be done for.”

“Of course, I didn’t mean to make our enemies like the other races regret. I mean we truly can’t do that unless we do something extremely out of the box. So, for those kinds of enemies, we do have to kill them.”

“That’s why even if you capture the murderer, he would live his life in guilt for killing his friend. That would be enough of a punishment for him. Of course, if he had truly betrayed his friend, then his punishment would be severe.”

“Now that is out of the way, those who wrote the wrong answer, please leave!”

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