
400 Chapter 399

After giving that warning, Leon left the palace. In the end, nothing happened after Japan and Australia were the only countries that were inhabited by humans. Fortunately, Yuki received survivors all over the world... they just had to obey her rules. Before leaving, Leon asked for a map that has the locations of all dungeons active on Earth. Although all of them spawned powerful monsters, the number was close to one hundred, and there were still two hundred dungeons that were still active since the start of the third stage of assimilation.

"There is no liches\' dungeon... I guess that bastard is already sucking the mana of too many planets and decide to forget Earth. Still... why didn\'t he try to teleport me yet? Is he waiting for me to run out of mana?"

That was a very troublesome question that Leon probably would never get out of his head. Anyway, at least not everything was bad news or doubts. The dungeons that Amanda\'s group and Gisela\'s group used to leave the planet were still active. So, Leon could always find their trail... a very cold trail since three hundred years passed since they left Earth.

"I guess I will leave the zombie snake behind... there is also a chance that the shadow bastard isn\'t trying to mess with me because of this monster. I will confirm that once I leave Earth again..."

Leon obviously would start looking for Amanda and Maya first, so he returned to America and went to the hippogryphs dungeon.


Health: 15000/15000

Mana: 20000/20000

Stamina: 16000/16000

Strength: 2452

Dexterity: 2652

Speed: 3212

Active Skills: Fly Lv 480, Tornado Lv 435, Wind Creation Lv 455, Steel Wings Lv 420, War Cry Lv 410, Iron Claws Lv 415

Passive Skills: Wind Resistance Lv 440, Wind Absorption Lv 430, Fire Resistance Lv 360, Ice Resistance Lv 380, Gravity Resistance Lv 310, Darkness Resistance Lv 400

"They look kind of cool... I think it would be pretty nice fly on the back of one."

Hippogryphs were like Leon imagined, and many games and books portrayed them, they were essentially four-legged eagles. Since Leon would have to deal with them anyways inside the dungeon, he decided to drain their mana and make mithril. Leon didn\'t use the mithril box he created earlier, but more mithril wouldn\'t disturb him in any way.

Although dealing with them was easy using Plasma Arrows, Leon saved some mana same using Thunder Ray... it wasn\'t that surprising that flying enemies were weak against electric attacks.

"I just hope they aren\'t moving from one world to the other..."

Leon forgot to ask, but since there wasn\'t any mention on Japan\'s archives, the chances that the dungeons spawned boss were quite low. Maybe there was some other change when Earth reached the fourth stage of assimilation, but Ryoko and the others working with her didn\'t notice. Regardless, Leon was also a bit curious as to why Amanda and Hector decided to go to the Hippogryphs world, flying enemies were quite troublesome, after all. Even if humans got stronger and could jump dozens of meters, the Hippogryphs mobility was annoying.

"Well, since the people of Japan reached a point where everyone could use Mana Armor, and they could produce enough steel to surround the entire country, there is a chance that the people of Las Vegas reached a decent point in terms of offensive magic powers."

Congratulations! The skill Thunder Ray has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Magic Craftsmanship has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Magic Blacksmith has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.


After Leon completed another small box of mithril, he finally found the purple crystal of the dungeon. He didn\'t notice anything different until now, so he hesitated a little bit in touching the crystal.

"Well, here goes nothing."

Leon touched the crystal and immediately saw himself at the top of a vast mountain. Although he wanted to analyze the new environment, Leon didn\'t have the chance because several hippogryphs were already flying toward him. It seemed that like ordinary eagles, they also liked to leave in tall places.

Congratulations! The skill Plasma Arrow has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Leon shot several Plasma Arrows, and one-shot kill the monsters, even though those creatures had some mana pool, he couldn\'t risk himself against so many.

"This won\'t help me for the time being, but I guess I should learn Tornado before I forget it."

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Tornado.

Cost: 20 mana per second

You obtained 01 status points.

While Leon was surveilling the area, he observed how the hippogryphs used that spell. It was pretty simple, and Leon already knew the basics since he knew Sandstorm. Regardless, Leon was in a pretty warm region of the world. Although the mountains didn\'t have much vegetation, the areas between them were completely green. Even with his Sharp Eyes, Leon couldn\'t see the end of the mountainous region.

"Well, it is a different world in a different part of the universe... so it wouldn\'t be weird if I find mountains everywhere. Anyway, I\'m not here to analyze the geography of this world."

It would difficult and time-consuming, but Leon was aware that he couldn\'t move using only Transfer. He would end up drawing the attention of the hippogryphs, and he would waste too much time if he fights every minute. Besides, Leon wouldn\'t be able to find traces of humans unless he stays close to the ground.

"This will be a long journey... I might as well make good use of every second while I look for them."

Leon got powerful even without using his offensive skills for months, but it was time to resume his practice. Although he couldn\'t let the bastards cause problems for him again, Leon couldn\'t live in fear forever.

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