
Chapter 562

Before Kyon had time to realize what had happened, suddenly something cold, like a dead man and small, like the hand of a fetus, stuck into his lower abdomen.

It turned out that this creature was in the spiritual world, and it intended to penetrate the young man through the most vulnerable place! Low tried to move away, but the empress suddenly grabbed him by the neck. An icy blood energy similar to that used by the rah general, but much denser invaded his body. But because of the way it got into the body-through the pores, the strength of its impact was low.

 Nevertheless, it was enough to stiffen the body and keys. Even the right hand didn\'t move! Obviously, it wasn\'t because of its strength, but because the blood flowing through his veins belonged to only the noble phaser at the finishing stage. After a few seconds, Kyon caught his breath: he felt this "something" begin to make its way inside his soul__ His whole being froze, as if he had eaten a ton of concentrated mint - menthol. He was overwhelmed by an unexpectedly powerful wave of despondency and indifference. Everything ceased to have any meaning: life, death, joy and even pain.

 Low managed to return himself to a normal state with Synergy, but it will not last for a long time It is vital to urgently get rid of  this entity! The attempt to influence it with Synergy tamed out to be a failure: the creature sucked up the essence of the universe like a black hole. It remains only to try to absorb it with the core of the Void! But it didn\'t work out_ However, this attempt seemed to attract the attention of the creature. It curiously crawled to the core and grabbed it with its little icy hands.

 Kyon felt his foundation shake. The darkness and light in the core, as well as all the souls enclosed in it, trembled with horror, as if fearing that they could all be destroyed at any moment. Meanwhile, Lanatelle untied her braids, and her long silver hair streamed like a waterfall over the smooth back With a slight movement of her hand, the woman laid the young man on the floor and, covering his face with a fragrant palm, pressed him to the floor, depriving him of a view__ [What was she up tom -Low tried to understand, gritting his teeth. With all his desire he could not resist. The cursed blood energy is his vulnerability! However, he was comforted by the fact that the woman treated him much more gently than she could.

Suddenly, the young man felt that two soft buttocks smoothly descended on him, and then the cold gentle hands of the empress grabbed the cock_ Kyon, being in complete shock, felt his penis being directed somewhere_ The head of the penis pressed against something soft and warm, and with some effort, the tip, having torn something, penetrated into a tender, enveloping and amazingly pleasant narrow place_ This tight "something" slowly swallowed the penis centimeter by centimeter, as if it was going to eat it, while the soft warm buttocks of the woman lying on him gradually slid down.

 [Am L Being -Lovr guessed belatedly. Through the gap between the fingers, he saw the extraordinarily beautiful woman squinting her eyes, obviously in pain, trying to accommodate such a large reproductive organ. At the same time she still somehow managed to maintain a truly royal dignity and calmness. In any other situation, Kyon could even enjoy what was happening, but not today.

The vile creature swarming inside deprived him of all emotions and desires, and also threatened to destroy the core of the Void_ But most of all he was worried about the tragedy that happened to Valeera. Her heart hasn\'t been beating for a minute! How can he think of anything but his wife?! Meanwhile, the penis smoothly penetrated into the deepest corner of the imperial treasury, and the guy suddenly felt a burning incomparable aura penetrating into his soul through the soul of the woman_ He felt the same aura during sex with Kara, but her purity was infinitely lower.

Where did the empress get it from?! The disgusting \'something\' suddenly lost interest in the core of the Void and headed towards of the incomparable burning aura. It behaved like a child carried away by a beautiful light. Having flown to the most vulnerable place in the soul, the creature suddenly changed its host_ [ She deliberately lured - Kyon realized. The empress\'s face twisted in pain. She stood up abruptly and staggered out of the room. It seems that the woman is trying to suppress and pacify this "something" in her soul, and if she fails then Rosarrio will need a new emperor.

 But at the moment Kyon had other things to preoccupy him. He immediately ran up to Valeera and, using Synergy and other elements, tried to make her heartbeat. However, nothing worked. No matter how hard he tried, the girl didn\'t want to come alive. [Please, Valeera! Please don\'t die! Live! Live for me!1- nervously biting his lip, he tried to resuscitate Weber, but to no avail. It seemed that something vital had been torn out of her soul a certain core, because of which she had been holding on all this time - the belief that her beloved one was alive. Kyon involuntarily remembered her last letter: t You gave me an unforgettable life that I never dared to dream of. You and only you showed me what true female happiness is. But the higher you fly, the more painful it is to fall Now I am left alone with nothing, alone with the inner demons eating me.

 I\'m so sad and lonely. I seem to be going crazy. I can not go on! Please tell me, beloved Kyon, is the Black Queen worthy to see her Black King just one more time? . Valeera, of course you are worthy! Your Black King is here! Ell be with you, just don\'t die, please! Don\'t go away!. - Lovr pleaded hoarsely, not abandoning desperate attempts to resuscitate her He was crying at the thought of what the girl had been through. Valeera sincerely repented of what she had done. All her immense love for already belonged to Kyon, and he just had to come and take it! But he didn\'t come Weber\'s heart was breaking because of the separation Every night she was in sobs. The girl with all her heart begged her beloved one to return to her, but he never appeared Their last parting lasted forever, and there will never be a reunion again.

The soul of the martyr separated from the body, marking the end of her life path. .No-o-o-oo… Valee… Ra -Kyon, with tears in his eyes, looked in disbelief at the pale face of his dead wife, and it seemed to him that he saw her soul, that he was catching the sad look of her wet eyes, that he felt all the despair and longing for her beloved one, whom he would never see again. The exhausted soul will go to the afterlife, full of regrets. Low had never experienced such intense grief before.

He didn\'t really get attached to anyone at all. However, Valeera He did too much for her: saved her many times, risking himself; helped her eliminate competitors and build the megaclan; spent 8 unforgettable months with her, full of aching tenderness and violent passion, and everything will end like this? .NOB-Kyon yelled deafeningly. The soul, already headed for the bowels of the earth, was suddenly pulled and absorbed by the core of the Void.

won\'t let you die because you are my woman.. - he vowed resolutely. As long as her soul is in his core of the Void, and the body win be hidden in the ring, where time hardly passes, them is a chance to revive her.

Kyon was about to place Valeera’s body in the ring, when suddenly a voice sounded in his head, so deafening and heartfelt, as if the universe was communicating with hint

DTI you really intend to save the girl, then its better not to put her body in the ring. Having lost its frequency, it will never reunite with the soul again I Low froze, discouraged. Did the goddess condescend to communicate with him? Should he believe her words? He definitely should!

He also found out through experiments that, having been in the astral for only two seconds (two in the layer between the worlds), you can lose the frequency of vibrations of your body, due to which the soul will lose contact with it, and everything is over. This means that if he places Valeera’s body in the ring, it will lose its vibrational frequency, and it will never be possible to connect it with the soot .

Then what should I do? Please guide me!. Dairy, my services are priceless. I\'m afraid you can\'t afford therm.] 411 make it worth your while! Sooner or later I will pay!.-Kyon hastily replied. Every second counted, because Valeera’s body was being destroyed due to the fact that her soul was no longer connected to the material world. Once he almost died from it, but he was saved thanks to Juno.

{.You won\'t be able to pay off my interest for eternity. However, today is your lucky day. You have something valuable _.1 .If this is not related to my freedom, health and talent, then I am ready to give it away!. - Lovr believed that a deal with the goddess was no better than a deal with the devil If she asks for any of the, he will refuse and find a way to revive his wife himself. [.No. The payment will concern you only indirectly, and this loss will not upset you much. I won\'t say what or who it is about You should guess..}-the goddess said mysteriously. Her gentle ephemeral voice for some reason chilled him to the bone.

[Damn it why can\'t she say it directly?!1- Kyon thought about what the celestial might be interested in and had a hunch Losing it really won\'t upset him very much. Gritting his teeth, he agreed.

As soon as the last words were spoken, Valeera’s body was rapidly overgrown with a thick layer of green crystal - a huge pure flawless nephrite! After the death of the practitioner, the universe erases all the matter created by him during his life: water, air, earth and even charged particles (the element of ether).

However, this does not apply to formations enclosed in nephrites - an ideal trap for energy. The energy can be stored inside the nephrite for eternity, even if it is in a spatial ring. Kyon immediately figured out what to do and placed Valeera’s body in the ring. Now the frequency of her body vibrations will not be erased by the cruel laws reigning in the dimension between  material and spiritual worlds.

 Low has just won lime - a lot of time! Since Weber\'s soul is in the core of the Void, there is no point in worrying about it If he dies, she dies too. But he needs to be careful with the spatial ring, because if it collapses, then the nephrite and the girls body enclosed in it will be destroyed forever. :Mow can I revive her?. - Kyon asked more calmly. [.You must not only learn how to extract the absorbed souls, but also fulfill at least three conditions. First: take The Child of the Void" from Kyon was taken aback by what he heard: rite Child of the Void"? So that\'s what it\'s - KI need more information! Please tell me the details!.

“The Child of the Void" is a creature that has become an integral part of the girl She will not come to life without her, just like a person without a heart. I will tell you how to take \'The Child of the Void" from Lanatelle only when she is in your complete power. Until this condition is met, you can forget about the other two. However, my disciple will kill you before you fulfill it. - at this icy threat, the goddess\'s speech began to subside, as if she was moving away, which clearly indicated that the conversation was over.

Kyon froze in the deepest confusion. He thought about what he heard over and over One thing is clear: it will be incredibly difficult to fulfill all three conditions. He didn\'t even think about whether it was worth it. He was worried about saving his wife. Lanatelle cruelly tortured and killed Valeera. It is difficult to describe in words how much Low hated the empress. Nevertheless, now his mind was crystal clear, and a grandiose plan to turn everything in his favor was born in his head.

Kyon, using the element of water placed a few drops of Lanatell’s blood, which she shed after losing her virginity, into the ampoule, and immediately went down..

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