
Chapter 549

Chapter 549

The loud voice of the young man proudly introducing himself echoed throughout the hall.         

«Dick… Baker…» – Valkyrie repeated in disbelief and, covering her mouth with her palm, giggled melodiously. Her charming laugh was a feast for the eyes and ears.     

«I know, I know, you are delighted with my name… Many girls like it…»     

«It\'s terrible!» – Torres instantly interrupted him.     

«Terribly beautiful… I know, I know… Thank you for the compliment.» – Kyon nodded calmly.     

{Gosh, how impenetrable is he?!} – probably everyone present thought.     

«It\'s not a c… Oh, okay, never mind. So you\'re from the Baker family?» – the girl rubbed her chin thoughtfully. – «I don\'t know what they stuffed you with, but it won\'t help you.»     

«We\'re having a duel here, not a small talk. Attack, come on!» – Lovr demanded.     

«I don\'t need you when it comes to what I should do!» – Valkyrie snorted coldly and began to wiggle with her hands. With her movements, she created dozens of air blades every second and sent them in all directions, after that they rushed towards the enemy, attacking him from all directions. Each such blade could easily cut off the limb of the royal phaser at the peaking stage, or, for example, leave a millimeter cut on Stein\'s body.     

Kyon crossed his arms and spread his legs shoulder-width apart, like an indestructible rock.     


The blades of the wind shattered unsuccessfully against the body of Lovr, leaving only barely noticeable red marks on it. The carbon skin faultlessly coped with its task, as well as the enchantment of the soul for strength. If it had only an advanced level, the blades would leave cuts, which means they would turn him into mincemeat in a minute, no matter how skillfully he dodged.     

{Is she a wind master?} – Kyon wondered, analyzing the power of air attacks.     

«Oh goddess, doesn\'t Baker really get damaged?!» … «What is his body made of?!» … «The strength of his body is only comparable to his conceit!» – the audience did not have enough words to describe their amazement. He hasn\'t done anything yet, but his duel with Valkyrie already looks more worthy than the duels with Stein and Elsa combined!     

«As you can see, my body is like an impenetrable crust of millennial buns. However, if you want to undress me so much, then I will take it as a call to action…» – Kyon winked playfully.     

Valkyrie reacted to his words in such a way as if she had been doused with cold water, and when his thick belly fell out of a shirt torn by air blades, a sickening lump rolled up to the girl\'s throat. If she continues to attack like this, her eyes will be tarnished!     

The audience was immensely grateful to Torres when she stopped making passes with her hands.     

However, they all worried in vain. Kyon bought extra strong underpants for a reason.     

Meanwhile, Felix thoughtfully furrowed his thick white eyebrows and shared his guesses with the disciple: {«The young man, as you have already understood, is not as simple as it seems at first glance… He cultivates a unique physical type body of a quality never seen before!»}     

{«I see, master… But why didn\'t my lightnings affect him?»}     

Indulging in nostalgia for the glorious past and looking somewhere into the distance, the archmaster said: {«Once upon a time, when I was a child, I heard a legend from my mentor…»}     

{«With all due respect, I don\'t have time to listen to long stories right now!»}     

{«Sorry-sorry… In general, the master told the legend of how he met a mighty giant who cultivated the unique body of a "Titan" in himself. It granted its owner unprecedented power and strength of the physical body, as well as resistance to all heavenly laws, including lightning. I\'m pretty sure Dick is cultivating it! Ah, I have so many questions, so many questions… Where, how, why… Anyway, this young man is very mysterious. Be careful with him.»}     

Torres rolled her eyes. Why should she beware of the stinking fat fly? Unless she should be afraid of getting her hands dirty by touching him… The girl did not want to switch to close combat with Baker at all, because then his "wonderful" face would constantly loom right before her eyes. It is necessary to somehow defeat the fat man with remote attacks. Any other option is not acceptable.     

Having made a decision, Valkyrie stamped her foot, as if crushing bugs on the floor.     

Kyon\'s eyes flashed and he jumped up to 3 meters.         


A stream of energy burst out right under his feet.     

Now Kyon has dodged, but sooner or later he will have to land… Given the girl\'s luck, coupled with his own bad luck, as soon as the foot touches the floor, there is no doubt that it will take another hit…     

{And how can I outwit her total luck?} – Lovr wondered. The main problem is that he has no way to feel the energy moving underground, and therefore predict the place where the strike will take place. It is possible to spend tons of Synergy in order to scan the super-dense rock of the floor, but this is an inefficient expenditure of it… Or he can give the body under the control of Synergy in order to prevent the curse from reading his maneuvers… However, even so, sooner or later he will become available for attack, and this will cause a lot of damage.     

And then a simple and elegant solution to the problem came to Kyon\'s head!     

A huge ladle appeared out of nowhere in the hands of the fat man. He stuck it into the floor and jumped on it, not forgetting to take the pretentious pose of a great wise master meditating on a mountain peak.     


A wave of energy tore the ladle into a thousand pieces and even slightly threw the fat man sitting on it… But he did not lose his head and stuck a gigantic fork into the floor… And then a kitchen knife and even a saucepan…     

~BOOF~ ~BOOF~ ~BOOF~     

Small pieces of dishes scattered around the arena, and with them the common sense of all people watching the destruction of Baker\'s cutlery broke down…     

«What\'s going on?» … «Is he really using tableware in the fight for the title of direct disciple of the empress? And is it helping him?!» … «This is not what I expected from the duel between Lady Valkyrie and Dick… Not that at all…»     

The overcast mood finally left Elsa because of such an absurd sight, and she smiled broadly.     

Felix laughed out loud. He had never seen anything like it in his life. Just kitchen utensils, but used in such an important duel! And successfully! Whoever this Baker was, but the archmaster involuntarily respected him for his creativity.     

Meanwhile, Valkyrie\'s face visibly tensed, and her foot stomping on the ground became more and more nervous. The girl was infuriated by the fact that the fat guy never touched the floor. He makes her look like a complete fool! Torres is not used to the fact that she does not succeed. Why didn\'t her tricks work on him?     

«Stop destroying my dinnerware, bitch!» – Kyon yelled indignantly.     

«Well, sooner or later you\'ll run out of it…» – Torres grinned maliciously.     

As the next support, the young man took out an indecently large spoon, which would fit even a giant in size.     


When this huge cutlery was also shattered into pieces, bitter tears sprang from the fat man\'s eyes: «Ah, my favorite spoon! How dare you?!»     

«I\'m so-o sorry for your loss!» – Valkyrie sang gloatingly.     


«My saucepan… My precious saucepan! What blasphemy! Do you have any pity at all?!»     

«You don\'t deserve any pity!» – Torres exclaimed.     


«My dear plate… Y-y-you… I will never forgive you!» – Kyon wailed mournfully.         

«Poor thing, cry to mommy… Oh, you don\'t have her!» – the lady grinned derisively.     

By this point, many people could no longer hold back their chuckles. Elsa was one of them. She saw through Kyon\'s trick and couldn\'t stop laughing at how skillfully he was joking with the scoundrel. Clementine and Seraphima also had treacherous smiles bursting out.     

Valkyrie\'s patience was coming to an end. Even the color of her eyes seemed to have changed to a richer red: «Why are you carrying so many damn dishes with you? Are you a cook?! Will you ever run out of it?!»     

But the girl could not even think that the fat man\'s kitchen arsenal would never end, because Lovr created it with the element of the earth. He could use the Scourge as a support, but why not force the opponent to expend as much energy as possible? And tickle her nerves at the same time. It will be easier to fight against a heated opponent. That\'s what he thought, because he didn\'t know that Valkyrie was an exception.     

The secret of Kyon\'s trick was first revealed by Elsa, and only then its essence was revealed to the archmaster. The bracelet, faking the sound of the vibrations of the elements, complicated everything. But Valkyrie made even more confusion herself. Her technique also includes the element of the earth, against the background of which the element of the earth of the guy is quieter than a mosquito squeaking.     

When Felix found out everything, he decided not to tell his disciple anything. She should guess for herself. It will be a useful lesson for her to be attentive.     

In fact, Valkyrie has long suspected something is wrong, and it\'s not even about the number of dishes she destroyed, but about Dick\'s emotions: they seem to be fake. He seems to be grieving from the bottom of his heart, so much so that no actor in the world can play better, but the girl\'s soul did not feel all these emotions, and her mockery also did not bear any fruit.     

{He\'s… He\'s kidding me!} – Torres finally realized. Her beautiful eyes widened. This seemingly stupid, brainless idiot is not who he seems at first glance! The trickster joked with her for a whole minute! The girl was left out in the cold for the first time in her life, and this feeling is far from pleasant…     

{You will pay for this… Oh, you\'ll pay!} – a chill was born in Valkyrie\'s eyes. Until recently, she had planned to fight Baker from a distance, but now she changed her mind, because with every fiber of her soul she longed to beat him half to death with her own hands.     

When the girl rushed into battle, the laughter and smiles of all the spectators instantly disappeared.     

Kyon landed on his feet and prepared to meet his sister with all seriousness.     

At a monstrous speed, Valkyrie went around the opponent and attacked him with her fist in the ribs, and this clearly indicated that she was not going to finish with Baker so simply.     

When suddenly the shadow of a huge… burgundy sword… fell on the girl! The lady couldn\'t believe her eyes. The speed of the blow did not correspond to the noble phaser at the finishing stage in any way, but the suffocating grave aura that arose at the moment when the sword was covered with a black film was even more frightening.     

The girl showed caution and quickly somersaulted back, but a black blade escaped from the weapon. It was shrouded in hundreds of tar-colored fireflies. It was flying straight at her, as if it was going to cut her in half.     

{I won\'t dodge!} – Valkyrie realized and tried to destroy the sinister blade with her hands, but, of course, not with her bare hands. Gloves appeared on her palms. They were created from crystalline rock, shimmering in the light like precious stones, and matching the color of the girl\'s eyes. The exact same crystals were inlaid into the jewelry she wore before she changed into her combat uniform.     

Torres called this rock "spiritual gem". She made it up, and she was immensely proud of it. Although the gem is inferior in strength to the most outstanding rocks in this regard, it has one amazing feature: it completely absorbs any elemental energy, including pure energy, like pyrobloin. Swords, arrows, axes or even poleaxes – all this is unlikely to scratch the "spiritual gem", because the physical impact of attacks by these weapons is insignificant. The real weakness of this rock is heavy weapons. However, even Stein\'s hammer, weighing half a ton, would be ineffective, because half the power of any of his blows is, again, in pure energy, which is useless.     

Valkyrie clamped the black blade between her palms, but, to the amazement of the beauty, the "spiritual gem" did not absorb the technique, but on the contrary, crumbled under its pressure, which caused the corrosive darkness to come into contact with the delicate skin of her palms…     

The girl\'s elegant face winced in pain, after which her palms were enveloped in golden light, which saved the lady from further damage, after which she scraped another 5 meters on the ground, and only then the blade finally dissipated.     

Half a thousand spectators watched in disbelief as Valkyrie was damaged for the first time since her appearance in the palace. Master Felix also lost his composure. He couldn\'t even remember the last time the disciple had even been scratched.     

But all the witnesses of the fight were also shocked by something else: Dick demonstrated the 5th element, like his opponent! Great event: two heavenly geniuses are fighting each other!     

Seraphima and Clementine jumped up from their seats. Most of all, they were not even worried about the fact that Baker was a heavenly genius, but the very fact that he used "The Cursed Cut" – a technique available only to practitioners who cultivate one of the most powerful unique bodies of the dark ones – "archdevil".     

Moreover, judging by the black fireflies hovering near "The Cursed Cut", he developed the body of "archdevil" to a stage comparable to the legendary representatives of the dark ones. The twins had heard that only Rider – the emperor of the dark ones – had the ability to cultivate the body of "archdevil" to such an extent that fireflies hovered around.     

In addition, recently this strange fat guy used "The Holy Cut"! So does he have two unique bodies? How can two complete opposites be united in one person and not conflict at the same time? How can he successfully develop both of these unique bodies at once?!     

For Clementine, Dick has just turned from a "malicious pest" into a "mysterious creature". Of course, the use of "The Holy Cut" took away his "sympathy" points, but the veil of mystery multiplied the total score by 100 times.     

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