
Chapter 476

Chapter 476

The Demon Empire. The Palace of the supreme succubi, demons of lust and fornication.

A girl came out of the training hall, she was immediately met by an irresistibly attractive woman with a majestic look.

«Ts-ts-ts, that won’t do. Even the skin of an infernal is unable to withstand the passion of my niece! How about training naked?» – the big-breasted winged demoness said to her young companion with a seductive smile.

«It is not appropriate for a future empress to dance naked in the cellars of the castle.» – princess Kara Tristan coldly objected, without slowing down. Patches of maroon skin of some beast smoldered and smoked on the beautiful incarnation of the phoenix. They hardly concealed the sultry body of the charming person. Now any man would have lost his composure from this amazing sight.

«We are close relatives, we must trust each other! Your cold attitude hurts my sinful heart…» – the matriarch of the great demon family said with resentment.

«I trust you, auntie Giselle Ruru, but I’m already fed up with your cold snake Astarte! What if she records my workout to blackmail me later? I don’t know what she’s up to this time… You will earn yourself a couple of points in my eyes if you put her on a chain.» – Kara looked expressively at the succubus. Her crystal clear crimson phoenix eyes could set a soul on fire.

«Astarte knows about our agreement and will never break it. In important matters she is serious, but in everything else… You know that yourself. Think of her antics as the fun of a bad girl, and then she will quickly lose interest in you.»

«Easy to say…»

«Oh, I see you’ve become even stronger? Your progress is incredibly rapid! After all, you are the most gifted demon in the last thousand years. This was to be expected from the first princess who awakened the body of “The Divine Phoenix”!»

«Thanks for the resources provided, aunt. Without them, I would not have been able to develop so quickly.» – Kara bowed respectfully to the matriarch. Despite her arrogant disposition, over the past year, the girl has learned to respect those who deserve it.

«Come on… It’s okay to help out relatives in a difficult moment.»

«And thank you so much for helping me raise my child… I don’t know what I would have done without you, Giselle Ruru.» – with even more respect and gratitude in her voice, the princess bowed to the woman even lower.

«I’m glad to help my runaway niece… By the way!» – suddenly the succubus happily clapped her hands. – «The coming-of-age ceremony will be soon!»

Kara knew that lust demons have a coming-of-age ceremony every 5 years: succubi from 15 to 19 years hunt their first man, after that they officially enter adulthood. The future authority of the girl depends on the quality of the prey, and since coming empty-handed is tantamount to shame, desperate demonesses often hunt for months or until they are killed by representatives of hostile peoples.

«I’ve never understood how you can look for a man by smell… To give some stranger your innocence and use him, or even get pregnant from him… Br-r-r.»

Giselle smiled knowingly and instructively explained: «My birdie, do not judge all succubi by your standards. You should know that we cannot have men in our family. In an equal relationship like a traditional marriage, if girls are born, then only half of them will be succubi. With this approach, we would have died out long ago. We have to use men to be more likely to give birth to a succubus and continue our lineage. We do not feel moral anguish about this, because these are our traditions from time immemorial. As for the use…» – the matriarch smiled mysteriously. – «This is the strength of our lineage. Therefore, we, Ruru, take the third rank among the great families of the demonic empire.»

«I understand everything… We all carry our curse.» – Kara agreed.

«How about taking part in choosing the hunting zone?»

The princess’s thin eyebrows rose at the sudden suggestion.

An hour later, 11 women and 2 girls gathered at a large round table: 10 Ruru elders, the matriarch, her daughter and the princess. All those present were distinguished by a strikingly attractive appearance, the beauty of which went beyond any limits of common sense. Kara Tristan and Astarte Ruru stood out in particular. The picturesque wings of the latter resembled a work of art. Her horns curved back spectacularly. A long thin tail with a heart at the tip stretched from the tailbone. The succubus wore such clothes in which any self-respecting woman would never go out: a leather bra with a cutout that barely restrains the massive bust falling out of it, also opening up a view of a thin tummy with aesthetically pleasing abs; sexy underwear and high boots-stockings to the very thighs; on graceful hands – mittens almost to the elbow, a bracelet on the biceps, a necklace on the neck, earrings in the ears, and hairpins in thick maroon hair falling to the shoulders – all the jewelry is clearly from one set. Everything was in maroon tones to match the color of the wings, which perfectly combined with light reddish delicate skin and transformed the already seductive demoness into an insidious goddess of lust and debauchery, a mistress that any man can dream of.

«Mother, explain to this silly girl why we are gathered here!» – Astarte asked with a disarming smile, pointing at herself with a finger with a long nail.

«Today we will choose the area for the coming of age ceremony.»

«How unexpected…» – the succubus said in a deliberately calm tone. – «But tell me, what does a fiery chick do at such an important event?» – she turned her golden gaze to the princess.

«If you call me that again, I’ll burn your tail.» – Kara warned unkindly, incinerating her “beloved friend” with fiery crimson eyes.

«Oh, I’m sorry, my tongue is so agile that I don’t have time to watch it…» – she stuck out a long tongue with a pointed tip, like an arrowhead.

«I’ll burn your tongue too.» – the princess added in a menacing tone and created a bundle of crimson flame on her finger. The temperature in the room rose sharply by 10 degrees.

«Girls, stop swearing.» – Giselle intervened. – «The reason why princess Kara is present at the meeting is the choice of a hunting area.»

«What?!» – Astarte jumped up from her chair with a stunned look. – «Why do not I roll the dice, but she?! Am I not honored to choose the place for the ceremony?!»

The ten female elders were equally outraged: «Dear matriarch, are you serious now?!» … «Do you really want to entrust such a responsible choice to the demon who does not even bear the surname Ruru?!» … «Does anyone have the right to hold ancient dice, except for supreme succubi?! This is sacrilege!» … «Your daughter has been waiting for the opportunity to roll the dice for five years! She deserves it more than anyone else!»

Giselle calmly responded to all the reproaches: «Your indignation is fully justified, but the decision here is made by me. Do you want to know how it is justified? Well, everything is simple. What kind of luck do you think you need to have to awaken the body of “The Divine Phoenix”? Monstrous luck! If princess Kara rolls the dice, then I am sure that our young generation will have great prosperity. Especially you, my little Astra.»

The succubus gritted her teeth, but quickly realized that her mother was pursuing another goal, more important than previously announced: {You just want to establish a connection with the future empress of demons! Yes, you are calculating, but sometimes you make huge mistakes…}

«Since there are no more objections, let’s get started.» – Giselle took out a box, from which an ancient aura emanated, and opened it in front of the daughter of the current demon emperor.

Kara took 4 white dice made of bone, possibly even a dragon, in her palm. They seemed to have survived many eras. Strange symbols were carved on every face.

«Pour pure energy into the dice and drop them on the table.» – the matriarch asked.

Kara looked at the round table with the map of the planet depicted on it and rolled the dice. At first, they scattered chaotically on the table, but then the symbols on them shone with a crimson light. Some invisible force changed their location, as if the dice were magnetized.

«No… You’re kidding!» – seeing the result, Astarte slapped her forehead with her tail.

The elders sighed exasperatedly. The matriarch frowned.

«What’s the matter?» – Kara asked, puzzled.

The symbols on the faces looking up spoke of the date of the coming-of-age ceremony, and the point at which all 4 dice intersected would become the hunting zone. The dice should not be thrown more often than once every 5 years, so this choice is final.

«Rosarrio… The coming-of-age ceremony will take place in four months in Rosarrio, near the border.» – Giselle said dryly, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.

The elders whispered dejectedly. The dice have never chosen an empire below the 5th rank in the last 600 years. Today, it wasn’t Ruru who threw them, and they fell to the empire of the 6th rank! It turns out that their sisters will begin their growing up with weak men.

Astarte grabbed the horns and spat out with contempt: «The empire of the sixth rank, where only weaklings and incompetents live… Did you talk about this luck, Mother?! Agrh… My first vessel will be an extraordinary nonentity!»

«Rosarrio…» – Kara muttered, remembering her sworn enemy, her father, who lived there. Something told her that the dice had chosen Rosario for a reason…

(Author’s note. this is what Astarte looks like: https://ibb.co/MR2q5X1 )

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