
Chapter 461

Chapter 461

The twenty royal phasers at the beginning stage, under the command of Arpha, attacked with all their might the water barrier protecting “The Demon Huntress”.

Although Elsa resigned herself to her fate, and her frozen gaze did not reflect any emotions, the girl’s heart was bursting out of her chest with excitement. When the barrier breaks down, an inevitable, even cruel death awaits her… She will take several scumbags with her, and so what? Her life will end… Yurich’s daughter shuddered at the very thought of it.

With each passing second, the glow of the bracelet creating the barrier was weakening. When it became noticeably dimmer, the faces of the attacking people turned pale with fear, and when the glow almost completely went out, occasionally blinking, the head of the clan suddenly gave the order to some Ernie to attack, and to everyone else to hide behind cover…

As soon as the words left the girl’s mouth, these 19 people scattered with such zeal, as if deadly monsters were chasing them! The last remaining man, the oldest and weakest, wanted to fall to his knees and curse heartily… He’s going to die.

{Come on, come on! Come on!} – leaning on her good leg, Elsa tried to decide to remove the barrier herself, but her hand trembled… That’s it. It’s too late now. She will take only one senile bastard with her to the grave. The death of “The Demon Huntress” will be so ridiculous and pathetic that it’s even funny.

Suddenly a whistle was heard, signaling the approach of the security forces. Moreover, usually the tone of the whistle determines the strength of the approaching group. In this situation, the whistle turned out to be of a high tone, which indicates the impressive combat power of the group.

Ernie, already ready to die, was suddenly startled with hope, but, to his horror, realized that his last attack had completely destroyed the water barrier…


A dazzling white beam, as thick as a thousand-year-old oak, turned Ernie’s body to dust, leaving only shoes with feet. In an instant, the stream of light overcame half a kilometer, killed another person distracted by whistling, broke through the walls of several buildings, leaving a gaping hole of a perfect round shape, and flew into the sky, where it was lost.

The shot of “The Demon Huntress” was more like a spear thrown by a goddess who wanted to create a new bright star in the firmament.

Without hesitating for a second, Elsa created another energy field around herself, but she turned pretty pale, because she used the ability forcibly, ignoring the rollback, and then shot another blinding arrow, trying to delay the opponents for at least a second. Her actions were not in vain.

Valeera, after a moment’s hesitation, made a decision and gave her people the signal to retreat. She doubted that the subordinates would have time to kill the superhero resisting to the last, since the security forces were already close. And she wasn’t going to risk herself for some fool in a mask… It’s not worth it.

{What’s going on?} – Elsa didn’t immediately understand why the attackers were retreating. Only when she felt the approach of a group of strong people by scanning, she realized that the security forces had come! She is saved! The girl felt such relief that tears came to her eyes. She couldn’t believe they had come so quickly in response to her signal arrow!

{What a fool you are, Elsa… Lucky fool.} – Kyon thought, watching the wounded girl through the formation in the security officer’s hand. Just a little more, and she would be killed.

He failed to find out where and what trap Valeera was going to slam. She disappeared without saying a word, and it was impossible to get through to her, as well as to the superheroine. Obviously: it’s probably inconvenient to wear a sound transmitter in a thin leotard.

As a result, in order to increase the chance of saving his half-sister, Lovr sent 3 groups of security forces to different points of the city, at this time trying to find out where Elsa is, but he never succeeded. If she hadn’t fired the signal arrow, she would have died, and her headless body would have been found only the next day, or even later.

Late at night, Kyon met the head of the clan in her room at The Garden of Eden hotel. He frowned with displeasure, crossed his arms and sternly asked: «What does this mean?»

A few hours ago, at the headquarters, when Lovr expressed his disapproval of the attempt to kill “The Demon Hunress”, Valeera tried to convince Zosimos with all her might, showing her stubbornness to the fullest. And in the end, when she realized that the man was adamant, she activated invisibility and left somewhere! Besides, it was impossible to contact her. This behavior is unacceptable.

Valeera guiltily lowered her gaze, like a guilty little girl.

«I’m not happy with what you did, Valeera. By disappearing right in front of my face, and even in the middle of a serious conversation, you showed great disrespect to your partner and husband. If this happens again, I will have to leave.» – imperious notes sounded in the voice of Lovr. He has outlined his position, and he is not going to retreat from it. Hysteria is the lot of the weak.

Now he was playing his mature personality perfectly. However, if he were himself, and Valeera were his girlfriend (and wife), he would have acted about the same.

«I admit my guilt…» – Weber said plaintively with arched eyebrows and moist eyes. – «I didn’t think this case was worth your attention… I wanted to strengthen the clan’s authority…»

Kyon, keeping silent, continued to stare at the deep black eyes of the girl, shining as stars, and clear as mountain lakes.

«This won’t happen again… I swear! From now on, I will inform you about all my plans. I won’t be so stubborn, I promise, Zosimos.» – Valeera said sincerely, closing her eyelids. Her heart ached with guilt in front of a big and strong man. It was as if she saw her father in front of her, which caused her emotions to multiply a hundredfold.

Lovr’s gaze finally softened: «The answer is accepted. Tell me, what happened?»

«I lost five capable people without achieving the result…» – the girl began to tell the story in great detail, hiding nothing.

As she understood, the signal shot attracted the attention of the security forces, who saved the life of the archer… If the killer had acted more decisively, not sparing her subordinates; if she had ordered five people to break the barrier, not one; if she had simply poisoned the needles with some powerful poison, and not just impregnated them with darkness… However, she does not have such a powerful poison in her arsenal that will surely kill the royal phaser. Such poisons are sold only at underground auctions held once a year, and Weber has not yet been to them.

At a certain point, the lady wanted to minimize losses, which caused the failure of the operation. Moreover, five royal phasers at the beginning stage, very valuable subordinates, died, and the Black Boar gang also ceased to exist.

{Is she already the royal phaser at the third stage?!} – Kyon wondered. In three months, she received the 10th stage, transformed her soul, and also ascended to the 3rd stage! Monstrous speed.

After listening to his wife, Lovr said: «Everything is alright. The main thing is that you’re alive.»

Valeera looked at the man with tenderness and buried her face in his wide chest.

Kyon hugged the girl back, comfortingly stroking her head.

The head of the clan immediately felt better and calmer, and she even closed her eyes from appeasement. In the arms of Zosimos, Weber always felt safe, away from this cruel, ruthless world, just like in childhood with her beloved father.

Kyon pulled the beauty onto the bed, where they fell asleep in an embrace.

A week has passed.

As it turned out, “The Demon Huntress” recovered and continued her activities, even more active than before: somehow the girl almost every day found small and large organizations of the megaclan and destroyed them.

{What a fool?!} – Kyon lamented. Until recently, she was wounded and miraculously survived, and now she’s looking for a way to get her ass into trouble! Is she Leila number two, or what?! Does she have brains in her skull at all?! She looks like a smart girl! She seems to be a brilliant investigator, alchemist and forrmacist…

Lovr came to the conclusion that it is necessary to stop her, because she creates problems for him both with the 0th general, who sees her high productivity compared to the messenger of the goddess, and with Valeera, who does not want to put up with the established state of affairs.

The next morning (just on the 7th day) a letter came to Elsa in the order, after reading which, the girl experienced the whole range of negative emotions: from fear to anger… She took out the sound transmitter, called Dick and tried to make an appointment.

«So, a date?» – Kyon teased her.

«Nonsense! I have a boyfriend. I want to talk to you.» – Stone said coldly.

«I’m busy right now… And there’s a lot to do tomorrow…» – he drawled lazily.

«Please, it’s urgent!» – the girl asked with emphasis.

«Okay, so be it. Tonight I can spend half an hour with my elder sister.» – he said in such a tone, as if he was doing the interlocutor a great favor, besides with a vulgar subtext, not trivially hinting that he meant intimacy.

«I’m not in the mood for your idiotic jokes!» – Elsa hissed irritably.

The fact that the best genius of the family was called “elder sister” was hardly taken for a stupid joke. There are two reasons: they are both Stones and descendants of direct blood. If he were, for example, of the 4th rank and below, he would not get off with a light punishment.

«Okay, okay. But you will owe me a dessert of your own making!»

«What dessert?!»

«Some kind of cake. I love cookies too! After heavy brain activity, my blood sugar drops, I have to restore it somehow. But since you’re asking me out on a date, then cook something sweet.»

Elsa muttered something grumpily under her breath, then agreed: «Deal.»

At eight in the evening, a very ugly fat man and a dazzlingly beautiful girl were sitting at a table in the park opposite each other. The two outwardly differed so much that outside viewers felt like their brains were melting. Spending a year in a dark cave and going outside on a sunny day wouldn’t have blinded you like this.

After a brief greeting, Kyon tactlessly drawled: «So… Were you almost killed?»

«It’s none of your business!» – the blonde said and got down to business. – «Did you send me that letter?»

«What letter?»

«Just say yes or no!» – demanded Stone.

«When something is pulled out of me like this, especially in such a tone…»

«Wait!» – the blonde, pulling the fat man by the sleeve, sat him back down, and said politely. – «Dick, tell me, please, did you send me the letter?»

*stomach growling*

«Sorry, I’m so hungry… I’m not thinking straight at all…»

Elsa closed her eyes, trying to calm the seething rage. This Dick… He has a black belt in exasperation! The girl took out a basket of pies and immediately slapped the palm of the fat man who was reaching for food: «First tell me, did you or did you not send me the letter recently? Please…»

«No, I didn’t!» – Kyon replied resentfully.

As soon as Elsa heard the answer, she jumped up abruptly and shouted angrily: «You’re kidding me! Do you think I’m completely stupid?!»

Kyon barely managed to catch the falling basket: «What are you talking about?»

«You are the only one who knows the truth! And if that bitch somehow found out who was hiding behind the mask, she would have sent me my grandfather’s head instead of the letter!» – Elsa’s eyes shone with barely restrained rage. – «Dick, I am grateful for your concern, but do not dare to interfere in my affairs!» – the girl categorically declared, threatening with her fist, and walked away.

Kyon froze, discouraged: {How did she guess?!}

Lovr was really worried about his stepsister. He sent her the letter with a threat, allegedly from “The Dark Baron”, where he warned her that if she continued to act against the clan, the blood of her family members, that is, the Stones, would be shed.

However, the girl suspected something was wrong and eventually somehow realized (or convinced herself of this) that the sender was Dick! She probably thought that the young investigator, who is also a family member, began to worry about her when he found out that she was almost killed.

{But this does not explain her firm confidence in what she said…} – Kyon thought suspiciously. If he were in Elsa’s place, even 1% of doubts would have forced him to refuse further actions. And why is she even butting with the megaclan? Why is she looking for death?!

Lovr took a bite of the pie and commented with a bitter smile: «Mmm… My favorite… With mustard.»

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