
Chapter 141

Chapter 141

Kyon did another couple of experiments with his mind and confirmed the truth. He came up with several theories. One of them sounded like this: his soul acquired a chronic disease of being in love and restored the balance in his mind. If his consciousness didn’t feel love, his soul would change it, thereby restoring the order.

{Fuck, I must be wrong! How can I keep going on if love and hatred for the damned bitch will burn me from the inside? Moreover, Dinah wants me dead…}

Kyon had a few more theories, but all of them sounded weak. He recalled the books about love he had read in this world and thought of a strange clue.

In his world, love lasts a maximum of 5 years. “Love till death do us part” is often confused with affection. But in this world, according to his complete analysis of books about love, love is really till death.

{It’s impossible…}

Kyon came to a disappointing conclusion. When love reaches a certain point (it must be a very high point) or affects the mind for a long time, the soul and brain acquire a chronic love for the partner. Until the end of life. There is no way to cure it.

It must be the reason why Kara was so sure that Kyon would become her eternal slave… The keywords are “forever and ever.” But his analysis revealed a short term of the curse (just a couple of weeks). Could the princess be wrong? No, she knew that his love would enter the chronic phase for sure!

Kyon refused to believe this terrible information. Had his soul irreversibly changed its structure? Now there added his adoration for Dinah? Were passionate feelings an integral part of him now? Was he doomed to love the highest maid forever?

Kyon read about people who had become obsessed fanatics in love until the end of their days. Most likely, those who were unrequitedly in love suffered the most. For example, Yegorka loved Juno… But Kyon wasn’t so certain about the stupid blond boy. Perhaps his love did not reach the chronic stage. And what difference did it make if the boy had no balls in all senses?

{I hate my soul. It’s the only weakness that I cannot control with Synergy. Damn it… I must have everything under control!} – Kyon banged his fist on the floor, filled with a deep aversion to this world with its idiotic laws. He had never wanted to love Dinah but because of the curse, she captivated his heart forever. More than that, he was on the verge of madness. A single glance at the snow queen filled him with a frantic desire to pounce on her, take her into his embrace and never let her go.

{What if Kara also enters the chronic stage? Can a soul love two girls at once?!} – Kyon had a headache, he rubbed his temples. Why on earth were the self-confident beasts on his mind? At least, it less annoying than nine hours ago.

Kyon weighed the alternatives. Theoretically, if he erased his memories of Dinah, his chronic love would lose a pillar of strength. On the other hand, if you suffer from depression, changing a couple of memories won’t help you. It is already within you. And there will always be good reasons. Besides, there was a good chance that his chronic love (like Kara’s curse) would go to another person.

Kyon did not want to take risks for the sake of a small chance. It’s pure madness to play games with your brain. It can destroy you from within. There are numerous examples of poor sufferers who tried to forget their unrequited love but in the end either cut off their penises or hanged themselves or even flew off the handle to the state of a maniac giving other people thrills.

Kyon decided to look for spiritual treatment or medicine in the near future. It was essential to study this obscure extremely important aspect of the new world.

{Alright… It’s no use to grieve over the inevitable. I can still keep a level head in spite of my obsession with Dinah. Synergy gets restored faster than the curse devours it.} – Kyon took a deep breath and sent Synergy to his soul to reveal any changes.

He discovered that his core was rotating slowly. It happened only once when the body was first created and there was a conflict between the light and the dark. Also, at the time when he applied the healing mask on his beloved little Dinah’s face. He supposed that the dark half of his core was manifested more clearly and emitted darkness.

Kyon frowned and focused on his unique body. He wanted to hear a response. It requires to be asleep and in the state of deep meditation to communicate with average unique bodies. But not for Kyon. The core of his unique body consists of hundreds of possible slots. It is the heart of his unique body! Nobody can ever copy it. Therefore, it is the best of the best.

Kyon quickly received a response that turned into a visual picture.

He was surprised. He had never heard he could communicate through visual images with powerful cultivated bodies. But he was happy to get even the smallest echo from his body. Before this moment, his body was close as an oyster.

Kyon could see only a dark sphere spinning slowly.

{Hm… A sphere of darkness? And where is the sphere of light?} – No matter how hard he tried, he could see nothing but the black sphere. It sent the only response to his soul in the form of an image.

Kyon focused on it. Suddenly, he received information in his head, or rather, a feeling of full load. It resembled sensations he had from a full bladder, a rather unpleasant feeling. He had to pee.

When he remembered how the dark part of his core rotated during the incident with Dinah’s face, Kyon realized that the black sphere was full of negative emotions. He noticed the same rotation during his battle with Tsayan and Kaisen. The hatred of the arrogant fools made his core spin a bit.

Given the recent violent sex, Kyon assumed that the huge amount of negative emotions emanating from Dinah had oversaturated the sphere. It had gained enough energy and was now responding to his call (which manifests itself in the form of a certain picture).

In its turn, the sphere of light was not saturated with positive emotions and couldn’t be seen.

{It makes sense.} – Kyon put together some more thoughts but couldn’t find any better options. Four coincidences were enough for him to give the theory 99% for existence.

Kyon had long come to terms with the complete absurdity of the local world. A bolt of lightning could strike in the head out of the blue, the soul could feel and hear attributes, unique bodies gave unfathomable, almost unreal properties. To say nothing of the princess’s love spell…

{Looks like I have filled my core with dark energy.} – Kyon’s eyes lit up with a new idea. – {Darkness has tremendous destruction properties. It kills organisms, makes matter fragile, corrodes barriers and neutralizes poisons! What if Kara’s curse weakened because of the dark sphere?!}

He postponed testing this theory for the future.

{How do I activate my body? Where can I get positive feelings? Hmm… Will a good joke help? Or love? A feeling of gratitude? I wonder…} – Kyon decided to look for the answers in the nearest future. He had never felt the light half of his core rotate. Not once. Was he evil?

Suddenly, Dinah stirred in bed…

{Shit! She is free from the influence of any orders or poisons! If my beloved girl wakes up, I will fall asleep forever.} – Kyon tiptoed out of the room. He went downstairs to the treasury and called Juno in the hope that Kara had left the mansion.

«Juno speaking.»

Kyon said nothing.

«She left.» – Juno informed him as if she had read his mind. She sounded rather impassive. – «I am waiting for you in my chamber, master.» – She added more joyfully.

«No time for that. I order you to call Dinah now and order her to come to your chamber well-groomed and smartly-dressed. When the maid arrives, tell her in a strict voice: “I do not want to hear anything from you!” If she says anything, ignore her completely. Give her the order not to harm me and follow all my orders until you personally cancel them. Add that it’s a punishment for violating the terms of our recent bet. Then send her to my room to apologize. And don’t dare to ask her any questions!»

Kyon removed the sound transmitter and took a breath. His heart was beating fast. Dinah looked like a magnificent deity whose beauty was worth of legends. He had a feeling that he had put an arcanum on a noble phoenix and forced her to fly to his chambers for further plucking. The pleasant perverse feeling corroded, absorbed, and made his chest tremble. Distorted, delusional, ugly love where the beloved girl was in his full power. Pure egocentric dream.

If a pervert virgin wanker had a watch that controlled time and used it to get the object of his adoration, he might experience about 5-10% of Kyon’s feelings.

Juno complied with his order feeling rather perplexed.

When Dinah heard the call in the formation on her wrist, she rubbed her sleepy eyes, reflexively brought it to her ear and listened to her lady’s speech.

«Yes, my lady. I will do as you say.» – She replied automatically.

Dinah opened her eyes. Unprecedented lightness reigned all over her body as if she had returned from divine paradise. She had indescribable sensations like after a wonderful massage. Her jubilant soul was appeased singing praise to happiness.

However, in an instant, the pleasant bliss was replaced by animal fear.

Dinah found herself in the room of her sworn enemy. She was covered with a blanket that had absorbed the smell of the bastard. Gross smell hovered everywhere. Her tattered evening dress stuck to her body. Her always elegant hair looked now like a bunch of spaghetti.

{Oh my god! No!} – Dinah felt cold when she recalled what had happened.

Her fingers crawled into her panties where they found gooey fluid flowing from her secret place. Adios to her virginity flower…

{It can’t be… Oh my god…} – She cried.

In spite of her heartache, Dinah got out of bed, wrapped herself in the sheet and headed for the shower.

The dishonored brunette washed instinctively. All her essence was filled with terrible grief. She wouldn’t wish it on her worst enemy. Vile memories made her sick. It was like a bucket of slops had been emptied over her. Violated on the bed, and then on the sofa. Kyon took advantage of her body like an insatiable beast from the jungle. The miserable servant had entered every cell of the body!

She didn’t remember well the further scenario.

{I surrendered to the power of the whisper inside myself…} – Dinah recalled bitterly. She remembered taking only this decision. All in all, her thoughts were confused and reduced to insane pleasure…

The seed of the bastard, who deserved many years of torture and imminent death, was dripping from her once-forbidden place in a transparent thread. The maid took the showerhead and slipped it between her legs willing to wash everything in there.

{Yuck! I do not want the nasty little pervert to knock me up… Goddess, please show me mercy! I will be a faithful and frequent visitor of your temple.}

Dinah did not want to know the reason why the lady called her to her chamber. The rapist was quite a snitch but the highest maid refused to believe he had told on her. She was too scared to face the consequences.

She took a shower, wiped herself with a towel, put on her panties and felt the very fluid oozing from her womb. The nasty filthy stuff was still inside!

Dinah shuddered, her eyes turned red, but she obediently put on a clean maid uniform and combed her hair.

A few minutes later, Dinah entered her lady’s chamber. She dutifully listened to her severe reprimand, as well as her fatal order not to harm the servant and obey him until the lady personally cancelled the order. Dinah had also to apologize for her audacious disobedience.

When the maid left, Juno thought for a moment, frowned. {Dinah looked scared. Could she really remove the order? Then how could Kyon be still alive? What happened between them?!}

The jerk was too proud to give her any answers to her questions. If only he dared to touch her dear maid… She would skin him alive and feed him to the insatiable dogs.

When Kyon smoothed his rumpled feathers, he decided to meet with Dinah in private. He wouldn’t lose his mind because his love had not crossed the line of madness. Beside his wild desire to see her, he wanted to check if he could leave her by force of will (or Synergy) or if he wouldn’t take his eyes off her.

Kyon returned to his room.

The beautiful girl dressed in a sexy maid uniform was standing near the curtained window. Kyon’s heart melted at once.

He silently admired the embodiment of beauty. A magnificent goddess seemed to have descended from heaven to earth…

Dinah gave him an icy look that sent a weird chill down his spine. She said through clenched teeth what her lady had ordered her to:

«My apologies… You are a disgusting animal! I am sorry that I did not kill you when we first met! I would gladly exchange my position of a highest maid for a chance to return to the past and do justice. You are a selfish bastard! A beast! Your crime is punishable by death!» – The angry girl yelled on and on.

«You can be mad with me all you want. My love for you is unshakable. I’m ready to destroy the world for you alone.»

«If you love me let me go!» – Dinah cried out loud.

«I am sorry, I don’t speak deer. And now I order you to obey my every word and never act against me, and also…» – Kyon gave her a number of orders that completely limited the unfortunate victim (she couldn’t answer the sound transmitter, make hints, talk to her masters, etc.)

After he finished his tirade, Dinah took a step back, stunned. The damned servant considered himself a rightful master of her immaculate soul! The maid’s pride suffered a crushing blow.

Tears sparkled in her eyes, her lips quivered. Incinerating hatred burned her from inside, ruled in her soul. She wanted to die under his crazy look and loving expression on his face. She could not understand why he was acting like this. Why was he both affectionate and cruel? Loving people do not do that. But his words sounded like he was telling the truth.

«You… You’re a crazy psycho…»

«Now kiss me, my goddess.» – Kyon ordered with his arms wide apart.

The maid was at loss for words. She unconsciously approached the boy with the expression on her face as if she was walking towards a poisonous snake. Awkwardly but gently, she touched his lips with hers.

Kyon held her slender body tight, his mouth came down on hers, sucking in her magical aroma intoxicating his mind. He laid his hands on her tight bottom and squeezed it like a bun. He closed his eyes in pleasure. His love had manifested itself in full… He could control himself only with Synergy but he needed a lot of it. Given how much he’d been spending on resisting Kara’s curse, Kyon could afford to lose control once a day (and for a few seconds only). He’d better not contact his dear girl or he was doomed to have sex with her all day long.

Dinah wished the ground would swallow her up. She cried kissing the hated boy. He was like a hungry wolf licking his bleeding prey… It was unpleasant, disgusting and frightening. What if he ate her up?

When she felt Kyon’s nimble fingers in her panties, Dinah trembled secretly wanting more. She arched her body allowing his hands to penetrate into her private place. She moaned desperately:

«М-m-m-m! М-m-m-m!» – She closed her eyes. There was chaos in her head. – {Seriously? Again?!}

Suddenly, Kyon roughly pushed her to the floor and quickly left the room.

The stunned girl looked perplexedly at the locked door, barely catching her breath.

«What’s wrong with you? Die, damned bastard!» – She cried hysterically nearly sobbing from self-pity. Then she straightened her skirt and quietly left the room feeling like a dirty prostitute whose master and the only client was a horny servant. She had to get distracted or she would go crazy.

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