
Chapter 268 - Victory?

This was the aura of a divine. An aura so powerful that it would cause any lower race to feel a sense is a suppression, no matter how strong they were nor unless they were in a completely different plane from the user.


Out of thin air, a spear glowing in a brilliant golden light materialized in front of Xela

The spear shone with a bright golden color, yet even though it was filled to the brim with divine energy, it did not have the same amount of divinity as my energy.

Everyone had already felt the power and pressure coming out of the spear and had all begun to retreat, that was everyone but the people who knew Xela.

"To think she would be using the necklace today" Throid sighed and descended from the sky, slamming into the ground and not only uprooting it but also flinging all the beasts up like ragdolls being thrown into the air.


A deafening sound exploded from the spear as it began to move forwards at a blinding speed. In the next second, it had already appeared next to the gorilla who was closing in on Zarch, aiming to destroy his torso in a single shot.


However, what happened next shocked everyone. It simply was not something they thought someone in the 3rd golden tier would be capable of doing.

Without batting an eye, the gorilla had thrust its left arm at an angle that allowed him to spin mid-air. in the same instant, the gorilla moved its right arm and grabbed the spear, using its momentum and weight to spin before letting go of the spear as it closed onto Zarch.

However, unlike the expression, one would have expected to see on Xela\'s face after watching her attack being thrown away like that and hurled towards her grandson, a smile that would have caused unease to anyone who saw it slowly crept up from the corner of her lips.

The unsettling smile only grew as she thrust her hand towards the spear,

In the next instant, everyone watched as the golden spear that had been hurled towards Zarch shifted out of the trajectory, being pointed straight towards the 40-meter-wide raging water sphere.

Everyone was yet again put into a daze as the spear that they had thought would pop the water sphere, causing it to explode simply entered the sphere before being slowed down and halting in the middle of it.

"NOW!" Zarch roared, finally letting go of the sphere above him, allowing all the water to gush into the spear with all its power and might, making the spear glow in a much more vibrant light than before.

"Oh my god" One of the warriors dropped their weapon out of shock, but due to being in this dazed state, one of the beasts was able to sneak up on him before impaling his heart with their clawed paws.


The sound of the man\'s heart being impaled rang out through the battlefield followed by the wailing of a pained man, crying out for help as well as trying to get help.

This was almost like a wake-up call that caused everyone else to start moving, attacking the beasts that were closest to them, or the beasts that were currently attacking them

At the same time, all the students except Zarch, Zack, and one other boy with silky white hair that went all the way down to his shoulders, began moving. While the warrior students hacked down at the closest beasts, usually taking one or two to kill a single beast, the mages were either casting supportive spells like ice wall to protect the warriors or other spells such as water bullets to confuse the beasts and make them target the wrong people.

Other students were frantically doing hand signs, trying to create ice and water spells before targeting them at the more powerful beasts to either slow them down or injure them, making them easier to kill in the process.

Back to Zarch, the divine spear constantly sucked all the water out of the sphere until there was no water or mana left to suck dry anymore. However, even though this was amazing, the truly amazing thing happened right after.

The spear had begun to glow with a divine light that caused many to look away while others, usual beasts, looked towards it with fanatic and mesmerizing eyes.

"THAT IS THE POWER OF A GOD! STOP THEM! HUMANS SHOULD NOT EVER BE ABLE TO WIELD THAT KIND OF POWER!" one of the generals, in this case, being an oversized bunny, roared to his fellow beasts causing them to finally snap out of their dazed states.

Yet, before any of the beasts could react, a boy with long silky white hair had already gotten to the spear, holding it in one hand before clocking his enter arm back, causing the gusts of wind from the spear to push his hair forwards. 

Simultaneously, the boy felt a scorching sensation from the hand he held the divine spear in, causing him to once again shout as he hurled the spear towards the gorilla that was flying mid-air, unable to move due to no stable ground being around.

The gorilla quickly tried to thrust its arm out, causing another gust of wind to form that pushed him a few centimeters to the left, yet it was not enough to save him from the golden impending doom that was upon him at this very moment.


The sound of the searing spear hitting the chest of the gorilla and immediately beginning to cook it rang out through the entire battlefield, subsequently causing it to become silent as everyone and everything watched while the gorilla began to plummet to the ground.

Even though the spear was made out of ice, the vibrance and divinity of the light alone caused it to become hotter than magma, yet even then the spear did not melt, instead, it was stronger than ever.



The gorilla roared one more time before the sound everyone was expecting finally exploded from the center of the tide while at the same time creating a huge mushroom cloud alongside the sound, traveling several dozen meters up into the air, becoming visible for everything to see.

"That is one strong bastard" One man within the human\'s side could not help but sigh after seeing one of the most powerful beasts get obliterated like nothing more than a lump of coal ready to be set afire.

"That was one seriously strong spell you got there Xela" One of the strongest fighters in the whole camp looked back at Xela and smiled

"It\'s a good thing there are no more that we have to worry about." She sighed back and began to relax, however, to everyone\'s dismay, that gorilla seemed to have been only the start of this battle.






Several extremely loud beasts could be heard howling, roaring, or screeching, every sound that came out of them sending shudders through the spines of everyone no matter who it was.

\'Diamond tier beasts\' Everyone powerful enough to feel their power thought at the same time as sweat drenched their backs and their eyes shook with hints of madness.

\'We are fucked\'

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