
Chapter 211 My New Master Sure Is Willful

“Should I help those kids or not?” The middle-aged dwarf played with his beard as he watched the Flying Tiger head towards one of the Silver-Ranked Guilds in the Kingdom.

He was seated on top of an Alpha-Ranked Deimos Mammoth that he had defeated in less than a minute.

“Well, our newest rookie is over there, so I guess I’ll let him handle this?” the middle-aged dwarf, who went by the name Nikola Einstein muttered.

He was one of the twelve original members of the Order of the Griffin. Just like everyone else, he was looking forward to the performance of the newcomer, whom the King had decided to add to their organization.

Nikola then glanced at the rear of the Beast Tide and narrowed his eyes.

“So, that is where you are hiding…,” Nikola frowned. “This is one tricky bugger. I don’t think I can beat this guy alone.”

A pair of ancient eyes met Nikola’s gaze. It was the leader of the Beast Tide, and unless it was defeated, Whitebridge City would not be safe.


“Colette! Aina! Run as fast as you ca–” Lux almost choked back his words when he turned his head and saw that Colette and her sister, Aina, were already hundreds of meters away from him.

In fact, the two sisters were in front of the retreating guild, which proved how fast the two of them were running.

Lux had completely forgotten how fast Colette could run, but he didn’t know that Aina shared the same trait.

“At least, the two of them are decisive.” Lux didn’t know if he should laugh and cry at his current predicament.

Right now, the Half-Elf was at the rear of the fleeing Dwarves as all of them were fast runners.

Perhaps it was because of their small statures, or perhaps they were just built differently, but Dwarves in the World of Solais and Elysium could put even the Olympic sprinters to shame.

Diablo, as well as the Skeleton Fighters, guarded the red-headed teenager’s retreat as they tried to get the attention of the Flying Tiger. However, the Alpha-Ranked Deimos Monster was very intelligent.

It knew that Diablo and the Skeletons were merely summons, so it didn’t pay attention to them.

With a mighty roar, it increased its speed in preparation to descend onto the fleeing Dwarves, who were running with their lives on the line.

It was at this moment when the Flying Tiger felt a strong pull, forcing it to change its direction mid-air.

With a roar of annoyance, the Alpha-Ranked Deimos monster descended on the Skeleton Rider, who was waiting for its arrival.

Diablo had ordered the Skeleton Fighters to scatter because they would just die against the Alpha Monster, aware that even he didn’t have a chance of defeating it on his own.

Raising Blood Moon high in the air, Diablo planted his feet firmly in the ground as he used his skill, Cross Slash, which was similar to Lux’s, Double Fury Slash, to deal as much damage as he could to his enemy.

The moment the Flying Tiger’s razor sharp claws met Diablo’s sword, a metallic sound reverberated in the battlefield. A second later, the Skeleton Rider was sent flying due to the force behind the Flying Tiger’s attack.

The Skeleton Rider crashed hundreds of meters from where it stood earlier, and rolled on the ground repeatedly.

The Monsters mercilessly stomped on Diablo’s body as they headed towards Whitebridge City, since it was blocking their path.

Lux’s face sank when he saw that Diablo’s HP was reduced by half due to the Flying Tiger’s blow. Right now, Diablo had an unimaginable defensive stat, thanks to the constant deaths that were happening around him.

For him to take that much damage from the Flying Tiger could only mean one thing. The Alpha-Ranked Deimos Monster managed to deal a critical hit on the Skeleton Rider, bypassing its powerful defense.

However, before Lux could panic, Diablo used its skill, Whirlwind Strike, instantly annihilating all the Monsters around him.

Since Blood Moon had the passive skill, Life Steal, the Skeleton Rider’s health became full again after reaping the lives of the Monsters that were about to stomp on his body.

Diablo fired three Bone Spears at the Flying Tiger, but the latter dodged them with ease. It was the only ranged attack that Diablo had in his arsenal, so even if the enemy was able to evade them all, he just kept on shooting the spears at his target in order to gain its attention.

Lux felt that he should look for suitable Beast Cores for his Skeleton Rider so that his range abilities could have some kind of variation.

“Jed, come!” Lux ordered and his Thunder Warg King appeared in front of him.

Without another thought, Lux jumped on its back and urged it to run faster. A moment later, the Half-Elf had caught up with the rest of the Dwarves that were nearing the defensive walls of Whitebridge City.

Suddenly, a ferocious roar resonated in the sky. The Flying Tiger flapped its mighty wings, creating several tornadoes that spun around its body, razing everything that was on the ground to shreds.

The Skeleton Fighters who got caught up in the tornado all shattered, turning into ashes due to the Flying Tiger’s overwhelming strength. Of course, it was not only the Skeleton Fighters that were ripped apart by the tornadoes.

None of the other Monsters escaped the onslaught as a shower of blood mist gaved the tornadoes a crimson hue.

Eiko, who was perched on top of Lux’s head, was constantly muttering.


She felt her heart break when she saw the hundreds of Beast Cores her Slime Summons couldn’t take due to how dangerous the situation was.

Diablo managed to escape the suction of the tornadoes because he didn’t hesitate to use his skill, Leap, to distance himself from his enemy. Of course, he didn’t forget to fire Bone Spears at the Flying Tiger while doing so, but it was of no use.

The Bone Spears were sucked up by the tornadoes, preventing him from even grazing his target.

‘Finally, that damned Skeleton has met his match!’ The Leader of Twisted Destiny managed to escape the slaughter that had come upon his guild because he had retreated as soon as he saw the Flying Tiger flying towards their direction.

Of the thousand men that he had brought to the frontlines with him, more than half were killed by the Diabolical Demon Flying Tiger. If not for the Kingdom of Gweliven’s cover fire, more of his guild members might have died.

He had brought the Elite Members of his guild with him in order to gain as many points in the rankings as possible. However, instead of gaining points, he had lost his members that specialized in raiding A-Ranked and S-Ranked Dungeons.

The Guild Master of Twisted Destiny knew that thanks to this incident, his guild would weaken considerably and might even fall off from its position as one of the Top 5 Guilds in Whitebridge City.

‘Once I find the owner of that blasted defender, I will definitely make him pay with blood.’ The Guild Master of Twisted Destiny gnashed his teeth in anger as he tried to salvage the situation he was in.

Just as he was about to order his right-hand man to check how many members he still had left in his command, he felt a stinging pain on the back of his neck.

A moment later, the Guild Master of Twisted Destiny collapsed on the ground and twitched a few times.

“Guild Master!” The Vice-Guild Master of Twisted Destiny cried out in alarm when he saw the arrow that was embedded in the Guild Master’s neck.

It was the same poison-tipped arrow that the Assassin, who tried to assassinate Lux, had used earlier. For some reason, this same arrow landed in the neck of the Dwarf that managed the Guild which was one of Twilight Rain’s collaborators.

“Someone! Help!” the Vice-Guild Master shouted, and several clerics rushed to come to their aid.

Unfortunately, the poison that was used was very rare, and, unless a specific antidote was used, it was impossible to cure it.

“My new Master sure is willful,” Scarlet grumbled as she returned her bow to her storage ring. “Why must I do these menial chores?”

Lux had ordered her to assassinate the Guild Masters of the two collaborator Guilds of Twilight Rain, while the battle was at its fiercest. This way, she would be able to catch her targets by surprise, and complete her Master’s orders.

Scarlet gave Lux one last glance before the grumbling Dwarf made herself scarce by heading to where the members of the Arcadian Lords were located.

For now, the death of Twisted Destiny’s Guild Master would be overshadowed by the Beast Tide that had broken through the main defensive lines of the city.

Scarlet was confident that before the Guild Master of the Arcadian Lords got wind of what happened to his comrade, he would have already fallen into her hands, accompanying the Guild Master of Twisted Destiny to the afterlife.

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