
Chapter 790: Service Disciples

Chapter 790: Service Disciples

He didn’t bother deliberating even for a second there…he didn’t even allowed them to say anything or do anything. He just killed them and he did it so easily like he was popping a balloon. 

The Elders of the sect who stood behind him didn’t look shock, if anything, there a trace of approval in content on their faces when they saw Raven’s actions. 

The remaining army of The Exiles weren’t so calm though, in fact they are far from being calm. Some of them where shivering from head to toe after witnessing that kind of brutality. No questions asked, no negotiations, just straight-up death. It is these same people who were left wondering if it will soon be their turn. 

Those who were watching from afar had mixed reactions. Some were baffled at the audacity of the handsome man. His actions was a resounding slap across the face of the Dawn Council. It’s as if he already declared them as his mortal enemy. Some understood why he did it but they also felt some doubts…

They thought that this man was being impulsive. Even though it was clear that the Dawn Council was in the wrong here, they thought that the sect should at least hear them out first. After all, this is the Dawn Council they’re talking about. They are the leading figures of the Divine Realm, even if they did something questionable, the sect should at least give them some face. 

Of course, there are also some people who thought that the man’s actions were justified. The people he killed didn’t deserve to live any longer than they’re supposed to. The moment they entertained thoughts about the Ancient Elysium Sect, they also signed-up for their brutal deaths. 

At the end of the day though, their thoughts were their own. Raven neither cared nor bothered about what they think. It doesn’t matter how they interpreted his decisions were for at the end of the day, he knows what he’s doing. 

“Right…now that there’s no longer any disturbances. I’ll tell you what’s going to happen next.” Raven stated as he addressed the prisoners they held. 

“From now on, all of you will be a part of the Ancient Elysium Sect’s new court – the Service Disciple’s Court.” 

Raven statement caused all of them to be extremely surprised and silent. They all looked at him in wonder, thinking if they heard him properly. 

“Yes, you heard me right.” Raven nodded with a sly smile on his face. “All of you are considered as a half-disciple of our sect.” 

Before they could ask questions, Raven took it to himself to explain why…

“Your invasion has never been a surprise when it comes to us.” Raven stated, “From the moment we discovered about the spies you planted in our ranks, we were already aware about your invasion plans.” 

“In addition to this, we are also aware that all of you here truly didn’t want to do this.” Raven stated with a serious face. “You were abducted from your homes, forced to become a part of The Exiles out of fear.”

“I also am aware that the Allfather – your Supreme Leader, placed something in you that will take your lives the moment you entertain any thoughts about betraying The Exiles. Still, I dared to do this because I have a solution for that.” 

“You’re leader is gone.” Raven simple stated, “Well, he’s not really gone, but he will never bother you again. Any of his hold against you are now rendered useless. If you want to confirm it, then voice out your thoughts, experience it yourselves.” 

There were some of them who didn’t dare to believe him…of course, there’s also those who dared. 

Those who dared…didn’t die. Surprised and gleeful, they spoke even louder. Voicing out thoughts about openly betraying The Exiles, spitting out strings of curses against it, hating it, loathing it and so on. Still, none of them died.

Slowly but surely, everybody was convinced. They were safe. The curse that was given to them was either gone or ineffective now, and they couldn’t be more happier. 

These people had seen some people explode out of nowhere due to entertaining thoughts about betraying The Exiles. Fear had taken root at their hearts, made them hopeless. They were forced to do things that they didn’t want to do. They became slaves. Their freedom taken away from them. 

Now however, they were safe. They at least regain some sort of freedom back. But of course, none of them were that delusional. They didn’t dare to think that they’re out of the woods just yet. 

Their celebration only lasted a brief moment before they quieted down. Raven looked at them and nodded, he then said: 

“Most of you a sharp. I like that.” Raven stated, “Indeed, I returned some of your freedom back, but not all of it. None of you are allowed to take even one step out of this place. Let’s not mention that I will for sure enhance the barriers that almost killed half of you, but the moment you guys dared to do so, you will explode into bloody mists, just like the ones earlier.” 

Everyone felt their hearts chilling at the thought. They nervously stared at the man in front of them, none of them spoke but the tension was high. They could feel the formless pressure pressing down on them, making it difficult to breath. 

“We are aware that you were forced to do this. However, it doesn’t change the fact that you have to answer to your actions. After all, none of you were order to attack our disciples. You guys were only ordered to follow your Supreme Leader.” 

Hearing this caused them to look at each other, and to their surprise, it was indeed that case. They totally misunderstood the order. The Allfather told them to invade the Ancient Elysium Sect and follow him, he didn’t say that they have/need to attack the sect, just invade it. 

“I see that some of you finally remembered.” Raven stated, “Yes, you guys completely misunderstood his orders. This isn’t the Allfather’s fault, it is yours. Therefore, you all needed to be held accountable.”

“The injuries our disciples receive from you are no joke. Even though nobody died, some of them need at least a year to recover from the injuries they sustained, this will inevitably hamper their progress so they needed to be compensated.”

“Our sect has no need for prisoners.” Raven stated after a brief pause. “Prisoners, at least us, are just useless burdens, therefore we have no need for them.” 

“Which begged the question, what should we do to you all? Killing all of you is an option, but that’s be unfair and wasteful. Unfair because none of wanted to be a part of this in the first place and wasteful because you guys aren’t that bad.” 

“So, in order to solved this dilemma, we decided to adopt you all.” Raven said, “From now, you will be  Service Disciples of our sect. You will be in task of providing assistance and tending to menial tasks within the sect to pay what owe to us.” 

“I’ll have you know that you will not be treated as mere slaves here.” Raven clarified, “What you will provide is Service to contribute to the sect. You are subjected to our strict rules and regulation just as much as the true disciples are.” 

“Do your job and you will be fine.”

“Establish a good profile and we will let you send letters out to your families.” 

“Work hard, achieve great things and you might be promoted as an Outer Disciple. Hell, who knows? Maybe I’m looking at the next Title Holders amongst your ranks.” 

“In short, we lack man-power so your timing is great. Do good and you will be rewarded. This is already a much better life compared to the satire environment you all were previously in.” 

“Still, the choice is in your hands.” Raven stated, “Those who are keen to the idea of joining us, step forward. Those who can’t decide, remain in your place. I’ll deal with you later.”

“So? What will you do?” Raven raised a brow and asked.

Almost instantly, everyone took a large stride forward.

Of course they would! Who in the right mind will refuse such generous terms! Heck, being a Service Disciple for the Ancient Elysium Sect is dream come true already. Who the hell would hesitate at this point? 

“Good!” Raven nodded, pleased by what he witnessed. 

All of sudden, he released a brilliant light and his deep sonorous voice echoed across the Service Disciples. 

“Service Disciples! Kneel a d kowtow to your Sect Master Lucas, Grand Elder Gin and Guardian Elder Gaia!” 

The Service Disciples felt their hears heavy but not the bad kind. Their faces turned solemn as then knelt down and knocked their foreheads on the ground. Together, their sonorous voices echoed across the sect.

“We greet Sect Master, Grand Elder and Guardian Elder!” 

The Sect Master looked just as pleased as the Grand Elder and Gaia. He then took a step forward and said:

“Pay respects to you Young Lord – the inheritor and Heir to my Title, Raven.” 

The voices of the Service Disciples echoed once more…

“We greet Young Lord Raven!” 

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