
Chapter 570

"I-I don\'t like fighting either..."

Compared to Alice, who was so angry, Eternity and Liil returned a faint and plain word.

Alice is angry about yesterday\'s mass rampage, Stampede. I can\'t believe that such an interesting thing was happening without our knowledge. I wonder why you didn\'t invite me.

That said, they were practicing dance, and if Gu Yu knew about it, they definitely stopped, or they reported it to their parents.

Therefore, at the stage of solicitation, the plan was destroyed, but Alice couldn\'t have predicted that much.

"I also wanted to fight the demon beast!"

The screaming Alice, ah, this is not good, I intuitively thought forever. It seems that the stress of the ladies\' education is more accumulated than I thought.

Alice swallows fast. The more I teach, the sooner I\'ll make it my own. Yumina and the others were also difficult to teach, and as a result of teaching one after another, they were becoming quite high-speed learning.

Alice is a child who can do it, but she hates studying. You have to let the stress out when you\'re folding.

In this case, Alice\'s stress relief is exercise or diet.

The main point was to make them rage as much as they wanted, or to eat full of delicious food, which Koyo knew over his many years of association.

In the current state, the balance may be leaning toward those who want to rampage, but it is impossible to make them rampage at once. Then, in the direction of feeding him, Jiuyu moved.

"Alice, let\'s ask the sisters to buy a drink at Coffee Shop [Palento] as punishment." Looks like you\'re just doing a cake fair. "

"Cake! Love it! Let\'s do it!"

What\'s a cake?

Unlike Alice, who had been caught lightly for a long time, Lyle, who came here on a shallow day, had a question.

"The cake is a sweet, fluffy and delicious treat!" I\'m sure Liil will love it too! "

"Sweet and fluffy..."

Alice, who explains to Liil how wonderful the cake is, no longer felt the anger.

{Something\'s going on, is it too chaotic...? "Is it all right for my daughter-in-law to have that kind of daughter-in-law?”

"As far as I\'m concerned, I\'m the ideal daughter-in-law."

While tapping the silver pattern with a dazed voice, Gu Yu was still smiling at Alice, who was eager to express the beauty of the cake.


The trial operation of the knight gorems "Swordman" and "Guardian" began in the Duchy of Brunnhild.

Both are operated by only five aircraft, but if this is not an issue, we plan to increase it a little.

Both patrols are basically the main thing, but you will always have to act alongside your companion [Buddy], the Knight. There are some troubles that Golem alone can\'t handle.

Swordman and the Guardians were surprised at first, but as soon as they realized it was the Knights\' Golem, they didn\'t care.

Somehow... isn\'t our people getting used to it fast?

Originally, Norn, Nia, Luna and other crown holders were walking around the city with Golem, so there must be places they were used to...

"I always look at frame gear..."

So, you\'re gonna be okay?

“Yes, both Swordman and Guardian are moving without any problems. Swordman managed to capture the drunkard who was rampaging in the tavern, and the Guardian rescued the injured from the crumbling construction site.”

After hearing the report of Knight Commander Rain, I stroked my chest and said, "I\'m fine with this too."

I may be able to increase the number a little after watching the situation for a few months. According to the children, in the future, apart from the Knights, there was a unit called the Knight Golem Squad.

It seems that the squad leader was Albus, the crown of [White], but Albus is now on a monitoring mission for [Ark] in the white whale [Var Albus]......

When the matter of the Evil God\'s Apostle is solved, we should think about organizing it.

"And, Your Majesty, something like this actually..."

That\'s what Mr. Rain offered me. It was some medicine packets wrapped in white paper.

When I took it and opened one carefully, there was a small amount of golden powder in it.

"... where is this?"

“A drunken man was held by Swordman. Perhaps this is....."

“It\'s definitely a golden pill.”

A terrifying magic potion that mutates humans from the remains of mutant species. Damn it, you\'re finally going to the Duke\'s House.

"Where did the man get this?"

“He said he got it in Badriana, the port city of the Kingdom of Belfast. The man in the black robe at the tavern called out to me and sold it to me....."

From Belfast. Is that black robe an apostle of the evil gods?

"It doesn\'t mean you don\'t come directly to my house." Please tighten the security. Be alert if anyone is suspicious. "

Got it.

After Mr. Rain left the room, he jumped to Babylon and gave the golden medicine to Flora in the [Alchemy] building for analysis. It may be different from the new model before, or it may be a fake golden medicine.

Let\'s tell His Majesty the King of Belfast about the golden potion.

When I returned to the office and searched on my smartphone, it seemed that the golden potion was not limited to the Western continent only, but also extended to the Eastern continent where we lived.

Especially Panache\'s kingdom, the Reef Lease Empire. "I guess it\'s because I\'m starting a trade with the Western continent..."

Even if it was a lot, it was still a rough number. But I couldn\'t leave him alone. I\'ve given each country some antidote to the golden potion...

"Even so, is it something that spreads so fast...?"

About that...


Unexpectedly, I shouted at Tsubaki-san, who appeared suddenly.

Since when?! Oh, the corner of the ceiling is empty! You\'re a ninja, so come along the corridor!

It looks like the [Black Butterfly [Papillon]] is chewing on one piece.

[Black Butterfly [Papillon]]?

Black Butterfly [Papillon]...? Huh? I think I heard it somewhere...?

"It is a criminal organization in the western continent that His Majesty the Prince has crushed. It was the predecessor organization of [Black Cat]....."

"Ah. Ah. Oh, there you are. That\'s not true."

Once upon a time, I dived into the Black Market to acquire a Golem.

The black market [Black Market] was dominated by the criminal organization of the Western continent, [Black Butterfly [Papillon]].

Indeed, I met Fanatic Viola, the crown of "Purple", and her master, Luna Trieste, for the first time in the Black Market [over there]. "You almost got killed..."

After that, the [Black Butterfly] [Papillon] split and part of it separated from the [Black Butterfly] [Papillon] and became an organization called [Black Cat] led by the [Shadow Lily] silhouette.

"Black Cat" collects information while running a brothel and inn, and does something like an information dealer who sells it. It seems that Tsubaki-san is also interested, but I wonder if it\'s information from your side?

Didn\'t I crush the black butterfly [Papillon]?

“To be precise, I didn\'t crush it completely. His Majesty just placed a [Curse] on the leader and left him alone."

Huh? Did you do such a terrible thing...?

Are you sure, Zabbitt? I put a [Curse] on the head of the black butterfly [Papillon] to keep away from the [Black Cat].

So they left town, but then they ran into me in another town, and I ran into an orphanage.

The \'curse\' condition was\' I don\'t care about the silhouettes\', otherwise I could do anything wrong... Was it a little sweet that I wasn\'t doing anything in person?

So, that Black Butterfly [Papillon] Zabbit is carrying the Golden Potion to the Eastern Continent?

Yes. No, I\'m sure that the Black Butterfly [Papillon] is carrying it, but Xavit has already passed away and someone else is in charge.

What, the old man\'s dead? Is it because of my "curse"? "But I haven\'t heard from Silhouette-san that she did anything in particular..."

"No, it doesn\'t matter your Majesty\'s [curse], it seems that he lost his life in an internal struggle." It\'s upstairs by your men, isn\'t it? "

Oh, my God. Your men betrayed you. Well, I didn\'t really look like the type my men would like. Maybe it\'s common in the backworld.

"And the new leader is spreading golden pills..."


The black butterfly [Papillon] is spreading golden pills. Where did you get it from? "After all, you\'re connected somewhere with the evil god apostle..."

Where is Black Butterfly [Papillon] based now?

“It used to be the Kingdom of Strain, but now it\'s in the western capital of the Gardio Empire.”

The western part of the Gardio Empire... close to Isengard, who fought against the evil gods.

Isengard is rough, rough, and close to lawlessness. Isn\'t it a good place for the crowds from the family business to gather?

"Golden pills are spreading in the Gardio Empire....."

Looking at the light points on the map, it was still spreading to a crowded area. This was probably the work of the Black Butterfly [Papillon].

The Gardio Empire has also been given the antidote to the Golden Potion, but it is limited in number, and the antidote is needed because of the onset of mutation. It is also likely that it will be too late.

"Golden potion is a dangerous magic potion," but there are still a certain number of users.

According to Flora in the [Alchemy], this medicine relieves stress, so-called mental oppression, and relieves physical and mental pain.

That is not a bad medicine, but of course there is a strong side effect of dependence.

As soon as the medication expires, the stress increases and you want to be relieved from it, but you take more medication because of it. A vicious circle that lasts forever.

Flora says that this repetition may compress the "negative emotions" of the human inside.

And when it exceeds a certain threshold and the mind and body can no longer bear it, the human starts mutating so that a balloon with too much air will burst.

If it is completely in this state, the antidote will no longer cure it. I became a vassal of an evil god who wasn\'t human.

It is natural for a person to want to escape from mental pain and anguish. Not everyone has a strong spiritual power. That\'s the nasty commercial law I put in there.

They\'re not selling golden pills at a high price. It is sold at a subtle price that the general public can manage to reach. I don\'t like it there either.

It takes away money, erodes the mind, and breaks the body. I was literally sucked to the bone marrow and turned into their slave. I can\'t forgive you.

"In the meantime, I\'ll send the kings the golden potion of my country."

Attach the location of the golden drug that came out after searching the map to a representative of each country. If they were all exposed, there would be fewer victims.

What about the black butterfly [Papillon]?

"Hmm, there it is..." If we don\'t turn off the source, it\'s a mess. "

Where do you get the Golden Potion and who deals with the Evil God\'s Apostle?

Normally, it would be the new leader of the Black Butterfly [Papillon]...

Do you want to infiltrate the home of the black butterfly [Papillon]?


No, it wasn\'t me, it was [Homura].

Ah, the three daughters. Monkey Flying [Sarutobi], [Homura], Fog Hiding [Kirigai], [Shizuku], Wind Devil [Fuma], and [Nagi] \'s subordinates.

"Hmm, I wonder if it\'s okay..." I\'ve known it since I was a newcomer, so I\'m worried about some things.

"Those three guys are getting strong, too." At least in terms of combat abilities, I was trained every day by the blades [Moro] and [Martial Arts], so I thought they were much stronger than the half-knights. In addition, there are [far vision] demon eyes on the urn, exceptional disguises on the urn, and various dark artifacts on the urn. "

I see. The young people are growing up... "I mean, age is not very different from mine.

If Tsubaki-san pushes the drum so far, will it be okay?

"All right, let\'s get these three to go." Oh, I\'ll add Bastet and Anubis as support. "

"Bastet and Anubis... black cat and black dog Golem." I see, then you can gather information without being suspicious. ”

Bastet and Anubis are Elka\'s engineer Gorem, but they\'ve been hanging around town lately without much work. No, it\'s also useful for gathering intelligence and patrolling the castle town.

If you look into something, those two won\'t be suspicious. Bastet is smart, and Anubis... he\'s a little stupid, but he\'s friendly, so he can move around as a regular dog.

With the simultaneous seizure in various countries and the crushing of the broker [broker], Black Butterfly [Papillon], the number of victims of golden drugs would be reduced. I couldn\'t spread the "curse" of the evil god any further.

I have opened my smartphone contacts to ask His Majesty Emperor Gardio for help.


The Gardio Empire is located in the south of the western continent.

To the west of the empire, the Gulf City of Bren was located close to the place where the former magic kingdom of Isengard once existed.

In the past, the city boasted of glory as a relay point for trade, with carriers and horse-drawn carriages coming and going from Isengard, but since Isengard was destroyed and the land was divided, it now casts a dark shadow on its glory.

Even so, as a city on the periphery, he is doing something about it.

However, Isengard\'s demise was a direct blow to the lives of its citizens.

First of all, the number of people has greatly decreased. Everyone who went to Isengard visited Brenn, but now nobody likes to go to Isengard.

With fewer jobs and fewer supplies, crime has spread, and the forces of those who control it have grown.

Even the lords use their bribes to pretend not to see. This lord was a solid former lord who died of illness all of a sudden, so he was the younger brother who succeeded him in his footsteps... but did the former lord really die of illness...?

It\'s just a rumor that the backbreakers assassinated the lords in order to replace them with lords that are more convenient for them.

It was late at night, and Bastet told everyone about the information he had gathered in an inn on a corner overlooking the streets of Brenn\'s city.

"It seems that the split Black Butterfly [Papillon] also had assassination squads." I don\'t think it\'s just a rumor. "

When I heard Bastet\'s report, one of the three daughters, Foggy Hidden [Kirikuri] [Shizuku], put her hand on her chin as she thought about it as she shook her long hair.

I wonder if the black butterfly [Papillon] is responsible for the death of the previous lord after all.

"It must be nine out of ten." Otherwise, even though it\'s a peripheral city, you won\'t be able to do it on your own. ”

In the nodding ears, another group\'s voice came even if they didn\'t join the conversation and were making a fuss.

Ah, [Nagi]! I thought I\'d eat that fowl!

"The fast one wins!"

Hey, sisters, let\'s give it to me!

"What? You\'re a gorem and you eat?"

I\'m high performance! There\'s nothing wrong with that!

Well then, I\'ll give you this ~

"I\'ll do it!... this is the bone!" Against Animal Abuse! \'

"Dogs like bones, don\'t they?"

"Pupupu, then I\'ll give you bones too!"

”Ahh, shut up!”

Shovels and bastides fly in unison to a group dining at a table in the corner of the room.

There were two people and one animal who felt somewhat at ease with their roots against the serious bamboo shoots and bastites.

That\'s right, it\'s going to be crispy. From now on, it\'s easy to make mistakes in important places without being overly attentive. "

"Oh, dog. You said a good thing." That\'s right, let\'s relax your shoulders a little bit more. "

Hey ~

"You\'re too drained!" A little more nervous! "

Hey, hey ~

You too, stupid dog! Let\'s not hang out together! When I get home, I\'ll have Niisama Fenrir scold me!

What!? Sister Bastet, that\'s cowardly!

Maybe it\'s the black butterfly [Papillon]?

The voice that was arguing with him stopped. When I suddenly looked to the side, a man standing by the window stared out of the window.

Soon, the others rushed to the window and captured the men in black clothes walking in the night streets under the street lights.

"... there\'s no doubt about it. It\'s the Black Butterfly [Papillon] guys."

I used the "far vision" magic eye to check that the black butterfly was embroidered on their collar.

It\'s lucky to meet a target from day one

"I guess I\'m lucky... well, I guess I\'ve saved myself the extra effort." Bastet, Anubis, can I have it? "

I\'ll take care of it. Let\'s go, you stupid dog!

Don\'t be stupid, stupid! Dogs are brilliant! ”

Opening the window, Bastet and Anubis chased after the Black Butterfly [Papillon].

“Let\'s gather a little more information. We need to find out what the chain of command of the black butterfly [Papillon] is like."

I see. I\'ll go around the tavern.

Well then, I\'m in a pleasant neighborhood ~

Nodding one by one, the three daughters jumped from the window to the street and disappeared into the darkness of the night, just like Bastet and the others.

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