
Chapter 272

The fortress had barely been restored but it suffered heavy damages. Thankfully, there were no casualties amongst the Allied Forces stationed in the fortress. 

This miracle only happened because this was the place where the main force of Astoria, the Holy Kingdom, was stationed. 

The priests hadn’t spared themselves as they ran around the fortress saving all those who were in danger of losing their lives. 

Indeed, this was worthy of the priests that the Holy Kingdom was proud of. 

However, even if the priests had the capability of bringing back the soldiers who were on the brink of death, they were equally helpless in front of the collapsed fortress.

“Approximately 40 percent of the fortress was destroyed. If the monsters are heading towards us right now from the West, we won’t be able to stop them.”

An officer had inspected the fortress to determine how damaged it was. He ended up suggesting that they move their base, stating that the fortress had virtually lost its function as a base.

Others were also in favor of that opinion. 

They knew it wasn’t just one or two difficulties in restoring the fortress immediately.

This was the rear where even something as basic as goods were treated as something precious. They lacked everything. However, even if they did procure the goods, the supply lines were so long they didn’t know when the supplies would arrive. Not to mention, they were also concerned about the monsters in the West.

“We’re moving bases.”

In the end, the commander of the Allied Forces accepted the officers’ opinions and decided to move the troops.

Fortunately, this area was overflowing with abandoned fortresses and garrison posts. It wasn’t difficult for them to find a fortress they could use as a base.

They had to move quickly and diligently.

Although it was quiet now, they didn’t know when the demons would be coming. Moreover, the command didn’t believe the earthquake had occurred naturally, and this worried them. 

Having received orders from the commander, the advance party left the fortress to find a new base. 

The remaining people devoted themselves to finding useful supplies in the destroyed fortress and caring for the wounded. 

While the Allied Forces were busily moving to recover from the damage, some of the scouts returned with news of the surrounding area.

Through them, the officers learned that the situation of the fortresses in the central region wasn’t any different from their own.

Almost all the fortresses and garrisons were damaged by the earthquake, and just like them, some of them had suffered so much damage that they had to relocate their bases as well. 

“However, we’re the only one who suffered so much damage that it destroyed about half the fortress.”

“I don’t know whether to be happy about this, or sad.”

They were relieved that their allies had lost less in the disaster than they had expected, but at the same time, they sighed at their misfortune.

“Well, one thing we’re certain of is that we’re the closest to the epicenter of the earthquake.”

The commander of the Allied Forces didn’t forget his duty.

“Take some of the Templar Knights and priests to check the situation beyond the frontlines. The distance of the search will be left to the discretion of their commander. However, put the safety of the search party first and avoid encounters with the demonic monsters as much as possible. And let them know to return within a week so they aren’t weakened by the demonic energy.”

They needed to find out what the hell happened on that cursed land under the black sky.

Having received the commander’s order, the search party, which included the Templar Knights, left the fortress.

“Demonic monsters in the front!”

Less than a day after they left the fortress, the search party found a monster approaching from the West.

“As I thought, the earthquake had something to do with the Demon King!”

The paladin in charge of the search party gnashed his teeth and quickly prepared to evacuate the camp.

While it was important to grasp the situation in the West as soon as possible, it was more important to inform the main army of the demonic beast’s appearance.

If this earthquake really was the Demon King’s masterpiece as they expected, then this would not be the only beast to cross the frontline in the future.

“The speed it’s approaching is beyond imagination, sir! At this rate, it’ll catch up to us before we can join the main army!”

But even that wasn’t easy. Even from a distance, the demonic monster’s speed was terrifying. It was much faster than they expected. The Templar Knights might be able to escape on horses from the monster, but the priests would never be able to get away from it. 

“The senior knights will stop the monster with me. The rest of you will return with the priests to the main army and inform them of this.”

In the end, the paladin made a decision. 

“Quickly. Judging by the size of the monster, it’s at least at an advanced level. I don’t think we’ll be able to buy you much time.”

Even though he knew he would die, the search party’s commander’s voice was calm. The knight who received his order clenched his teeth.

At that moment, the knight had a strong desire to fight with them. But, he must’ve been aware of how serious their situation was because he didn’t stubbornly insist.

“I hope to see you alive, sir.”

Having sent off his commander with appropriate military rites of a Templar Knight, the knight led the priests and left. 

“Do you resent me?”

“Of course not, sir. The ones resenting you are our brothers over there who are leaving.

The senior Templar Knights grinned at the Paladin’s question. Since the Templar Knights considered devotion and sacrifice as virtues, some of them even considered themselves lucky not to be in the party who had to leave behind their comrades.

“All of you, get ready for battle!”

The beast continued to approach and soon, it had narrowed the distance between them enough for it to be within eyesight.

“It’s really big.”

The paladin looked tired as he took in the beast. He could count on his fingers the number of monsters he had seen that were as big as that.

That’s how terrifying the monster looked.

The monsters must’ve been fighting amongst themselves for territory because it was covered in wounds. The image of the wounded monster violently charging across the ground was more ferocious than any other monsters the knights had ever seen before.

“The brother who sees the Lord before me will be severely punished. So there mustn’t be anyone who goes before me.”

Having seen the ferocious monster, the paladin stepped and began gathering holy energy onto the tip of his sword. 

“Didn’t you say there was no order in seeing the Lord? So don’t be stubborn, sir.”

The other knights followed the paladin and brought up their holy light and stood in the monster’s path. 

“Send the wicked to Abaddon!”

The paladin vigorously shouted their chant as he charged. No, he tried to charge forward. However, he suddenly heard a voice in the empty space.


The paladin had just been about to thrust his sword into the monster when he flinched and looked up into the sky where the voice was coming from.


He had once seen a griffin from a distance, but there was a white griffin here.

“Put down your sword and step back!”

The old knight riding on the griffin shouted at him once more.

“Why is a Knight of the Sky here? And what is that beast?”

Instead of pulling back his sword, the paladin questioned the old knight.

“I am not a Knight of the Sky. I am Marek Schnail Roachim of Adenburg!”

Contrary to the paladin’s expectation, the true identity of the old knight wasn’t a Knight of the Sky, but the Sword Star of the Adenburg Empire. 

“And that’s not a monster, it’s the Indomitable Grand Duke’s Goldrake!”

The beast that they had thought was a high-level monster was the dragon of Drachen.

“What do you…”

The paladin couldn’t believe it. He didn’t believe that the Grand Duke of Adenburg, a country far away in the East, had appeared in the West, nor did he believe the old knight’s words.

Although they had never fought together on the battlefield, the paladin knew that Drachen’s dragon subspecies didn’t look like that.

Goldrake was a beautiful drake with golden scales. He was not a monster covered in filth like that.

“It’s because of the demonic energy, so do not doubt my words!”

“Then, shouldn’t we really stop him?”

The swordsman hurriedly shouted when the paladin continued to be stubborn.

“Right now, the Indomitable Grand Duke is riding on him!”

“What on earth do you…”

Before he could finish, a senior Temple Knight shouted.

“It’s true! There’s a person on top of it!”

A knight had moved to the side with the intention of aiming at the side of the beast when he saw that someone was riding on the back of the giant monster.

“Explain the situation!”

For now, the paladin didn’t withdraw his sword. Their mission was too important for him to believe the word of someone who claimed to be the Sword Star and let the monster go.

“After hearing the news that the Warrior of your country had gone missing, the Indomitable Grand Duke infiltrated the West! And there, he met and fought against the Demon King!”

It was a simple answer with no explanations, but it was enough to convince the stubborn paladin.

Knowing the Indomitable Grand Duke’s personality, it wasn’t strange that he went to the West to save the Warrior, someone he considered to be his younger brother.


Having understood the situation, the paladin brought down his sword.  

“The Indomitable Grand Duke’s condition isn’t great. He needs treatment, but that guy is making it really difficult for people to approach his master.”

After the Templar Knights withdrew, the Sword Star caught his breath as he descended and gave them additional explanation.

The paladin was anxious when the person who was supposed to be the Indomitable Grand Duke remained slumped over without moving.

Just looking at him, it was clear he had suffered a terrible injury. The unmoving Indomitable Grand Duke seemed to be a precarious situation.

“Call back the priests who left ahead of us!”

When the paladin gave that urgent order, some of the Temple Knights ran to their horses that had been tethered farther away and quickly rode towards the fortress.

“Well, we understand the situation. The priests aren’t too far away, so let’s save the Indomitable Grand Duke first.”

The paladin didn’t ask for the results of the battle with the Demon King.

The Indomitable Duke had already lost to the Demon King and had once been missing in action. Since the Grand Duke was found with serious injuries, the paladin naturally thought he had lost again this time.

However, in spite of the defeat, the paladin was in awe of the Indomitable Grand Duke. He admired the Grand Duke for not forgetting his chivalrous spirit even after ascending to such a high position. 

“Even if the priests come, the drake is completely wrapped around his master. Can we even heal him?”

When the paladin expressed concern at the appearance of the drake who didn’t look like he would give them his master easily, the Sword Star responded. 

“If there is someone who can save the Indomitable Grand Duke, then leave the drake to me.”

Looking at the way the Sword Star was tapping his iron sword, everyone could see that his method wouldn’t be gentle. 

It was just as the paladin expected. 

As soon as the priests returned, the Sword Star set out to subdue the drake and completely overpowered Goldrake. 

“Fortunately, this guy was seriously injured so it wasn’t difficult to subdue him. Once his strength returns, he’ll start making a fuss again. So treat the Grand Duke as quickly as possible.”

Just as the Sword Star said, Goldrake continued trying to approach his master even as he continued to be defeated. The priests had rather strange expressions on their faces. They felt like villains when the drake continued to bellow sadly. 


However, that was only for a second. The moment they saw the Indomitable Grand Duke’s state, they forgot what they wanted to say. 

“How can a person be like this and still survive?

“Instead of spouting nonsense, start treating.”

At the Sword Star’s rebuke, the priests hurriedly gathered around Kim Seon-Hyeok and breathed divine power into him. The Grand Duke was so wounded that even after all the priests had rushed over and poured divine power into him, his condition didn’t improve. 

In the meantime, the soldiers of the fortress and the commanders of the Allied Forces flocked over once they heard the news.

“Ha…. how…”

They all lamented as they took in the sight of the terrifyingly wounded Indomitable Grand Duke.

“How the hell did this happen?”

They immediately asked the Sword Star how it happened. But for some reason, the Sword Star who had explained the situation to the Templar Knights kept his mouth shut and gave them no explanations. 

“Did he fight the Demon King? Then can you tell us what happened to the Demon King?” 

“Haa. Look at the state of the Indomitable Grand Duke. How can you ask such a thing even after that? Be prudent.”

When someone impatiently asked about the results of the fight, he was criticized by the others and shut his mouth.

In the meantime, the priests healed all the injuries on the Indomitable Grand Duke.

“Although all his external wounds have been dealt with, the rampaging energy within him is more serious. That is something even we cannot deal with.”

Having said that, the head priest was so exhausted that he gave no regards to his face[1]and laid down. 

“So, did you find the Warrior?”

One of the commanders must have heard a brief explanation from the paladin because he stepped forward and asked about the circumstances again. He was one of the archbishops Astoria had sent to the frontline. 

This time, the other people also showed signs of curiosity and didn’t criticize him as they had done a while ago. 

The Sword Star also didn’t remain silent as he had before.

“The Warrior…”

The Sword Star probed him further.

“Do you wish to know the whereabouts of the Warrior?”

But his voice was exceptionally sharp.

“Or is it the whereabouts of the Holy Sword?”

1. A person’s honor and reputation

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