
Book 30 - 10 – The End of the Prancing Horse Bridge

Under Bu Ting’s special order, the two took a very good care of Xu Ziling; they were both extremely cordial.

Walking along the street paved with flagstones laid out neatly, Xu Ziling let go of the loads in his mind. Looking at all directions as far as his eye could see, he squeezed into the pushing-forward, rushing-backward stream of people, absorbing the flourishing atmosphere of the peace and security of the city of Chang’an.

Xiao Xiuming asked, “Just now, from the tone of Mo Xiong’s voice, you seem to have a good friend in Chang’an; I wonder what is your honorable friend’s respected surname and great given name? Where does he live? Perhaps we could offer you assistance?”

Xu Ziling decided to calmly ask for guidance; he replied, “This friend of mine is Lei Jiuzhi, he only arrived in Chang’an a few days earlier than Xiaodi; this moment he ought to stay at the Dong Lai Inn on the Vermillion Bird Boulevard near the Imperial City.”

Emotionally moved, Xie Jiarong said, “Isn’t he the Lei Jiuzhi from the ‘Northern Lei and Southern Xiang’? This man’s gambling skill is famous throughout the world; he once had a decisive battle on the gambling table against the Da Xian Hu Fo at the Ming Tang Wo [see Book 26 Chapter 6], and barely ran away in narrow defeat. But that year he already caused extreme sensation.”

It was only then did Xu Ziling know that Lei Jiuzhi suffered loss under Da Xian Hu Fo’s hands; he could not help thinking about Hu Fo’s beautiful daughter Hu Xiaoxian.

Unwilling to continue this discussion, he changed the subject by pointing at a particularly magnificent building in the middle of the East Market and asked, “What place is that?”

Xiao Xiuming replied, “That is the East Market Bureau, where the Market Chief and his deputy work, managing all business transactions in the East Market. Any shoddy goods, counterfeit, any products that are churned out in large quantities without regard for quality, short catty and under tael, once verified, the goods will be confiscated and the people flogged. Both in the East and West Markets, the scale and yardstick being used must be uniformly produced and supplied by them; privately manufactured steelyards are strictly forbidden. The marketplace prices are also controlled by them. All these are from Qin Wang Mansion’s benevolent government for the benefit of the people. This time Guang Sheng Xing wanted to defeat Xing Chang Long so that they could raise the salt price for profiteering, all because there is Crown Prince Jiancheng secretly supporting them from behind, the profit is to be used to expand the Chang Lin Army. This matter has enraged people.”

So far Xu Ziling gained even more real understanding of the significance behind the struggle between Guang Sheng Xing and Xing Chang Long, also the clear distinction between the loyal and the traitor; the vagueness was gone, it increased his resolution to help Li Shimin for righteousness’ sake. Now that he was on site, he gained more understanding on why Shi Feixuan chose Li Shimin to be the future wise ruler.

Xie Jiarong said, “Above the East and West Markets office are the offices of the low-level officers overseeing the unified administration of the two markets. Currently there are a total of more than five thousand shops in the East Market, representing more than two hundred different industries. It could even be said that this is a magnificent and unprecedented event.”

Hearing that, Xu Ziling was speechless. This flourishing market lay within this area of about a li square delimited by a perimeter wall, the four main streets connecting eight market gates was a representative of the Li Clan’s like-the-sun-in-the-middle-of-the-sky grandeur and the high efficiency with which they rule they country. In comparison, the Eastern Capital under Wang Shichong’s jurisdiction appeared to be inferior.

This moment the three were passing through a section where several dozen silk shops lined up in a row along the street. Xiao Xiuming cheerfully said, “Chang’an’s silk weaving and gold and silver utensils are most famous. The silk weaving is especially of good reputation throughout the world, hence the saying ‘as long as the trees on Nanshan [lit. south mountain, not sure if it’s a place’s name] still exist, the thin, tough silk fabric can continue to be weaved’. Furthermore, all the production of the fine silk is in workshops managed by feudal officials. Just the senior concubines weaving artisans supplied by the Palace alone number more than two hundred.”

With his capacity as a local expert, Xie Jiarong pointed to a bolt of satin fabric on display, saying, “The color on this satin fabric is applied using knot-printing; the weaving material is embroidered with different decorative design using needlework, during the dying and printing process, the decorative design must not come in contact with the dye. After dyeing, the knots are dissolved, the decorative design can retain the primary color, and thus multiply the pattern and color.” [My apology, this is beyond my ability to translate.]

Xu Ziling was in relaxed mood; highly interested, he listened and looked around. “What time are these shops close?” he casually asked.

Xiao Xiuming replied, “Usually they close earlier. But with the end of the year approaching, everybody is rushing to finish their New Year shopping. People from nearby towns and villages are also doing their shopping in Chang’an; therefore, they extend the business hours.”

Lowering his voice, Xie Jiarong said, “Gu Tianzhang is watching for precisely this kind of opportunity to rise in revolt. Although currently the salt trade inside and outside the Pass involves several hundred houses, the major players are still our Xing Chang Long and his Guang Sheng Xing; nearly half of the salt are supplied by these two houses. Presently the land under the heavens is not peaceful, warlords setting up their independent regime, robbers going on the rampage. It could be said that those without a little bit of weight [fig. importance] and face are unable to move a single step. In the south or along the coastal area, salt is not considered a big deal, but here, if there is a shortage of salt, the price will be comparable to gold; therefore, Qin Wang Mansion attaches great importance to the salt supply, because its impact to the people’s livelihood is indeed too serious.”

Xu Ziling recalled his own, and Kou Zhong’s – endeavor in private salt business. And then his mind wandered to Duan Yucheng, whose life or death was unknown, and the three Shuanglong Bang brothers who were killed by Yin Gui Pai; new enmity and old hatred were gushing forth in his heart.

The three exited the East Market via the Metropolis Market North Gate and entered the Guang Ming Avenue connecting the Chun Ming Gate and the Jin Guang Gate, to walk in the direction of the Imperial City.

Xiao Xiuming laughed and said, “The area left and right of the Imperial Palace has the highest number of influential officials and very rich people, their aim is to have easy access to the royal family; therefore, they compete against each other in building their residence. Combined with the convenience of shopping, the area several li square north of the East and West Markets is called the Golden Square.”

The carriages traveling back and forth along the Guang Ming Avenue were adorned with extremely magnificent decoration, the pedestrians’ clothes were bright and neat, and as Xiao Xiuming pointed out, just by looking at layer upon layer of residences and courtyards, luxuriant forest of cultivated bamboo, lofty pavilions, Xu Ziling knew that he was not bragging.

As seen along the way, Chang’an’s main thoroughfares were heavily guarded with Tang soldiers stationed on strategic points; everything was methodical and orderly. The closer they got to the Imperial City, they more they saw guards and patrolling troops everywhere; lookout posts stood in great numbers.

Xu Ziling mused inwardly that under this kind of circumstances, if he and Kou Zhong raised the slightest bit of suspicion, the consequences would be too horrible to contemplate. To continue looking for the buried treasure somewhere in the vicinity of the Yue Ma [lit. galloping/prancing horse] Bridge under this kind of circumstances was akin to a fool’s dream.

He was dying to ask where the Yue Ma Bridge was, but of course in the end he restrained this unwise impulse.

There were three city gates on the south side of the Imperial City. From east to west, they were An Shang [lit. Peaceful] Gate, Zhujie [Vermillion Bird] Gate, and Han Guang [lit. hidden light] Gate, respectively. Each main gate was connected to the main street inside the city. Of these, naturally the Zhujie Gate, which was the main entrance to the Imperial City, was the most majestic and the widest, with myriad of impressive aura. From the three gates strung together, the depth inside was more than a hundred paces [not sure about this part].

The Imperial Bodyguards guarding the gates were known as Yu Men Lang [imperial gate minister/official]. The guards were changed regularly, day and night, in rotation; the security was very tight.

Seeing this kind of situation, Xu Ziling felt a headache; how was he going to see Li Yuan? He could not simply pat his chest and say that he was Li Yuan’s friend, the ‘Overbearing Saber’ Yue Shan, could he?

Xiao Xiuming said with a laugh, “Mo Xiong has just arrived; do you know the rule here?”

Bewildered, Xu Ziling asked, “What rule?”

Xiao Xiuming replied, “The authorities issued an order, prohibiting anybody from peeking into the Palace City, punishable by one year in prison. Anybody throwing a rock or climbing over the wall will be executed by hanging. Like Mo Xiong staring at the city gate just now, that could be considered breaking the rule.”

Stunned, Xu Ziling asked, “Who issued such rule?”

“Naturally the Crown Prince Jiancheng,” Xie Jiarong replied, “Qin Wang would not be that harsh. Glancing a moment longer will also be considered breaking the law.”

The three turned left into the Vermillion Bird Boulevard, leaving the Vermillion Bird Gate behind.

Xiao Xiuming said, “Mo Xiong could be considered arriving in a good time. During the war between the Tang Army and Xue Ju, father and son, earlier, oftentimes there was night curfew. When the drum marking night watches was struck at sunset, everybody must return inside the house. Only after the drum was struck in the morning would we be allowed to get out of the house. That kind of dry and dull livelihood could really stifle your bird. Ah!”

Suddenly he pulled Xu Ziling’s sleeve; together with Xie Jiarong they crossed the street to avoid a group of about a dozen men in gorgeous clothes and brocaded gown.

Xu Ziling swept that group of men with his eyes. “Who are they?” he asked in heavy voice.

Xiao Xiuming replied, “Currently Chang’an has a total of three wicked gangs, called ‘Two Parties and One Alliance’. The alliance is naturally Jingzhao Lian, the two parties are the Princes Party and the Imperial Consort Party. Those men just now belong to the Princes Party’s Chang Lin Army. The leader is Er Wenhuan; his martial art skill is overbearing, he loves to stir up trouble and assign blame the most, it’s not worthwhile for us to meet him face-to-face.”

With a cold laugh, Xie Jiarong said, “Looking at the situation, they are gathering the troops to march toward Ping Kang Li [lit. calm/peaceful and abundant neighborhood] to mingle there. I heard just last night Er Wenhuan had a big fight with someone over a famous courtesan called Qiaoqiao.”

Xiao Xiuming explained, “In Chang’an, the brothels are concentrated at Ping Kang Li. Because of its proximity with Chang’an’s north gate, it’s also known as Bei Li [north neighborhood].”

Xie Jiarong’s spirit greatly aroused, he laughed and said, “If tonight Mo Xiong is not anxious to visit your friend, we would definitely take Mo Xiong to enjoy the romance of Chang’an’s North Gate.”

‘Knock! Knock!’

Kou Zhong was unleashing his power in looking deep into himself, studying hard the relationship between the ocean of qi acupoints with the channels in the whole body. He thought that the first person to understand acupuncture and moxibustion method must be like him now, blindly groping around and blindly discovering by accident due to his conviction. He continuously flowed thread after thread of true qi from the place where the true qi was concentrated, below the navel – into every major acupoint, thinking that his accurate knowledge of acupoints was surely not behind other famous doctors’.

But the knock on his door immediately roused him. Reluctantly climbing off the bed, he pulled the door to take a look, and saw a rather pretty and flirtatious, gorgeous beautiful maid, flustered and exasperated, said, “Er Shaoye [second young master] requests the pleasure of seeing Mo Xiansheng.”

Staring blankly, Kou Zhong asked, “What’s the matter?”

The amorous maid reached out to pull his sleeve and spoke anxiously, “Perhaps it was because she cannot take the wind and the waves, not only Furen’s [madam] headache is flaring out, she was throwing up several times. Er Shaoye asked Xiansheng to immediately examine and treat her!”

Kou Zhong knew that he could not make excuses, otherwise he would obtain more enemy from within the Sha Family; having no other choice, he followed her out of his room to head toward the flight of steps leading to the upper deck.

“Jiejie, how should I address you?” he casually asked.

The amorous maid smiled sweetly and cast him a coquettish glance; she said, “Xiaobi [little/lowly maid] Yu He [lit. jade lotus]. Mo Xiansheng is indeed skillful. Our Er Shaoye has never submit to anybody, yet he admires Xiansheng very much, saying that you know literature and martial art; absolutely not an ordinary man.”

Inwardly Kou Zhong was greatly delighted, thinking that turned out a man with a little bit of skill could still obtain women’s favorable attention. Compared to the time when he first came to the Sha Family, where everybody, from top to bottom, was despising and condescending toward him, this ‘ugly person’, this alluring and amorous maid’s coquettish glances were like the difference between heaven and earth, between the cloud and the mud.

He said, “Yu He Jie, is it possible to ask Wu Xiaojie [fifth miss] to lend her set of moxibustion needles for me to use?”

Yu He took the lead in stepping onto the stairs; she cheerfully said, “Someone already borrowed the needles! Mo Xiansheng has a really well-built physique.” While saying that, her fragrant shoulder slightly leaned over to bump him.

Kou Zhong’s heart was swept away, but he immediately suppressed this thought, thinking that if he fooled around with the Sha Family by sleeping with this amorous maid, who was obviously favored by the Second Young Master’s inner circle, not only the Third Madame Cheng Bisu would look down on him, it might also greatly affect his own heart’s no-worry state. Without any better option he pretended to be an insensitive, boorish man. With a gruff voice he spoke rudely, “Since I was little people have been calling me Big Bison. A man who is accustomed to heavy manual work, naturally will have a bit stronger, well-built physique.”

Yu He covered her mouth while laughing tenderly; she said, “Which girl does not like strong and sturdy man? The kind of man who can show tenderness in the midst of roughness can move my heart the most!”

Hearing that, Kou Zhong’s chest tightened, he was unable to speak. Such a blatant woman, this was the first time he encountered one. Perhaps he only needed to respond, and then tonight he would be able to have fun with her.

Fortunately this moment they reached the Second Young Master Sha Chenggong’s door. Sha Chenggong personally opened the door and took him inside. With brows deeply knitted, he said, “Mo Xiansheng, please do not take offense; Mei’e’s illness has turned for the worse, it is difficult for her to wait until tomorrow.”

Just by looking at his nervous expression, which far surpassed his concern over his father’s illness, Kou Zhong knew what kind of man this Sha Chenggong was.

Following him lifting up the curtain and entered in, he saw three women by the bed. Two ought to be Sha Chenggong’s favored concubines; the other was the Fifth Miss, who came as soon as she received the news. She was sitting by Madame Feng’e’s [sic, I don’t know which one is correct, Mei’e or Feng’e] bed, checking her pulse.

Seeing Kou Zhong came, she stood to give up her seat, saying, “Saosao [older brother’s wife] has always suffered from migraine; on top of that, she is travel-worn, not accustomed to the new place, hence this kind of condition happens. Xiansheng, please see if you have a way to alleviate her headache.”

Madame E’s face was green, her lips white, weakly without any strength she lay in bed, with the quilt wrapped around her. Her breathing shallow, anybody not familiar with her situation might think that she was at the death’s door.

Under the crowd’s ten thousand hopeful gaze Kou Zhong sat on the seat that the Fifth Miss Zhijing had just vacated, he could still feel the residual warmth of her body; a peculiar feeling welled up in his heart.

If he were not the doctor, he would never think that there would be such opportunity to enter deep into women’s fragrant chambers.

Following Sha Zhijing’s example, Kou Zhong put his index finger on the artery on Madame E’s wrist, and separately sent in three streams of true qi, which instantly cycled through her entire body. Astonishingly he discovered that not only this quite lovely Madame E was deficient in qi and had weak blood, her meridians were not flowing freely either. But as for why she was having a headache, it was beyond his capability to know.

While even his own head was starting to ache, the Fifth Miss spoke to the eagerly waiting Sha Chenggong in low voice, “If we could open up the lao [or luo?] acupoint on her foot jue yin’s gan jing [liver passage] and her foot shao yang’s dan jing [gall bladder passage] to let the outside and the inside linked together, perhaps we could cure her illness.”

Kou Zhong was about to ask her the location of those acupuncture points, but Sha Chenggong already asked for him, “What is lao acupoint?”

Sha Zhijing replied, “The lao acupoint is the intersection of the qi passage between the fifteen Da Lao and the twelve meridians; it is the counterpart of the yuan acupoint; one on the inside, the other on the outside.”

Hearing that Kou Zhong immediately understood tacitly. “Get me the needles!” he mumbled.

Sha Chenggong’s another concubine immediately handed over Sha Zhijing’s needle case. Kou Zhong carefully selected one needle with big head and sharp tail. Telling the others to help Madame E to sit up straight, he pricked the Da Chui acupoint of the Du meridian on her back.

Watching this, Sha Zhijing’s brows were knitted deeply; she did not know that his true qi had already sneaked in [orig. secretly crossing the Wei River at Chencang] along the Du meridian going down, and then branched out to penetrate the foot Yu meridian to enhance and unblock the suspected lao acupoint’s converging qi and meridian’s point.

Madame E’s tender body suddenly trembled; opening up her purple-red mouth, she let out a cry, ‘Ah!’ Not only her countenance looked much better, she even opened her eyes.

Everybody, including Sha Zhijing, was amazed that they forgot to close their mouths.

Once he started, Kou Zhong pushed on to the end; seizing this opportunity, his true qi flowed through the meridians and acupoints on her entire body, implementing the treatment method that he thought out earlier, as if after thinking hard about some marvelous stroke behind closed door, he was using it against the opponent in a real combat. During that time, he was delightedly giving it all he got.

However, if the true qi from the Secret to Long Life within his body did not have an inherent characteristic of ‘divine efficacy’ in healing, it would be very difficult for the effectiveness to be this magical.

By the time Kou Zhong retrieved the needle, the Secret to Long Life’s true qi had already cycled through from baihui on the top of Madame E’s head to the yongquan acupoints on both feet, twelve times.

Sha Chenggong asked in deep concern, “Is it still painful?”

It was as if Madame E had shed her mortal body and exchanged her bones and become another person altogether; she cried out in delight, “Really magical! Thank you very much Xiansheng, not only qie’s headache disappeared, my vitality grew a hundredfold.”

Hearing Sha Chenggong’s thousand graces ten-thousand gratitude, Kou Zhong felt as if he had become a real divine doctor, deriving his delight and joy in helping people out of difficult situation.

After speaking with the inn’s attendant, Xiao Xiuming came back and said with a laugh, “This time it seems like even if Mo Xiong did not wish to come to Ping Kang Li, you simply can’t. Lei Xiong has already left half a sichen ago, leaving a message in case a friend is paying him a visit, to look for him at Liu Fu Du Guan [Six-Happiness Casino] in Ping Kang Li.”

Shaking his head, Xu Ziling said, “I am too tired tonight! Would you tell the attendant to pass him a message that I’ll come back to meet him for breakfast tomorrow morning?”

Xiao Xiuming acknowledged in affirmative; after telling the attendant, the three returned to the Vermillion Bird Boulevard.

In high spirit, Xie Jiarong said, “If Mo Xiong is not travel-worn, I will definitely go with Mo Xiong to Bei Li to look for entertainment. Ha! Let’s leave it for tomorrow night; how about right now we find a wine shop to down a couple cups of watered wine?”

Xiao Xiuming cheerfully replied, “Our first-choice ought to be the West Market’s number one building [orig. lou, multi-storied building], the Fu Ju Lou [assembled happiness building]. The view from their third floor is the best, from the east banquet table we could get the enchanting view of the Yong An [eternal peace] Avenue and the Yue Ma Bridge area to the fullest.”

Shocked inwardly, Xu Ziling blurted, “Yue Ma Bridge?”

Xiao Xiuming laughed and said, “Some people call it Fu Gui [riches and honor] Bridge, simply because the places on either side of the bridge are where the rich merchants and descendants of feudal aristocrats live. It is near the West Market.”

Xu Ziling suddenly felt that he was getting closer to the Duke Yang’s Treasure. His mind full of contradiction, he followed the two men turning right into the street gate between Kai Hua Lane and An Ren Lane, toward the An Hua Avenue, parallel to the Vermillion Bird Boulevard, connecting the Fang Lin Gate on the north side of the city to the An Hua Gate on the south. After crossing a stone bridge spanning the Qing Ming Stream, they entered the An Hua Avenue, which, together with the Vermillion Bird Boulevard, was listed as the six biggest streets in Chang’an.

The glorious lights of the West Market illuminated the neighboring area that it was as bright as day. Pedestrians and vehicles and horses went back and forth, the atmosphere was bustling with noise and excitement.

Passing through the Yan Kang Square, they turned left toward Yong An Avenue. The Yong An Grand Canal, which width reached more than ten zhang, cutting across the city from north to south – was flowing in front of them.

A magnificent big stone bridge mightily stood over the canal. Xiao Xiuming said, “Yong An Canal is connected to the Wei River north of the city. It supplies half of Chang’an’s water consumption, as well as acting as major thoroughfare of the waterway traffic. This Yue Ma Bridge is Chang’an most spectacular stone bridge.”

While chatting and joking, the three stepped onto the bridge.

The perfectly straight Yong An Canal and the Yong An Avenue parallel to it linked the north and south city gates. Under the bridge rowboats went back and forth, on the bridge pedestrian and vehicles and horses flowed in unending stream. All around were huge mansions and grand residences. In such an area where the city came together, how could there be any trace of where the Duke Yang’s treasure was buried?

Suddenly Xiao Xiuming called out in low voice, “It is indeed enemies on a narrow road!”

Xu Ziling woke up from his reverie about the Duke Yang’s Treasure. Looking ahead, he saw a group of more than a dozen Chang Lin Army men, led by Er Wenhuan – was coming down from the bridge.

This time they simply could not avoid them.

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