
Chapter 637 - Dare Frame the Queen? (3)

Why should the Queen ask if Second Elder is loyal?

Why didn’t she ask about the other elders, instead its only him?

It can’t be, the Queen’s departure is related to Second Elder himself?

Di Cang’s gaze darkens into a grim look: “Have Second Elder come see me this instant!”


Inside the residence of the elder council.

The man that’s known as Second Elder has been feeling a little uneasy lately ever since his meeting with that fake king.

“Old Two, what’s the matter?” The first elder tightly furrows his brow and asked his peer.

They’ve been working together for many years so how could he not tell the other side’s been keeping some secret?

Startled at first, the second elder answers honestly after a brief struggle: “It’s about the Queen’s matter.”

“The Queen?” The first elder’s brow wrinkled into a deep frown now: “What happened to Her Highness?”

After being silenced for so long its normal for a person to want to share their woes.

“Twenty days ago, His Majesty the King summoned me, ordering me to have my people tail the Queen in secret.”

Taking a sip from his tea, the first elder didn’t find this odd or surprising. In fact, his reaction appeared pleased even: “That’s to be expected. Sire is so concerned for Her Highness that it’s normal for him to be worried about her safety.”

“But that’s where you are wrong my brother. His Majesty personally told me he only married the Queen for the sake of the Demon Realm’s safety and to bring the little prince back with him. Also, for the prosperity of this world, he’s willing to sacrifice any women, including his wife the Queen.”


The sound of porcelain crashing to the floor could be heard reverberating across the air due to first elder dropping that teacup. “Are you sure that is His Majesty and not some fake?”

“I am sure. That person, whether it be appearance or scent, its exactly as His Majesty’s. A person’s image can be changed and disguised, but what about the scent?”

“Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!” The first elder promptly got up, his hand clenching into a ball: “Something is not right about this. Its impossible for His Majesty to give you such an order. That man, he would rather abandon the entire Demon Realm for the sake of the Queen!”

Showing astonishment, the second elder asks for more details as to why his brother would say that: “But First Elder, how can you be so certain that the King would be that infatuated with the Queen? In this world, no two people can have the same scent, that’s not possible.”

“I don’t know what’s going on but I do know His Majesty would never do what you say he did!”

Although he was still young back then but he’s heard more than enough stories about those two, thus reinforcement his belief even at this stage.

“This won’t do, I have to see His Majesty, I must get a clear answer!” The first elder sounded very flustered and emotional, causing those old eyes to show a look of incredulity.

There’s no way I would believe what I’m hearing unless it comes directly from the king himself!

The second elder now sounded anxious: “But Sire ordered me not to tell anyone. If you bring this up before him then he would surely kill me for it.”

“I can’t deliberate about this anymore, I have to see the king!” The first elder’s brain was a total blank right now, causing him to not take in his peer’s plea at all.

But just this old man’s about to walk out the door from the hall, two guards suddenly appeared and blocked his way.

“The king’s order, Second Elder is to go meet His Majesty this instant.”

Still unable to recover his emotions yet, the first elder continues to lose it: “I want to see the king, I want to go see the king with him!”

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