
Chapter 39 Oblation Survivors

Chapter 39 Oblation Survivors

“No matter how insolence His Highness is, he would not go against the system like this, which is already a suspicion of rebellion.” Lou Chongxiao pondered and said: “He should have petitioned the Emperor inside the secret folders, this time to do an errand in a special situation, so bring more soldiers and horses and take back the establishment after the errand. Also, it’s true that the Tenth Highness wants too much, he expected that the Seventh Highness may not give it, that is, to leave a way out, if the errand is unfavorable, he will have something to say that the Seventh Highness is withholding him.”

What a person Lou Chongxiao is, he can immediately see the intentions of the Tenth Prince Gu-Zhensha.

Saying it on such an occasion would definitely offend the Tenth Prince, but it’s a gesture of goodwill to the Seventh Prince.

Originally, the Great Skyseal Emperor had deeply offended the Seventh Prince by letting Luo Baiyue get close to Gu-Chensha, the Seventh Prince’s mouth didn’t say anything, but his mind must have had many thoughts, and Lou Chongxiao had been trying to ease the relationship. He wanted to take this opportunity to take a stand today.

“What the Duke of Yuan says is true, but what Lao Tenth wants, I couldn’t give it to him even if I wanted to, and the matter will have to wait until Imperial Father is out of the seclusion.” The Seventh Prince Gu-Fasha smiled and added: “Isn’t that house slave in my mansion called Fa Nai working as a governor in Fenzhou? Conducting a debriefing some time ago, he brought me a few jars of ancient wine, saying that it was dug out of the ground by destroying the temple and buried for a thousand years, so after the next duty, you can go to my house and have a drink or two.”

“Thank you, Seventh Highness.” Lou Chongxiao knew right off the bat that Gu-Fasha appreciated it, and the other side was smart enough to have no reason to make a strong enemy of himself.

The other ministers take it as unseen, its taboo for successive princes to befriend ministers, but the Skyseal’s emperor this dynasty encourages it instead, so it’s not a violation of the prohibition.

At present, many ministers in the Upper Chamber were again dealing with various complicated political affairs.

The backyard of the Governor’s office in Banan province.

Gu-Chensha closed his eyes and cultivated, his qi and blood were moving extremely smoothly in his body, commanding like an arm, going wherever he thought of, he followed the secret method of the Sun Moon technique, urging qi and blood to massage the many secret holes of the meridians around his body, if he took off his clothes at this time, he would find that his whole body was covered with red dots of qi and blood gathering and moving inside his skin.

The human body has many acupuncture points, secret holes in the meridians, very wonderful, if you exercise for a long time, guard them with your spirit and stimulate them with your qi and blood, you will develop your potential and explode beyond your normal abilities.

Every martial art has this secret method, more or less.

For example, the Giant Spirit God Kung Fu has hundreds of secret meridian hole stimulation methods in it, which can make one become infinitely strong, flesh and blood tough, and live a long life.

But compared to the Sun Moon technique’s cultivation methods, the Giant Spirit God Kungfu can only be considered a child playing with mud.

The Sun Moon technique this style, introducing the entire body’s meridian secret hole has 3,600, the number of the Zhoutian, in addition to that, the method of meditation, the method of stimulating qi and blood, are unparalleled. Moon Divine essence acupuncture all parts of the body, and then rotate back and forth, shuttling nonstop, making the five organs, the strange meridians, and the great acupuncture points around the body vibrate up, coinciding with the Sun Moon operating trajectory, completing a perfect resonance.

If an extremely strong the Dao Realm at this time used spiritual sensing, they would find that Gu-Chensha’s soul was nowhere to be found, as if it had entered an inexplicable time and space, while the inside of the body was writhing at high speed, shaking all kinds of impurities out of the body, just like forging a sword, a thousand hammers, all in one.

After a long time, nightfall, Gu-Chensha fiercely opened her eyes, the pitch-black bedroom seemed to strike a lightning, became snowy, but the next moment dark and heavy again.

“Still can’t break through the Dao Realm, I’m missing something crucial in my soul, a spirit, the insight into space and time.” Gu-Chensha savored it, summing up the gains and losses of cultivation, then smiled daintily and said: “I’m too forceful, after all, it’s only been half a year of cultivation, although my battle strength is already extraordinary, but for the cultivation of martial arts comprehension needs time to settle, this thing is like wine, the more it settles, the more mellow.”

Thinking of this, his mind calmed down, unhurried, breathing slowly, peace and tranquility, and a deeper level of comprehension.

It has been seven or eight days since killing the Black Fiend Bat, the trophies and corpses have arrived at the Imperial court, and although Gu-Chensha has not seen the reward down, it doesn’t matter, this is a merit that can’t be erased in any way.

He’s thinking about how to kill more evil demons and defuse the Xianzhou crisis.

Long Yuyun hasn’t shown up these days and disappeared cleanly, probably getting the Maha Pill and trying to get rid of the demons to take it, his cultivation has increased greatly.

“Long Yuyun’s Dragon Bone Sword is truly a divine weapon, the immortal flying sword is first-rate.” Gu-Chensha stood up and said, “If I could have such a weapon, and cast the Sun Moon Kill, sudden sneak attack, even now single on single the Black Fiend Bat, I have the possibility to kill him. However, divine weapons can be found but not sought, the Dragon Sword Island was founded for a thousand years, and it took generations to polish such a fairy flying sword.”


Suddenly, there’s the sound of hidden weapons breaking and flying in the room.

Gu-Chensha drifted instinctively.

Turns out it’s a stone falling to the ground with paper wrapped around it, not a sneak attack on him, but a message.

Gu-Chensha, however, didn’t need to pick it up, but instead found a stick, opened the paper on top of the stone, and saw a few lines written on it and said: “Come to the woods outside the city.” No other word.

He was now slightly more experienced in the world, and in case the stone had poison on it, it would be hard to avoid being harmed if he touched it with his hand.

“Who is it again? Could it be a trap?” Gu-Chensha was thinking rapidly and said: “If the barbarians, just come to assassinate, wouldn’t make such a trick, nor is it Long Yuyun’s people, so mysteriously looking for me, then it could be the Xian Dynasty remnants? Since that’s the case, I’ll go take a look, and I’ll hide into that altar space anyway when I encounter danger and come out after it’s over.”

Presently, he moved his body and shuttled away again.

Half an hour later, he arrived next to the woods outside the city. He deliberately lowered his speed and slowed down, that is, he had his eyes and ears open to see how the surrounding movements were, the human heart was sinister and had to be guarded against.

“I can’t believe that Princess Mingkong’s son is so cowardly that he doesn’t even dare to enter the woods.” The voice came from behind.

“Don’t enter the woods at all. This is an old adage, I can’t even tell if you are friend or foe, so why should I wade into danger so easily?” Gu-Chensha turned his body and saw a young man, about twenty years old, holding a folded fan in his hand, followed by two guards whose armor was wrapped tightly around him.

The armor was rather strange, with tiny spikes all over its body, the material resembling iron, leather, and faintly flowing with talismans, as if the armor itself could move and had great power.

“The Giant Spirit Thorn Armor?” Gu-Chensha remembered the books, the Xian Dynasty royal family once developed armor, this armor is not only invulnerable to weapons, but also can resist the martial experts dark power, this is just, the most powerful thing is that this armor itself has kinetic energy, even if the weak person wears can force broken rocks, leap onto the house, if Martial Dao Grandmaster. Once on board, no master against the Dao Realm First Transformation is unkillable.

Of course, it’s just impossible to defeat them without being killed.

Unfortunately, this armor is extremely time-consuming to make and requires sacrifices to the Giant Spirit God to make. The Xian-Dynasty imperial family has accumulated over hundreds of years, and there are only less than one hundred pieces, and most of them fall into the hands of the Great Yong royal family, the-Skyseal-Emperor sometimes comes out to reward the powerful and the princes.

Later, the Great Yong royal family improved this gauntlet and made the Jue Dragon Armor, which was stronger and more powerful. However, the production was too small, and it was a precious item, not even the Great Yong’s experts could equip it.

As for the Chi Dragon Armor given to Luo Baiyue by the emperor, but it went one step further than the Jue Dragon Armor, possessing even more subtle power.

It is written in ancient books that horses can become dragons, birds can become dragons, fish can become dragons, snakes can become dragons, and people can become dragons. All living beings can become dragons. And there are nine classes of dragons, the lowest of which is the Jue Dragon, followed by the Chi Dragon, the Giant Dragon, the King Dragon, the Heavenly Dragon, the True Dragon, the Sun Moon’s Dragon, the Dragon of Heaven and Earth, and the Dragon of all living beings.

The Ancient Son of Heaven, also known as the True Dragon the Son of Heaven, takes precedence over the Heavenly Dragon.

As for the last three dragons, that’s but a legend, and the Son of Heaven has to go through hard work to get there. So the Son of Heaven God Sealing technique’s three moves are “the Sun Moon Glow”. “The Son of Heaven God Sealing technique”. “All beings are of one mind”...

“Gu-Chensha, you are in peril, do you know that?” The young man with the folded fan in his hand suddenly does the head-butt.

“What do you mean by that?” Gu-Chensha was observing the young man’s cultivation, and found that the man’s breath, if anything, was no longer breathing air, but was instead absorbing aura meditatively, and he knew that the man was already the Dao Realm, and he already knew what the man was going to say, which was nothing more than saying that he was in danger and had to cooperate with the Xian Dynasty remnant forces and so on, but he was Pretend not to know, so as to probe for the truth.

“The barbarians and the countless experts of the cult have gathered in Banan Province, and in three days, they will forcefully attack the provincial capital and turn the entire province into hell on earth, which means that you can still live for three days, if not more.” The young man with the folding fan pointed in the direction of the three counties and said, “There are more than ten old demons gathered in those three counties, even though you and the others killed the Black Fiend Bat, it won’t help.”

“Dare I ask if you are descended from the Xian Dynasty royal family?” Gu-Chensha’s tone changed and sighed and said: “I also know that this time is very dangerous, but the decree is that I can only die in battle.”

“My name is Chen-Jianfeng.” The folding young man said. “Counting on it, you and I are still the same generation.”

The Xian Dynasty royal family surname is “Chen”. This is also the origin of the name Gu-Chensha. [1] the Prince from the Great Yong Dynast are give a name which has in part their maiden clan name

For example, the Grand Prince Gu-Hengsha, the mother family is the Heng family; the Seventh Prince Gu-Fasha, the mother family is the prestigious Fa family; the Tenth Prince Gu-Zhensha, the mother family is the Lei family, but the Zhen and Lei family are one and the same.

“You find me wanting to work with you? Dealing with the current situation? Or can you help me crush this rebellion before me?” Gu-Chensha inquired, dealing with the Xian Dynasty royal remnants, he was also secretly wary, although the other party was his own mother’s clan, but back then his mother was used to make peace, but in fact was also a royal abandoned child.

The princesses of the past dynasties who were used to make peace were all abandoned children.

“Why do you want to annihilate the rebellion in front of you?” Chen-Jianfeng chuckled lightly and said: “The barbarians, the cult and the Great Yong dynasty are preparing to duke it out, the war together, the world in chaos, is our great opportunity to restore the country. The Skyseal Emperor is so arrogant that he has actually angered those powerful gods of the underworld, causing the people of the world to suffer with him.”

“If the rebellion is not extinguished, I am liable to be imprisoned presently.” Gu-Chensha frowned.

“Imprisoned in what big jail?” Chen-Jianfeng’s tone was contemptuous and said: “I heard that you activated the Giant Spirit God bloodline, joined forces with us, and with a rallying cry, the whole of Xianzhou immediately became our territory.”

“Are you asking me to rebel?” Gu-Chensha sort of understands the meaning of Chen-Jianfeng.

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