
Chapter 1925 - Sextant of Unstable Currents

Chapter 1925: Sextant of Unstable Currents

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Though he took the initiative and defeated the Boss independently, he didn’t have everyone sing his praises. Sky Moon lost heart immediately. Lu Li didn’t comfort him, he said what he had to. If he had no way to toughen up his heart, then there might be a limit to his achievements.

Lu Li didn’t take anything from this Boss.

It wasn’t that the Boss didn’t drop good stuff, if ‘Sextant of Unstable Currents’ wasn’t good enough, then there was no point clearing this Instance Dungeon again.

Shame that this was an exquisite item for a mage, having nothing to do with him, a Thief.

The third Boss was Leotheras the Blind.

Leotheras the Blind was one of the five Blood Elves that was sent by Kael’thas to undergo Demon Hunter trials under Illidan.

Of those five who went to training, three had died. Only Varedis had successfully completed the training. Leotheras had survived but because he couldn’t bear the training, he went crazy.

Illidan felt that to kill Leotheras was a waste of his power, so he imprisoned him in the depths of Serpentshrine Cavern.

What’s worth mentioning is that not all Demon Hunters were once Blood Elves, but, if there was a non-Blood Elf Demon Hunter, it would cause quite a spectacle. Varedis and Leotheras were maybe the pioneers in terms of being non-Blood Elf Demon Hunters, because before then, non-Blood Elf Demon Hunters were unheard of.

“Bear Tank, it’s best to use a Bear Tank for this Boss.”

“Can’t you tell?”

“If you’re not in a good condition, then everyone’s going to suffer along with you. I’ll give you 10 minutes to fix up yourself, if you absolutely have no way to adjust your attitude, then I’ll come and command this Boss.”

Sky Moon nodded, walked over to the side and sighed quietly.

In Dawn, there were Warrior Tanks, Rider Tanks, as well as Druid Bear Tanks. Generally speaking, Warrior Tanks were the most popular. After all, they had the highest defence, and were the most able to pull aggro. They were a solid barrier against a big Boss.

Defence Raiders were maybe a bit worse, but great at pulling groups— Warrior Tanks had nothing on them in that department.

Bear Tanks were the most embarrassing. It wasn’t particularly great in any area, so they never had good status in an Instance Dungeon. Even though there was Drizzle Court’s Deep Watersong, for now, they had already reduced themselves to just two or three Tanks.

But since the start of Serpentshrine Cavern, the Bear Tank began to show off its magnificence.

After a while, Sky Moon opened up his mouth to declare the start of a new strategy, bringing in a Bear Tank called Seventh Night.

He was originally someone from the number two team. At the moment, the second team was fighting Magtheridon, and he was on call outside. And so he was summoned out. The equipment he had on him wasn’t bad at all, and he was alright in Instance Dungeons too.

Since Karazhan started, whenever a First Clear team had Bear Tank equipment, it was pretty much just dumped on him.

“Whoever screws up in the first stage will have points deducted,” Sky Moon paused, “That includes Lu Li.”

Lu Li laughed; he wasn’t angry.

There weren’t many parts to mess up in the first stage. The main thing was about 15 seconds after the battle started, the Boss would clear aggro and release a Whirlwind that would last about 10 seconds. At this time, they had to disperse, leave their positions and move to avoid it. Healers had to be careful to avoid accumulating too much aggro to avoid being One Shot after the Whirlwind ended.

Non-healer roles didn’t have to take any healing potions, they just had to maintain zero aggro. Tanks needed to follow him as he ran around all over the place and accumulate as much aggro as they could.

Five to six seconds after it stopped the Whirlwind, the DPS would start to attack again to give the Main Tanks time to pull aggro.

15 seconds after the Whirlwind stopped, Leotheras would clear aggro again and would set off a Whirlwind. About ten seconds after it was over, it would turn into the form of a demon and clear aggro, entering into the second stage.

If Lu Li commanded, maybe he wouldn’t know how to attack. The first stage was cleared easily, after all, it was just a matter of dealing with aggro.

The second stage was the demon stage. If they were still using Bear Tanks or Warrior Tanks at this stage, then the First Clear team was going to suffer. The right method was to use a Warlock Tank. Without Lu Li prompting him, Sky Moon had swapped Carnivorous Cat to deal with the Boss’s aggro.

This stage was actually really hard. The main thing was the Boss’s ‘Inner Demon’ skill.

He would randomly cast ‘Inner Demon’ onto any random player within his field of vision, and it created a demon that would possess the same HP as the player. Each Inner Demon could only be attacked by the player it was summoned onto. If you couldn’t finish off your own Inner Demon before Leotheras turned back into human form, you would be mind-controlled for a ten long minutes, and there was no way to get rid of it.

If you were finished off while mind-controlled, then there was no way for you to revive in this battle again.

Inner Demon could do around 1000 hand-to-hand damage, as well as Shadow Bolts that did 2500 damage. There was no doubt that none of the healers could get rid of their Inner Demon.

Lu Li really wanted to tell Sky Moon to calculate the time of the Boss’s skill releasing, because then you would realise that these times weren’t random at all.

You could note down when they were released. Then, a few seconds before it was released, you could just arrange for the healers to hide behind the columns.

But he couldn’t say it. He needed to have Sky Moon realise this by himself.

Good thing Sky Moon’s commanding talent wasn’t what Lu Li had imagined. After dying a few times amidst some messiness, he finally learned this method.

If the Boss had more than 85% HP, it would keep cycling between the first and second stage. When the HP was below 50%, the battle would enter into the third stage.

Leotheras’s Demon form would split from his human form, so the team had to deal with two Bosses at the same time. A Warlock was to Tank the demon form, and there shouldn’t be anyone within 15 yards of this Warlock. Although it was the same as the second stage, at this point, it wouldn’t summon Inner Demons.

The Main Tank was to Tank the human form. Like the first stage, it would send out a Whirlwind every 15 seconds, but you wouldn’t have enough time or ability to survive two or three Whirlwinds. You had to rapidly DPS the human form to death before it got angry. After it was finished off, the demon form would disappear, and the battle would end.

In the loot, there was a Tsunami Talisman, which was a pretty good talisman, an Epic equipment. Lu Li gave it to Water Fairy.

There were actually more T5 Transmog set pieces, but it was just a shame that none for Thieves came out.

The fourth Boss was called Morogrim Tidewalker.

Ever since entering the game, no matter what race you were or what experience you had, you would’ve fought with a certain creature— a Murloc.

These Murlocs didn’t have any fighting spirit. They ran fast, there were a lot of them, they would escape and look for help if they encountered anything remotely dangerous at all, and they would chase you in hot pursuit.

However, there was one creature Murlocs were afraid of. This creature was incredibly powerful and ginormous in size. One footstep would sent a whole group of Murlocs running away in fear – he was Morogrim Tidewalker.

As the strongest ocean giant on the Azeroth mainland, he was an unforgivably evil despot, often leading Murlocs to attack and pillage human villages.

Before Illidan attacked Black Temple, he commanded Vashj to find some help. Vashj found Morogrim Tidewalker and promised that if he joined her, then she would give him even stronger power.

Morogrim Tidewalker joined in with Illidan and his team, and they successfully attacked Black Temple.

Later, Vashj had Morogrim Tidewalker guarded the central territory of Black Temple to wait for invaders.

This Boss was good, it dropped all sorts of good things.

Talon of Azshara! Serpent-Coil Braid! And a Shell of Tide-Calling for little pets!

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