
Chapter 1754 - Death Knight Instructor

Chapter 1754: Death Knight Instructor

As the last Boss in the Abomination zone, there wasn’t any need to talk about its power. In the blink of an eye, the team was wiped, but his skills and methods weren’t complex. As long as players of different polarities stood apart, it would all be fine.

If they wanted to reach the goal, then they’d have to change their positions during the Boss battle.

The first time they changed positions they took 3 seconds. After 1 or 2 months, this Boss would be weakened a little. If one person didn’t switch positions, then they would just lose one person. It was only if two people didn’t, then the team was done for. However, at this point in time, the First Clear stage, the Boss was incredibly powerful. Even if a single player didn’t switch or went to the wrong place, they would have no choice but to start again.

The key thing in this battle was separating the positive and negative charges. In the walkthrough in Lu Li’s mind, there were two ways to switch. One was to switch between two positions, left being positive and right negative, or left negative and right positive. There was also switching between four positions, with the left being divided into upper, which was positive, and lower, being negative. Meanwhile, the lower right would be positive and the upper right negative.

The advantage of switching between four positions was that the fault tolerance was high. The weakness was that they obviously didn’t have enough DPS and most of the time was wasted on moving around. When the Boss changed polarity, it was always messy, and it was easy for the healers to run into difficulties during those times. Lu Li still chose to switch between two2 positions.

It was only after the team died four or five times that everyone began to feel as though they would be able to defeat this Dungeon.

It was not until almost nightfall that Thaddius was killed.

In the following time, they simply didn’t have a chance to go and fight other Bosses. Everyone was exhausted, especially those who were playing in the competition. Grand Hegemony definitely wasn’t a strong team, but they also weren’t so weak as to merely be a stepping stone that they could beat when they were half-asleep.

Killing the Boss rewarded two Skill Points, which belonged to the others. Lu Li didn’t have the slightest to do with it.

He put the stones and materials into his own bag with hatred, as if he were taking away someone else’s things. These stones and materials might not have been worth much, but it was still better than looking at others take away the Skill Points.

Plated Abomination Ribcage was a Mould for Epic clothing. If it was made to be Fine or better, then it would be worthy to be a piece in a set of equipment designed to one-shot other players.

Almost no one would collect eight pieces of T3 equipment and wear them all. Since having two, four, six or eight pieces of equipment would all grant an effect, it went without saying that it wasn’t worth it to collect all eight pieces. The effects for having six or eight pieces were all relatively average.

Everyone’s aim was to obtain four pieces of matching equipment. The difference was just in choosing what the other three pieces were.

Moonlight took away this piece of clothing. He and Deadly Gold Underpants both went for it, so he ended up paying 120 points. If Warrior equipment was dropped in the future, he might not be able to beat Deadly Gold Underpants.

Spire of Twilight was a magic staff, but it was actually better for healers to use.

March Rain and Star Baby both had better weapons, so it was purchased by Machine Bro at a low price. Although Naxxramas had given out quite a bit of equipment, Machine Bro, who was always just a substitute, had already taken two pieces, so he had been rather fortunate.

Eye of Diminution was a magic decoration.

The competition for this was fierce, but it was much better than the average magic ornament. This piece of equipment had a special effect which was capable of reducing aggro.

In PVP battles, this toy was a mere decoration. Others wouldn’t let you go just because you had a special effect.

It was only when fighting a Boss in an Instance Dungeon that this item would shine, and it was particularly suitable for Magic roles.

Desecrated Helmet was a T3 item for Warriors and Thieves. Three of them were dropped at once.

Deadly Gold Underpants, Water Fairy and Lu Li took one each.

The next day was Monday. Due to the influence of the Shadow Cup, the Stronghold wars took a break. After everyone went back online, they continued the Instance Dungeon. After they finished fighting in the Abomination zone, they began the Death Knight zone, otherwise known as the Military zone. This was the hardest zone in Naxxramas. It definitely wasn’t something that could be finished up in a day or two.

Instructor Razuvious was the first Boss which taught them a lesson.

He was a powerful, top class Death Knight who guarded the entrance to the zone, and also had a part time job teaching and guiding new students. He almost had no match in terms of his power in Naxxramas.

A few clubs who attempted this Zone first couldn’t see any hope at all, and simply gave up.

Instructor Razuvious was originally a Warrior instructor from Stormwind City, but after he was killed in a cunning scheme by Kel’Thuzad, he respawned in Naxxramas. Filled with hatred towards those who were alive, Razuvious rapidly trained batches and batches of Death Knights with his top-level methods.

At the same time, he guarded the first defensive line to the military zone, and was one of the most skilled Warriors of Naxxramus.

The Death Knight team of the Scourge could be said to be a truly elite group. Most of the time, Death Knights would only be assigned to be commanders for battles of different teams, but as soon as there was a major battle, all the Death Knights would be joined together into one team. They would use their skillful fighting techniques and powerful Dark magic to really let their enemies know what it meant to die a painful death.

The battle of the holy mountain of Hyjal was right where they had charged in from the left flank into the Orcs’ Shaman team and massacred them

In the battle of the rebellion of the Forsaken, when the Lich King Arthas was trapped by Sylvanas in Lordaeron, Kel’Thuzad immediately assembled all the nearby Death Knights who were there at the time and suddenly rushed right into Lordaeron, freeing Arthas who was already at the brink of a crisis.

In the battle contending for the Frozen Throne, Arthas raised up Frostmourne and commanded the Death Knights to break through the obstruction of the Blood Elves and Naga, destroying the escorts who were under direct command of Illidan. He then chased Illidan, who controlled the Outland, away from the Frozen Throne, thus protecting the Lich King Ner’zhul.

However, fierce fighting continued, which also led to a heavy loss for the Death Knights, especially in the rebellion of the Forsaken. A matching group of the Death Knights stood in the barracks of the Banshee King, changing sides against their former allies.

At this, newly trained Death Knights became the thing that the Lich King Arthas was most concerned about. In order to satisfy the master’s demands, Kel’Thuzad locked onto Razuvious– the most famous instructor of Stormwind City.

The Cursed Disciples came to the Redridge Mountains and lured this powerful warrior into wrongdoing. However, Razuvious relied on his will as strong as iron and steel and was simply unmoved. The disappointed cursed disciples evilly began their new plan.

“Warrior Razuvious, because you’ve conspired with the Scourge, our intention is to turn Lakeshire into a new Plague point. We are specially sentencing you, Razuvious, to death.”

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