
Chapter 1251 - I Will Be Gentle

Chapter 1251: I Will Be Gentle

Translator: Halcyon Translations Editor: Halcyon Translations

Moonlight didn’t see anyone on his way to the meeting point, but when he arrived there, he saw the two people at the top of the waterfall and chose to stay.

Moonlight’s habit of not running was a bad one, but it could be attributed to his personality. However, he wasn’t an undefeatable legendary fighter. It was because of this habit of his that he had been trapped by opponents in multiple situations.

After seeing Flowing Wind jump down, he became extremely focused and instantly prepared himself for a one on two fight.

He wanted to fight at least once today. It was fortunate that these two were only small fry. Had it been Gaze and Cloudy Leaf...no, if it was Gaze and anyone else, Moonlight would have run instantly.

What surprised him was that the Shaman did not follow Flowing Wind.

When Flowing Wind landed, the Shaman did not follow, which led to Moonlight’s realisation that someone must have stopped him. The Shaman didn’t look like he had a fear of heights.

Moonlight’s usually cold face began to smile.

“Damn it! Don’t come any closer!” Flowing Wind was panicking a little. He didn’t think he was prepared enough to fight against a legendary player one on one.

“Don’t be scared; I’ll be very gentle,” Moonlight joked.

He wasn’t always a serious person and would crack a few jokes here and there. He just didn’t understand Fat Monkey’s type of humor.

Meanwhile, Angry City Dweller was under attack from Lu Li’s flurry of skills.

His mind was in overdrive; he was shocked and in utter despair. He had thought that it would be a one on two situation against Moonlight, but he hadn’t realised that there was another terrifying opponent right next to him under the water. He must have looked so stupid bouncing around on the shore.

However, Angry City Dweller wasn’t an incompetent player.

His mechanics and skills were considered to be one of the best. Shamans were not great at self-sustaining, but in terms of their offensive capabilities, they dealt quite a bit of damage.

Lu Li ignored the damage dealt to him. It didn’t matter much since he was dealing much more damage to Angry City Dweller. As long as he successfully killed him, it would be okay. Shamans were pesky because they could heal themselves.

When Lu Li jumped down from the waterfall after finishing his opponent, he saw Moonlight already there waiting for him.

“Wow, you’re slow. You were only facing a Shaman.”

Moonlight was bragging, but he had only killed Flowing Wind less than a minute ago.

“If I wasn’t there, you could’ve died. How were you confident enough to fight a highly-offensive Paladin and a Healing Shaman at the same time? If it was me, I wouldn’t even dare to fight,” Lu Li said in frustration.

“That’s because you’re a chicken. It’s not like I haven’t killed a pairing like that,” Moonlight replied.

Kitty Likes Meat was eliminated!

As Flowing Wind and Angry City Dweller were killed, Kitty Likes Meat was also eliminated at the same time.

Lu Li and Moonlight shared a look, then decided to drop their argument. After all, Ruling Sword no longer had the advantage in numbers.

Fat Monkey, Mu Qiu and Kitty Likes Meat had already been eliminated. The reserve, March Rain, should have already came in, but they didn’t know her position. If anyone from Gale Legion found her, she wouldn’t be able to fight back.

Gale Legion had Gaze and Cloudy Leaf left, with possibly Wendelian as their backup.

If both sides could successfully group together, a Warrior-Mage-Priest trio would be more compatible than a Thief-Warrior-Priest trio.

“You head towards that direction and I’ll head this way. If you see an opponent, don’t fight. Climb up into the trees and let down these ribbons,” Lu Li instructed as he took out two pieces of cloth and tore them. “The blue ribbons indicate that it’s safe, while the red indicate that an opponent is there. From now, send a signal every two minutes. If either of us go past the 2-minute mark by 30 seconds, then rush over and support immediately.”

“Alright, no problem,” Moonlight said as he took the cloths and tied them together, then took off with Lu Li.

The one that was breathing heavily was Moonlight; Lu Li had transformed into a leopard and ran agilely through the forest. Moonlight encountered monsters on the way, so he avoided them when he could. During this time, Lu Li would leave signs of his movement along his trail.

They were surrounded by forest and trees, which meant that their vision could only go so far.

However, the spectators could see what was happening. The camera angles were constantly changing, which meant that all the skirmishes were visible.

For example, there was Lu Li’s successful kill on Torrent. This made everyone laugh, since the Hunters could relate to a disobedient pet.

Hunters everywhere began to discuss Loyalty stats, so this became a hot topic.

The first to die in Ruling Sword was Fat Monkey. He had no fear, despite facing against Cloudy Leaf. It was hard for him to escape anyway, since they were both Mages, and the environment made it harder to escape. Therefore, a clash between them was inevitable.

Fat Monkey wasn’t that strong to begin with, so this environment made matters even worse.

In this battle, Gaze joined the fray as he heard that there was a skirmish close to him. In a two on one situation, Fat Monkey had no chance at all. Mu Qiu also rushed over but was killed quickly as well.

As for the highlights of this match, only Torrent’s fight with Lu Li was notable.

However, this last clash was the highlight of the match so far.

Lu Li was patient, hiding in the water. He struck at the right time, leading to the defeat of two opponents.

There was also a surprising element to this, which was Lu Li’s Druid-like ability to shapeshift.

Many people knew about it, but most hadn’t seen it in action. Furthermore, Lu Li didn’t have the chance to showcase it before, since they usually did battle in an open arena.

Interestingly, Lu Li’s shapeshifting was different to a normal Druid’s.

His shapeshifting was even stronger – after all, it was from a ring made by Cenarius, the Demigod. As for the reason behind why Cenarius made this ring, no one could explain it.

The players in the match would occasionally nearly cross paths, but they would often just brush past each other without knowing, causing the spectators to feel anxious for them.

Lu Li suddenly stopped and didn’t move a single hair on his body – he had heard someone talk.

Someone was talking, which meant that there would be at least two people, unless the person was mumbling to himself. There were only three players left from Ruling Sword, and it was impossible for Moonlight and him to be talking, which meant that it must have been someone from Gale Legion.

No matter the numbers here, he couldn’t fight them.

Lu Li retreated a few steps and slowly climbed into the trees. After a while, he raised his red cloth. However, as he looked into the distance, there was also a red cloth being raised.

Why did he and Moonlight both have opponents? Lu Li was extremely confused.

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