
Chapter 1189 - Overlord

Chapter 1189: Overlord

Translator: Halcyon Translations Editor: Halcyon

They had imagined Her Tears to ask for a lot of things, but they didn’t imagine him to ask for rare materials. Chopsticks and Castle Smokes were at a loss when they saw the list. They realized that they had ran into insanity. This crazy guy wasn’t just greedy; he was too greedy.

“I don’t need money. If you guys really care, then trade with me using the materials on this list,” Her Tears said carelessly.

“That’s impossible; there are too many materials on this list. I can’t authorize this,” Castle Smokes declined without even thinking. Although the materials on the list didn’t seem like much at first, after he imagined how many Wild Bosses they needed to kill to obtain everything, he felt sick.

Even a medium-sized guild wouldn’t be able to drag this many rare materials out from their entire storage.

How long had this guy been planning for? This wasn’t a list that any random would be able to write out. Even a specialist wouldn’t be able to write such a complete list, and it was filled with things that Glory Capital had. This meant that they had been keeping track of all the Bosses that Glory Capital had been taking down. This made Castle Smokes feel numb from the top of his head, all the way down to the bottom of his feet.

“Then talk about it with someone who can authorize it. To be honest, if it wasn’t for the fact that I decided to do things on my own... hmph, I mean, I’m risking a lot for this trade. These materials are the price; there’s no space for negotiation,” Her Tears said, standing his ground.

“Do you know how much these materials are worth?” Castle Smokes asked incredulously, hiding his rage, even though he really wanted to choke Her Tears to death.

“It’s about 8 million based on market price, I think.”

Her Tears wasn’t too sure; he didn’t participate in Auctions. He traded materials for guild points whenever he needed them.

“You’re calculating this all based on the lowest price. Not to mention, most of the materials here only have trade records and no stock. How about, I’ll give you ten million, and you can buy this list of materials instead.”

As someone in control of intel, Castle Smokes was patient, but even he was beginning to lose his cool.

“Well, if you feel like this isn’t worth it, then don’t worry about it. We can drop the trade but keep our friendship...” Her Tears interrupted his remaining sentence.

There was no point in arguing now. He didn’t need to negotiate anything with Glory Capital and he didn’t plan to do so in the first place, unless Glory Capital really decided to give up on buying the guide.

This sentence was like a pot of cold water down Castle Smokes’ hot head. It woke him up and he quickly called back Her Tears.

“It’s not about the value; my position isn’t high enough to authorize this. Hold on, let me have a word with our guild master. I’s not our first time working together anyway; there’s no need to be in such a rush.”

Her Tears’ admiration towards Lu Li went up another level.

If he was Castle Smokes, he would have already left, but Lu Li calculated the situation too well. This list of materials would definitely upset Glory Capital, but compared to this new dungeon that they could now access repeatedly, the price seemed to be within what they were willing to give up.

Castle Smokes also wasn’t stupid. His attitude was probably some sort of diplomatic tactic, and if Her Tears showed any signs of weakness, they would probably decline this list.

None of them were fools.

Even if Her Tears had any intent do anything at all in the game, he had scattered that thought entirely.

“We’ve pretty much agreed, but you know that these materials are rare, even for our guild...”

It didn’t take long for Castle Smokes to return.

“Wait, Brother Smokes, are you sure you want to discuss this slowly with me? Lu Li and the others are still in the dungeon right now, and I really don’t know where they’re up to. With this guide, you guys still have some hope to take the First Clear, but if we talk about this for another two hours, I’m not so sure anymore.”

Her Tears talked in a tone as if he was truly worried for them. He had aimed at the right spot; Castle Smokes instantly went quiet.

“We’ll try and get the materials from other places and pass them to you as soon as possible, but can we get the guide?”

Castle Smokes had given up trying to gain anymore profit for the guild out of this trade. Her Tears was right; what was most valuable to them right now was time.

The trade was completed quickly and all the materials that Lu Li had requested were sent to Her Tears’ mailbox. The guide was sent at the same time to Sorrowless.

“Ha.” Sorrowless’ laugh sent chills down everyone’s spine.

No one dared to talk in the chat room. Even the most trusted White Westhill and Blood Dagger went quiet. They had paid so much, only to receive the answer that they could skip past Highlord Omokk. They just had to jump down from a certain spot. However, they couldn’t call this a fake guide either, because it did in fact get them ‘past’ Highlord Omokk.

“Sorry boss, I thought too much inside the box,” White Westhill said after mustering up the courage to break the silence. All he could do was to own up to his responsibility. After all, he had been the one in charge if the guide team this entire time.

“Your brain is stuck. Did everyone else’s brains get eaten by dogs?” Sorrowless said without holding back. “Start the dungeon now. If we can’t get the First Clear of Blackrock Spire, bottom level, then the reward money of the guide team and related guild members will be reduced by half for this season. All of you, go back and think again if you’re really doing your best for the guild.”

After Lu Li confirmed that the trade had been completed, he began to buff himself and continue on with the dungeon.

This last boss was surrounded by layers of monsters and was protected in the depths of the palace.

Overlord Wyrmthalak was in charge of managing the army placed in the bottom level of the Blackrock Spire. He prepared them to attack the Dwarves at any time. He didn’t feel much for the defeated tribe and the cruel members of it. In order to protect his master, Nefarian, he didn’t care how many he sacrificed.

It was because of his cruel personality. Not only did he have to be weary of the Dwarves’ counterattack, but he also had to be careful of his own allies.

“Clean up. We need to clear all the monsters here,” Lu Li pointed at the monsters and said to Azure Sea Breeze. Without a second word, Azure Sea Breeze rushed forward. Azure Sea Breeze never complained anymore these days; he had enough with the traps that Lu Li set down for him in the past.

The monsters here were mostly separated into groups, with some patrol monsters around.


Sakura Memories was fighting a monsters, but was suddenly knocked out. She didn’t receive much damage from the attack, but she fell right into another pool of monsters which dragged a new wave towards them. Wandering was quick to take the aggression from this wave of monsters and save Sakura Memories.

“Everyone, watch out. Don’t die to these monsters,” Lu Li reminded them.

The members of his regular team were all well trained. Once they realized that these monsters could knock people out, they all started to position themselves to avoid aggroing new mobs.

Because the monsters knocked out people, Azure Sea Breeze was very careful when he pulled them. It took them around a dozen minutes to clear out all of them.

Her Tears was still teaching the players from Glory Capital how to jump off the cliff. As such, Lu Li knew that the Glory Capital team was getting close to the second Boss. He throught for a bit and sent Drizzle Court a copy of the guide. He didn’t send out the guide immediately at the start because of his own reasons, but if Drizzle Court found the guide after Glory Capital, that would be too sad.

Wyrmthalak wasn’t a real dragon; he was a Dragonspawn.

Ten thousand years ago, during the war against the Burning Legion, the Earthwarder, Neltharion, was tempted by the ancient gods and fell evil. The remaining four dragons and their armies under them became the greatest barrier to Neltharion, who was renamed Deathwing, and his Black Dragon army.

With the Black Dragon army alone, it was obvious that he wouldn’t be able to win against the alliance of the four dragons and its armies. In their series of defeats, the Black Dragon army grew weak, and only a few of them remained and stayed hidden amongst the mortals to hide from being hunted by the other dragons.

Deathwing knew that the Black Dragon army alone wasn’t enough, so he began to research a new kind of dragon. He passed this mission only his elder son, Nelfarion. Nelfarion led his research in the direction of combining the abilities of all five dragons in an attempt to create a new breed of dragons that weren’t afraid of all dragon power. With the help of goblins and their technology to hasten the speed of the new species’ growth, he successfully created these multi-coloured Dragonspawn.

Overlord Wyrmthalak was one of the products.

Wyrmthalak was loyal to his master and was ready to sacrifice himself to his master at anytime. Anyone who dared to be in the way of his master’s plans would be put to death by him.

“Go and have a try,” Lu Li said carelessly. There was no way the last Boss would be easy. Wyrmthalak had at least a dozen skills and his physical defence wasn’t any lesser than Highlord Omokk. However, his greatest threat came from his wide variety of skills.

Lu Li couldn’t immediately tell everyone how to take out this Boss. He had to fail a few times first and gather from the experience. This was how he could use his hack, his reincarnated experience.

Poor Azure Sea Breeze; he would probably never know that he was nothing more than an experimental target.

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