
Chapter 1080 - Everyone’s Ulterior Motives

Chapter 1080: Everyone’s Ulterior Motives

Translator: Halcyon Translations Editor: Halcyon Translations

Azure Sea Breeze rushed forward quickly and taunted the Boss. Despite the Boss being level 55, the now-level 54 Azure Sea Breeze only took around 400 damage from its attacks.

Any other player would have had their HP halved from such an attack.

Feats like these were the reasons behind there being no objections of putting Azure Sea Breeze on the All-Star team, despite him being not a professional player. They knew that he was truly one of the strongest tanks, even when compared to professional players.

Lu Li rushed forward and began to activate his skills. However, he found that he began to lose HP quickly after getting close to the Boss.

This was because of the flames coming from the Boss, which was a fire-based monster. These flames caused a Scorch effect that damaged enemies who were in close proximity. As a result, ranged classes could usually avoid these flames. However, a major part of their squad was melee, so they could not solely rely on the ranged classes to DPS.

“Move away for a second. I’m going to place a Healing Totem,” Jade Flower Lover said, then placed a totem in the middle of the melee players.

Normal totems only healed once every 5 seconds and did not recover much HP. They were only suited to be used in training grounds, not in Boss fights like these. However, the one that Jade Flower Lover had placed was a totem that healed once every 3 seconds and also healed three times the amount that a normal totem would.

“I didn’t realise that you had something like that up your sleeves,” Green Flag Wine said, audibly impressed. If they met on the PVP stage, he would instantly target the totem.

“Well, since we’re all fighting together in this Dungeon, we can’t hide things now, can we? I remember you having an Aura that increases damage by 30%. Why don’t you use that?” Jade Flower Lover chuckled.

“These two sly foxes...” Elevenless muttered, then spread his arms and roared loudly.

A Rage aura then appeared over the squad members, boosting the offensive capabilities of everyone by a significant amount.

“My Aura can only be used for 30 seconds and has a cooldown of an hour. Lu Li, are you sure you want me to use it?” Green Flag Wine asked, redirecting the topic to Lu Li. After all, he hadn’t asked anyone to activate their auras.

Lu Li took this opportunity to propose an idea.

“Can everyone share what skills they have, in terms of raising offensive strength and defensive strength?”

Squads like these weren’t much better than randomly-formed teams, because the Commander did not understand his own teammates. As such, his judgments were limited and would not be beneficial to the team. Furthermore, everyone here was a professional player, so it was disadvantageous to reveal their equipment properties and skills.

“I’ll reveal mine first since all of you have hidden agendas,” Old Man Power said.

Since Old Man Power had revealed his skills, the others did not have valid excuses to hide. Even Sorrowless revealed his equipment that could mitigate squad-wide damage.

Of course, everyone knew that people were still hiding things.

As Lu Li dealt DPS, he also observed how the others were attacking. After all, these opportunities to observe professional players while fighting alongside as teammates were not common. However, it took skill to gain something out of observation.

“I will be reborn. Lord Incendius will revive me from the ashes!”

Overmaster Pyron was only a door guard in the eyes of these professional players. After uttering this line, he quickly turned into a corpse.

“Leader, let’s loot the items,” Sea Breaker said as he backed away from the Boss’ corpse. No one else approached the corpse. There were two things that were taboo in Dawn – disobeying the commander’s orders and looting the corpse for oneself.

Some squad leaders would loot the corpse themselves, then decide on a payment for his services.

An All-Star squad like this obviously did not have a clear leader. However, it was still a wise decision to let Lu Li loot the items, since people trusted him the most.

“Let’s not.”

“What? Are you joking?”

“Do you guys not know how unlucky he is?”

A few of the members who cleared Instance Dungeons with Lu Li instantly rejected the notion of him looting items. Among these few, even the quiet Water Fairy also objected. It looked like the reputation of the ‘Leader with the Unlucky Hand’ had been well and truly been engraved in everyone’s minds. Lu Li was saddened; even his own teammates did not believe in him.

In the end, it was Wendelian who went up and looted the body. Although her luck was not greater than Remnant Dream, she did not have a bad record.

The Judge’s Gavel: Level 55 Dark Gold weapon. The properties were not bad either.

However, not a single person here needed it. After all, being professional players, they all had Legendary grade items.

The other loots were Gold grade items. Of course, no one wanted them either.

There were also some rare materials, such as the Black Diamond. However, they weren’t worth much either, since they could be easily farmed at Blackrock Mountain. As such, the loot from this Boss was rolled for to decide who got what.

After passing through the Quarry region, they would encounter many workers, guards and slaves. The slaves were all monsters, so players could choose whether or not to kill them. However, because the loot wasn’t worth much, they usually just ignored these monsters.

After killing the guards, everyone quickly entered the Instance Dungeon.

This Instance Dungeon had many routes for different quests and each route would lead to a different Boss. There was a shut metal door on the left side, so they decided to continue and quickly encountered two Dark Iron Dwarves, who had guard dogs with them. However, there was not much difficulty in killing them.

Shortly after, they met the first Boss of the instance dungeon, Lord Roccor.

Lord Roccor hated the betrayal and deception that had occurred within his own Fire Elemental companions. To avoid them in the Molten Core, this powerful being intentionally angered the Firelord. After this, the Firelord then banished Roccor from the Molten Core, so Lord Roccor was posted to guard the Blackrock Spires.

He preferred the life of a ruler over a small region instead.

It was unfortunate for Roccor that he could drop a Druid item, the Idol of Ferocity. Because of this item, he would be constantly harassed by players. On top of this, powerful Druid players would often venture to his dungeon alone to try and obtain the item.

However, as of this moment, he did not need to worry about that, since there were no squads strong enough to fight the Instance Dungeons of the Blackrock Depths.








Today, he welcomed his first guests.

“Friends who have come from far places, do you know the taste of terror?” Lord Roccor began to swing his stone arms around. This was extremely intimidating, even for these professional players.

Realistically, Lord Roccor was a tough opponent.

“Let’s try it out. We won’t lose experience points even if we die since it’s an instance dungeon anyway.” As the commander, Lu Li did not try and show off straight away.

There were tactics regarding faking an act. He couldn’t just immediately show off his capabilities straight away, since they would not have been surprised at his strength. However, he chose to let them feel that this Boss was an extremely hard one, so that once he overcame this challenge, he would seem even stronger to others.

Lord Roccor was a Fire Elemental but was assembled with rocks. He had high attack power and defensive power. Furthermore, he also knew a few Fire-based magic.

Skills like Earth Shock, Flame Shock and Ground Tremor all were AoE damaging and crowd control skills. The result of the first try at this Boss was a squad wipe because the healers were stunned, and the MT could not tank the damage without the healers. Therefore, the squad was completely annihilated.

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