
Chapter 1034 - Underwater Treasure

Chapter 1034: Underwater Treasure

Translator: Halcyon Translations Editor: Halcyon Translations

His boat immediately caught the attention of nearby players.

“Is that an NPC going out to the waters?” The ordinary players couldn’t comprehend at all what it was like to have their own little boat. There were plenty of boats docked around the shoreline and players who were also dragging boats to maintenance. NPCs wouldn’t let players fix their boats by themselves.

“I wonder if there’s going to be a quest? It’s the first time I’ve seen this.” Some quick thinkers were interested.

“Don’t be stupid; that’s obviously a player.”

Some were much more intelligent and the quickly came to a conclusion from Lu Li’s actions and outfit. At least, not many NPCs were willing to mask their face like this.

“But where did this little boat come from? He’s really going out to the sea; can such a small boat really sail out to sea?”

“He definitely has a death wish!”

Players could only watch in envy as Lu Li disappeared from the shoreline.

The farther out he travelled into the sea, the higher the level of the monsters became. Swimming also involved issues with stamina, and the deep sea was unavailable to players at the current stage of the game.

However, this was not a problem at all when you owned a boat.

Ahead of him was a small island that only appeared only during the annual winter festival. It was usually hidden below the sea and there was a sunken ship next to it. The surrounding monsters weren’t too highly-leveled and were suitable for Lu Li.

However, Lu Li couldn’t remember its precise location; he only knew that it was around this region.

It would be difficult for people who had never been out in the sea to understand what it felt like to float around on water.

If Hachi Chan was tossed into the sea, she might spend the rest of her life wandering.

Fortunately, Lu Li had already made some preparations – he had bought a compass and telescope from the Pirate Bar. Although the quality was questionable since these were all unwanted items from the pirates, they were enough for his situation right now.

He packed away his boat after he chose a location.

There was nowhere for him to tie it down as it didn’t have an anchor, so he had no choice but to pack it away.

Lu Li fell right into water the moment his boat disappeared.

Players could only stay about 10 minutes in the sea water without some sort of equipment to help.

After 10 minutes, they would die from drowning. The Elixir of Water Breathing would only increase this time to half an hour before they died from running out of stamina.

Although there were people in real life who could wander in the sea for hours and hours without dying, this was a game and it had to follow the rules.

After he fell into water, Lu Li transformed into a little seal which greatly improved his vision. He could see his surroundings much clearer and could make out the schools of brightly colored fish.

Lu Li wiggled his tail and dived further into the waters.

The lower he went, the less light there was and the poorer his vision became. If it wasn’t for the fact that he was in his seal form, he probably wouldn’t have been able to see anything.

He would encounter monsters every now and then under the water, but they were usually under level 50. This was because the area wasn’t too far away from the shore.

After he dived down for another 10 minutes, Lu Li stopped.

There were no sunken ships in this area and there weren’t any underwater islands either. He was in the wrong place.

Although he had been mentally prepared, he couldn’t help but be a little disappointed. This didn’t stop him from resurfacing and searching elsewhere though.

He needed to bring out his boat, not only because it travelled faster but also because it was safer. Monsters underwater usually didn’t actively attack ships or boats either, with some exceptions.

He tried two places without gaining anything, but he had some luck during his third dive.

A giant dark shadow lurked beneath the waters, looking like a giant monster from afar. Lu Li was overjoyed and quickly swam towards it; this had to be the underwater island.

The closer he swam to the island, the more densely packed the monsters became. Most of them were Murlocs, but Lu Li even saw a few semi Bosses. However, he had no intentions of approaching them at all.

He figured out the location of the island and moved towards the northwest side. As he had anticipated, he found the remains of an old ship amongst the reef.

There couldn’t be anything remaining in this sunken ship since it was too broken. Lu Li was looking for an Oak Galleon.

If he remembered correctly, it would be ‘Mog’Lun’ of the Goblins. It was a ship that exported products between two continents, earning profit from the great price difference. The Mog’Lun family had earned plenty from this ship and quickly became famous amongst the merchants.

Unfortunately, the Mog’Lun steered itself into the reef when it being chased by the pirates and sunk.

The property of the Mog’Lun family then became history.


Lu Li halted and quickly changed out of his seal form, then drank an Elixir of Water Breathing.

Ghost Sailors!

He had not been cautious enough. He didn’t expect to run into a monster and the reef had blocked his vision. It was too late for him to dodge it now.

Ghost type monsters had an ability to detect Stealth and these level 50 monsters definitely saw Lu Li coming.

The scimitar of the Ghost Sailor slit across Lu Li’s stomach and his blood began to spill. Lu Li didn’t hesitate to stab his dagger into his opponent’s chest either.

This was a level 50 elite monster with around 5000 health, so it wasn’t a problem for Lu Li to take him down. What was more troublesome was that Lu Li’s blood was beginning to spread into the water, attracting the Murlocs. He hastily chugged down a healing potion and sped away.

If he had any group spells, fighting monsters under water would be worth it. At the very least, he wouldn’t have to keep running after he attracted monsters.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t capable of wiping out monsters under water, so if it wasn’t necessary, he would rather walk a longer distance than fight.

Gradually, he got closer to the sunken ship.

The closer he approached, the more Ghost Sailors he saw. The battle back then must’ve been a nightmare.

Lu Li didn’t plan to walk in from the entrance; it was too much work to fight his way in. He smashed a hole in the ship and went in through the cabins, then picked the lock of the first room that he found.

Within the room were some daily items and a box.

Sailor’s Storage Box: Within the box are the Sailor’s private belongings. Private belongings are personal and should remain untouched. Requires Level 3 Lock Picking to open.

Lu Li rubbed his hands under water and used Unlock on the box.

Black mist began to swarm out from the box and a scimitar appeared even before the mist had formed its shape. The scimitar hacked right toward Lu Li, but was met with a block from his Daggers. Lu Li was prepared this time.

“Private belongings are personal and should remain untouched.”

This reminded Thieves that opening the box came with a risk.

This was a Ghost Sailor who was guarding his things even after his death. It was a shame that he couldn’t overpower the intruder.

The battle finished within a few rounds.

Lu Li didn’t stop here either and proceeded into the next room.

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