
Chapter 837 Thorn

The reason why they weren’t allowed to leave a 30-yard radius around the Boss was because they had already entered battle. If any players in combat were to exit this zone...

"You! Why are you so far away?" Lu Li yelled.

One of the players who had backed away didn’t seem to understand Lu Li’s words; he had nearly walked over to the others who were waiting on standby.

The player was stunned, and weakly explained himself, "I don’t have much health left. I was going to leave combat to recover some health."

At this time, a blue, radiant light began to glow on the claws of Azuregos. All the players suddenly felt dizzy and found themselves below the dragon’s stomach.

While they didn’t take any damage, their aggression to the Boss was reset back to zero.

The aggression system in Dawn was no different to the traditional system of most games. It ranged from high to low and all players in combat were assigned a value. Once the aggression of the players within 30 yards was reset, any player outside the radius with the slightest aggression would draw the Boss’ attention.

Azuregos had already abandoned those who were under his belly and glided towards a player who was further away.

"Breezy, quickly rebuild the aggression. Whoever that is, stop running – just stand there and die," Lu Li instructed. There was no better solution that he could think of.

However, the player still seemed as if he hadn’t understood a single word and continued running towards the crowd. Once he got close to them, the attack of the Boss would spread to the others.

Without the effective defense from a main tank, they were bound to lose a lot of players.

Everyone watched as Lu Li’s figure flashed a few times in a row and he instantly caught up to the player, but his next actions shocked them even more.


He had already kicked the runner from the team during his chase as he couldn’t attack anyone on the same team.

The blinded player could only spin around on the spot.

Blind wasn’t as simple as taking someone’s vision – it also completely removed a player’s sense of direction, so there was no way he could keep running towards the crowd.

The reason why Lu Li had not killed him yet wasn’t because he was a guild member; he just didn’t want to do anything that might attract the aggression of the boss. However, he wouldn’t be the one to deal with this elite team member – that was Square Root 3’s business.

There was one thing for sure, though – he definitely would not remain as an elite.

Square Root 3 would also investigate to see if he was a spy sent from another guild because his actions were too suspicious.

Azure Sea Breeze had come in time to build aggro, but there were still a few unfortunate players. They couldn’t take an attack from the Boss face-on, and six of them died in one go.

This was the first time that players from Ruling Sword had died to a Wild Boss and it was six of them in one go.

All of this was because a single guild member had failed to follow instructions.

Azure Sea Breeze pulled the Boss back to its original position and everyone returned to their previous formation. With Lu Li’s strategy, no deaths should have been involved, only money.

Square Root 3 quickly received the news.

He felt quite sorry as he sent a message to Lu Li to explain who the player was.

This was a top gamer that he had personally recruited. He was a little arrogant and had possibly been a commander a few times. He often had his own thoughts in group events and most of the time, these had a positive impact.

This time, he was in the guild event and he most likely felt like it was best if he left combat to recover himself.

This wasn’t uncommon in Wild Boss fights. For example, if someone was poisoned, they could retreat to the safe area to drink potions. This would also allow their cooldowns to reset and take some pressure off the healer.

It wasn’t that he had not heard Lu Li; he just thought what he did was the better choice.

"How do you plan to solve this?" Lu Li asked. He wasn’t surprised to have run into someone like this. They were in a game, and their groups weren’t going to be as organized as a real company. Even someone who had signed an elite group contract wouldn’t listen to someone else for everything.

"He can’t stay in the elite group," Square Root 3 said, feeling some regret.

"Kick him – we don’t need someone like this," Lu Li said coldly, then added, "We’re a big guild. It’s not that we don’t allow different opinions, but following orders is a basic requirement for guild events."

"Uhm, he’s also brought some friends..." Square Root 3 mumbled, feeling like this punishment was a little harsh.

Those with some talent were bound to have a temper.

"I asked him to stand there to die, but he ran towards the crowd. Clearly, he thinks he’s more important than everyone else. He actively searched for others to sacrifice themselves for him; he’s too self-centered and we don’t need someone like this. If his friends want to go, then they can go too."

Lu Li didn’t feel pity at all. He knew better than anyone else how groupwork functioned in Dawn.

It wasn’t so obvious now, but it definitely would be when they attempted the level 60 dungeons and Bosses. If one person made a mistake, the whole team would often be wiped as a consequence.

As for PVP battles, those were fast-paced. If there were two voices on the team, who would everyone listen to?

Even if you were right, by the time everyone analyzed the situation and reached a conclusion, they would be dead. As such, any commander should not be questioned during combat.

If Wandering directing the battle and asked Lu Li to stand there and die, Lu Li wouldn’t hesitate at all.

After the accident, the battle began to proceed as Lu Li had planned. The Boss was about to use its ultimate skill, so Lu Li walked up and transformed it with a Gnomish Poultryizer.

If they fought the usual way, they would need two mobile tanks.

One would fight the Boss face on while the other had to stand out of the thirty-yard range and shoot with a bow or crossbow. After the players within the thirty-yard range cleared their aggro, the Boss would attack the main tank who was standing outside. In this way, the tanks would constantly switch.

This was quite an effective method, but the problem was that the Boss had too many skills and players died too quickly. Oftentimes, the Boss wasn’t killed, but most of the players had already been lost.

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