
Chapter 257 King Lacquy

Chapter 257 King Lacquy

"What’s so urgent? Why is he calling me over now?" Chen Fan parked his car and walked up to Zhang Xueyang, who had yet to notice his presence.


The hair on Zhang Xue Yang’s arms stood on end, as he was surprised by Chen Fan’s appearance. He stroked his chest exaggeratedly and said, "Come on, let’s go inside and have a chat!"

The two walked by the bar counter and conveniently ordered the highest quality green tea. They then entered a private room. Even before the tea was served, Zhang Xueyang started chattering away.

"Have you watched the news recently?"

"News?" Chen Fan did not have time to watch the news.

Zhang Xueyang suspiciously moved his face closer and said, "Yesterday, the European Union and the Republic of South Africa reached a $10 billion arms procurement agreement. It includes fifty Rafale jets, two corvettes, an armored car, a minesweeper vehicle and more. They also lifted three bans on technology that was previously restricted from exporting."

"What does this have to do with me? You are not trying to incite me to rob the arms cargo ship, are you?" Chen Fan gave him a scornful glance. "I haven’t lived enough yet! I don’t want to die young!"

"Let me finish." Zhang Xueyang popped a cigarette into his mouth. "These offers come with a cost. Just this morning, the European Union suddenly flipped out. They are now opposing the export of rare earths in China. Alongside South Africa, they adopted measures to set a quota on the five rare metals that our country imports. Metal iridium, osmium, chromium, cobalt and also metallic palladium. My old man purposely hit me up and told me to hoard the five rare metals from now on, in order to prevent our having a short supply in the future. After all, my family is involved in processing precision spare parts, which requires the use of rare metals often."

"So, you were looking for me today because you want me to get you some metallic palladium from South Africa?" Chen Fan took a sip of tea. "Isn’t the relationship between South Africa and our country good? Why would they suddenly issue this export restriction?"

"We’ll have to ask South Africa’s President Jacob about this. I guess they are probably not happy with China’s export of rare earths!" Zhang Xueyang thought aloud, "I think that, before this restriction to China is lifted, the domestic price of the metallic palladium will surely skyrocket. This is because it is different from the other metals that can be massively imported!"

"Don’t you have a way to get metallic palladium? If so, bring back a few tons! I can guarantee that it will pay more than property speculation!"

"Bring it back and sell it to you?" asked Chen Fan.

"Yes! Yes!" Zhang Xueyang nodded his head eagerly, like a chick pecking at rice. "Unfortunately, I can only take 20 million from you. But, I can help you to contact other buyers. Moreover, I promise to promote the sale of it, as much as the amount you bring in!"

"How about 50 tons?"

"What did you say?" Zhang Xueyang blinked his eyes, suspecting that something was wrong with his hearing.

"How. About. 50. Tons?!" Chen Fan yelled loudly, careful to emphasize every single word, even with pauses in between them!

"Do you know what 50 tons means?" Zhang Xueyang’s facial muscles twitched unnaturally. He was filled with indignation and said, "Fifty tons represents 50,000 kilograms and 50 million grams. Let’s say we take 200 yuan per gram, that’s not too much, right? After two months, it would definitely rise up to this price, then 50 million grams would be equivalent to 10 billion yuan!"

Chen Fan responded, excited. "Think of 10 billion, bro! If we roll out the list of wealthy people under the age of 30, do you think that we can find someone who is younger and richer than even you?"

Zhang Xueyang muttered dispiritedly, "If you look at the richest people on the Hurun Rich List, which one of them did not work hard for half a lifetime and experience numerous hardships to get to where they are today? Now, look at yourself! You only have that small company that runs fixed production. You can’t even make it into the top one thousand list in China. But, the speed of banknotes entering your pocket is faster than the banknote printing factory can keep up with, even were they were working overtime!"

"You are embarrassing me with your words!" Chen Fan put on an ’I am an honest guy’ look, then said, "You haven’t given me an answer yet. Can 50 tons of metallic palladium be sold?"

"Of course! If you can bring back another 50 tons, I can confidently assure you that all will be sold out!"

"Selling it at 10 yuan per catty?" asked Chen Fan, wanting further peace of mind and clarification.

"Do I look like someone who brags emptily?" Faced with Chen Fan’s doubts, Zhang Xueyang said with his eyes squinted. "When the metallic palladiums are here, I can bring in the buyer and even guarantee that the payments are super quick!"

"Li Jiacheng?"

"Even Bill Gates is not as rich as him!" Zhang Xueyang smiled.

Not caring about Zhang Xueyang’s being secretive about who the buyer was, Chen Fan returned to Rork Island the next day. There, he saw that Argyll and Barru had returned in triumph with their spoils of war.

Their prey was a type of fledgling that resembled a sparrow but was the size of a sheep. It’s body was covered with thick and stubbly feathers. Barru tied it up like a sticky rice dumpling, then carried it on his shoulder.

"I got the ship for you!" Chen Fan pointed to the black hovercraft behind him. "Can you see it? It is this big black thing. As long as there is enough fuel, it can sail for six days straight. When you return, I will refuel it again."

"Six days?" The corner of Argyll’s mouth formed into a surprised circle, as he became lost in thought.

Why does this strange looking ship not have a sail? Are we supposed to paddle it?

"This is the charm of technology! Do you understand?" Chen Fan cast aside Barru, who was in a demented state, then brought Argyll into the cockpit. He guided Argyll to start the hovercraft, them showed him how to use the navigation instruments onboard.

This hovercraft was stolen from a shipyard in Japan, when Chen Fan was in control of the electric eel. At first, he wanted to take a cargo ship from his shipyard, but the huge size of the electric eel made it impossible to carry. Hence, he had to change his target to a hovercraft, which was smaller and also conveniently foldable.

This hovercraft was equipped with two high speed diesel engines and an open cargo. After it was folded up, to use it as normal again, one simply had to hoist it onto the sand beach and open the self-loading air pump. It could then be turned into a 300-ton ship in less than 20 minutes!

"I can’t teach you anything that is too complicated, since I don’t think you can learn as well as most. So, I will only teach you some simple driving skills." Chen Fan pushed the red start button that was next to the rudder, then waited for the propeller engine at the tail to groan to life. He then shouted, "Pay attention to my position!"

Vroom, Vroom, Vroom!

Following Chen Fan’s hand movement, the hovercraft’s external propeller suddenly accelerated. The airflow that was generated by the propellers was moving at a rate of more than 70 rpm per second. In an instant, the sand on the beach was flying everywhere!


"Haha! You old geezer! I can’t find any vulgar words to describe my mood at the moment. This is God’s masterpiece! That kid must be a god!"

Barru looked like a Pinocchio puppet that was attached to a coil spring. He was turning around and around at the same spot in the cockpit, going wild with joy.

"One day! I can’t believe my eyes. In just one day, we have arrived at the royal capital!" Argyll, who had not slept the entire night, was still in great spirits.

A near frenzied engine sound madly bombarded everyone’s ears, turning the bustling port into a chaotic scene. The porters, who were bustling about on the shore and aboard the boats, abruptly fled in disarray.

"Guards! Guards!" The port’s tax official’s expression looked like he had been kicked by someone. He rolled and crawled up to the guards, who were patrolling in the distance, asking them for help.

Clip-clop! Clip-clop!

Crisp hoove steps could be heard coming from the distance. The eight high-powered guards ferociously rushed towards the hovercraft, each with a root-shaped spear in their hand.

Argyll’s purple robe, as well as his crescent badge that was hanging from his chest, were the best proofs of his identity. He stood up on the deck, immediately causing the eight untamed horses to be halted by their sharp-eyed masters.

"Respected elders, please forgive us for acting rashly!" The guards jumped off of their horses and said with utmost deference.

"Well..." Argyll nodded with satisfaction. "Leave six people to guard the ship, and no one is allowed to have any contact with the ship! The remaining two people will inform the city’s defence officer, Birmande, and tell him to send more personnel to guard the ship. And, you there, loan me the horse!" Argyll finished talking and jumped onto the back of the horse.


If some busybody were to ask the people about King Lacquy, most would say that he was a textbook example of an idiot! This characterization was not reflective of his character and actions. For example, Lacquy had actually stood out from the five princes with his decisive personality, when he was young. He was known for suppressing bandits and armed rebellions, even killing foreign enemies!

Every time there was a big conflict in the kingdom, he always rushed to join in the fun, and rarely lost. Even when resisting the invasion of foreign enemies, his performance was remarkable.

He led the king, who was already dim-sighted from old age at the time, in announcing that the kingdom had a successor. He was given the position of king, along with giving an oath that he would certainly double the territory of the kingdom.

Regretfully, when he became king, the people gradually realized how muddle-headed the old king was, and worse, how stupid this new king really could be!

He launched all of his efforts into preparing for war, doubling the salary, doubling the benefits, and doubling the training time of the men in his kingdom. He also made it his mission to rid the army of any unhealthy men and old men. He declared that only strong men must join the army, as this country must prepare for war!

Three years later, when he felt that the army was strong enough, he sent an envoy to a neighboring country for a "friendly visit." When the envoy returned, he ordered someone to kill the envoy at the border, then forcibly point the finger at the neighboring country. No matter how the neighboring country tried to defend themselves against such false claims, the new king shamelessly insisted on war.

"The dignity of the kingdom has been trampled on, so we must defend our dignity with our spears!"

The vanguard of 100,000 elites, under the cover of this lie, were pushed to the border to fight! Once there, the strictly trained soldiers did not disappoint the country. The 100,000 man vanguard and the 3,000,000 of the army’s forces, which followed behind, were undefeatable. They were also as ruthless as a battering ram. In less than half a year, they colonized 15 large cities. By that time, for one to go around the entire territory, it would take a full day of horse riding.

The whole country celebrated their victory and gains.

"Great King, your glory intoxicates me..." The old duke endlessly flattered Lacquy. He then said, "The urgent tasks now are to rest and recuperate, firmly protect the current territory, and bring in people to open up the land. After a decade or so, the kingdom will indeed regain its strength. Then, we can restart the war!"

At 25 years of age, Lacquy was at the height of his idiocy. "Kill, relax the enlistment order, and enlist another 300,000 for the army. We must finish them off with a clean sweep, and go out with a bang!" he said with a fanatical gaze.

The result was clearly visible. The long war and the subsequent weak supplies led not only to the kingdom’s losing the war, but also to its completely losing all of the land that was snatched. In the end, the kingdom had to sign a 50-year truce treaty, aided by the mediation of the Gilnan Empire.


Here was the warning that the Emperor of the Gilnan Empire gave to Lacquy...

"If a country can’t be courageous enough to maintain its dignity at all costs, then this country will be worthless."

Lacquy said shamelessly, "He killed the envoy representing our country, then trampled on our country’s dignity!"

Now, after a full 20 years of rest, the pain caused by the war has basically been soothed. As for the young able-bodied people that were sacrificed, another generation has now grown to replace them!

So, when King Lacquy received the news from Argyll, he shifted completely. His adrenal gland directly rose to its alert point, as he said, "Quick, quick, quick, I have to go see the magical ship in person, as well as that magical bow that you mentioned!"

When Argyll personally drove the hovercraft to the Royal Naval Base and took King Lacquy to experience the charm of technology, the heart of King Lacquy was filled with acute happiness. Even Barru, who was as ugly as a monster, became pleasing to the eye.

Then, Argyll ordered someone to prepare an archery target, placed a hundred meters away. He then handed a beautifully shaped bow to the king, asking him to pull the trigger!

Lacquy, who was adept in archery and horsemanship, immediately fell in love with this frosted handguard, which was a crossbow made of carbon fiber material. He gently squatted for half a squat, then aimed his eye at the baseline.


After the violent tearing sound of his whiff of the air, King Lacquy could not help but turn red. There was no arrow in the distant target, so he had obviously been quite off-target.

"The archery skills of His Majesty the King are really amazing!" Argyll was being overly flattering and waited until he noticed the anger on the face of the king. The older he got, the more intelligent he became, so Argyll understood the beginning and end of the matter at once.

As such, he deliberately raised his voice, then faced the little soldier beside him and shouted, "Didn’t you see that the target was shot through? You! Go pick up the arrow and bring it here. Let us appreciate the superb archery skills of His Majesty the king!"

At this time, Lacquy came to realize and quickly put on a gentle and refined royal manner!

"Argyll, I am now appointing you as a special envoy of my kingdom. You now have the power to utilize the national treasury. As to acquiring the orc tribal silver coin, I will leave this responsibility to the finance minister."

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