
Chapter 140 Bomb In The Deep Sea

Chapter 140 Bomb In The Deep Sea

Shimen Trench was 32 nautical miles away from the hole among the reefs. The electric eel only took 13 minutes to arrive at the bottom of the huge ravine. The deepest point of Shimen Trench was said to be over 4,500 meters, and the eel could now dive to a depth of 3,000 meters. After taking a deep breath and with its head facing downward, the electric eel quickly dove down along the gentle slope of the trench.

Upon the eel reaching the 1,000-meter point, Chen Fan discovered something that made him rejoice. Previously when the eel reached this depth, it would need to use electromagnetic induction to sense the surrounding, but now it could actually see the scenery within 2,000 meters clearly.

What did this imply? It implied that when the quantity of the ghost moon incense increased, there would be changes in its quality. The previous time when the electric eel consumed the two pieces of ghost moon incense, although the strengthening effect was very obvious, it was nothing compared to this time. Strengthening could no longer be used to describe the eel, it was going through an evolution, an earth-shaking evolution.

When the electric eel dived to 2,000 meters and arrived at the location where it had previously gotten the treasure box filled with jadeite and larderite, the visibility of the surrounding decreased to around 1,500 meters, but it did not feel any pressure or cold. The gentle slope below was within the eel’s sight. It was still extending downward at an angle of 45 degrees, and there were no cliffs or other landforms.

Upon reaching 3,500 meters, the electric eel finally felt slight water pressure, but that feeling did not affect the eel’s movements at all. As for its vision, the eel could only observe up to around 1,000 meters.

What puzzled Chen Fan was how the electric eel’s vision did not change since reaching a depth of 3,000 meters. The depth had increased another 500 meters, but its vision remained the same and did not decrease with the depth of the seawater. At that moment, within the eel’s vision was vast whiteness. Even the small fish on the gentle slope were snow-white throughout, and it was not possible to tell where their eyes and noses were.

After stopping for over 10 seconds at this position, the electric eel took a deep breath before moving its tail, preparing to dive to the bottom at one go. As it got closer to the bottom of the trench, the pressure on the eel’s body increased. When it reached the bottom of the trench, which had the water pressure of over 4,000 meters deep, the eel felt a little out of breath. However, it could still manage to hang on, so it was estimated that there was at least another 700 to 800 meters to the eel’s diving limit.

The electric eel’s diving limit should be around 5,200 meters. Chen Fan came up with such a conclusion according to the feel of the eel’s body. The scenery of the deep sea was not as colorful and gorgeous as the shallow waters. Due to the lack of sunlight shining there, the surroundings were as lifeless as desolate land.


After controlling the electric eel to swim aimlessly on the seabed for a few minutes, Chen Fan gradually felt some changes to the temperature of the seawater nearby when he wanted to float up to the shallow waters. It seemed to be getting hotter!

Right! It was getting hotter, although the seawater was still around the range of zero degrees Celsius just now...

After swimming for a few hundred meters in the direction that the temperature of the seawater was increasing, the electric eel suddenly sensed a pungent smell of sulfur. There was actually an oceanic volcano around 500 meters in front of the electric eel, and black plumes of smoke were spewing out of it.

No wonder it’s so hot! Chen Fan came to the realization. The temperature at the vent of an oceanic volcano can usually reach 300 to 400 degrees Celsius, but the electric eel was still over 600 meters away from this 500-meter tall oceanic volcano, so it didn’t feel too hot. Nonetheless, the smell of sulfur in the surrounding area was suffocating.

Although the electric eel couldn’t stand the suffocating sulfur smell, that didn’t mean that it was harmful to all living things. In fact, there were countless fish, prawns and crabs near the vent of the volcano, which was over 400 degrees Celsius. They were swallowing mouthfuls of these volcanic ashes, rich in bioactivity to replenish the nutrients in their bodies.

Nature was really amazing sometimes. The seawater at over 300 degrees Celsius was even more powerful than a high-pressure cooker. There were different creatures living happily at this type of extreme temperature, which was no less than the temperature on Mars?

As Chen Fan was reveling in the spectacular view of nature, a large whitefish, around 28 meters in length and white all over, swam from the left side of the electric eel. It was a large fish which looked like a grooved razorfish. It had a flat body, and its mouth was especially protruded in a tubular shape, which was very similar to that of a dolphin.

The huge fish swam near to the vent of the volcano, opened its big long mouth and inhaled the burning black smoke into its stomach. The electric eel gasped. Volcanic smoke! Don’t tell me its stomach has some powerful, large refrigeration equipment?

After inhaling for a good five minutes, the large, grooved razorfish finally swam toward the left of the electric eel, burping. At a length of 28 meters, other than its sharp mouth, it didn’t have any obvious means of attack. As for the two huge flaps of fish belly, Chen Fan felt that they were just unpalatable food.

"Little fish, where are you running to?" Chen Fan roared and controlled the electric eel to make a few moves toward the front of the grooved razorfish, blocking its way. Chen Fan’s idea was very simple. The electric eel had just completed its evolution and still did not know specifically how much its fight coefficient had increased. Therefore, he wanted to catch this grooved razorfish to test it.

Although the 28-meter long grooved razorfish was considered huge in this sea area, it was like the difference between an adult and a baby when it was in front of the 76-meter long electric eel. What made it more chilling for the razorfish was that this "adult" wasn’t a human being, but a "wild monkey" with four metal-like sharp claws.

Some living creatures are bold while some are timid, and the grooved razorfish apparently belonged to the latter. When it saw a scaled monster blocking the way, it immediately moved its tail and wanted to slip through from below.

Pah! The electric eel thrust its tail and hit the belly of the razorfish, smashing it all the way to the seabed more than 20 meters away. It was a heavy blow. The razorfish struggled for a long while to get up before widening its eyes, giving the eel a fierce stare, and then slipping toward the left again.

The razorfish’s speed was around 40 knots, and wasn’t too far from the electric eel. After catching up with a few moves, the electric eel threw its claw on the body of the razorfish, and blood splattered. The injured razorfish turned its head and poked its five-meter long tubular mouth toward the electric eel’s belly. It was welcomed by the electric eel’s huge opened mouth followed by a flow of pale green poisonous fluid which shot toward the razorfish like an arrow.

However, Chen Fan seemed to have overlooked one thing. This fella could even inhale the extremely high temperature thick volcanic ash into its stomach, so the small amount of poison from the electric eel had no effect on it at all. After it was surrounded by the poisonous fluid, it actually opened its mouth and took two mouthfuls of it as if it was opium.

Boom! The electric eel’s shiny scales suddenly shone, and a bolt of 3,500-volt pale blue electric ray suddenly swept across a radius of 1,000 meters...


Something strange happened. Under the attack by the strong current, the pale green poisonous fluid surrounding the grooved razorfish suddenly burned like gasoline, looking like an oceanic volcano eruption. What was the effect when a fluid suddenly burned under a strong water pressure at 4,500 meters? Without a doubt, the huge seawater pressure which could flatten an enclosed army tank would form a natural enclosed space around the flame, and the flame would instantly generate an atmospheric pressure of up to 1,300 internally.

The atmospheric pressure was three times that of the external, so the flame would explode like a hand grenade!

An earth-shaking noise and fire came, shrinking instantly before the flame exploded and tore the razorfish into an unrecognizable lump of flesh. Chen Fan was totally stunned, and he did not even feel the rushing current hitting on the eel’s body. He had thought that the poisonous fluid was rubbish and of no use, but this thought totally dissipated with the sweeping of the electric current, and was replaced by: so the electric eel’s poisonous fluid was actually powerful. The fluid inside the poison sac could actually burn.

It wasn’t rare that the fluid inside an animal’s body could burn. Even the fats inside a human being’s body can burn after a simple refining process, and Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty had been refined this way by the Jin people previously.

In fact, when the electric eel’s discharge was more than 5,000 volts, it could already use the discharge to ignite the oxygen and hydrogen from its mouth. However, this required the eel to release the discharge intensively to break down the water in its body into hydrogen and oxygen which are flammable gases. Therefore, it was a lousy self-damaging method of killing an enemy.

However, that wasn’t the case for the poison sac. The electric eel did not have to release discharge intensively, but only needed to consume some food, and it would automatically be stored in the poison sac without any effort. The only drawback was the size of the poison sac was too small, and it could only support the electric eel’s discharge 2 ½ times a day.

But why did this matter? This stuff was much better than using all its strength to release a discharge. It was just like a deep sea bomb, and Chen Fan would be more than happy even if he could only use it once every two days!

After struggling out from his shock, Chen Fan looked sympathetically at the razorfish which had more than half of its skeleton scattered out before floating toward the water’s surface. After the eel returned to the hole among the reefs, Chen Fan started to fantasize.

After swallowing eight pieces of ghost moon incense the day before, the electric eel’s fighting skills and external appearance went through earth-shaking changes. However, all this was due to the ghost hair jellyfish from the Tonga Trench. If he wanted to further improve the strength of the electric eel to escalate it to the king of the ocean, which could punch and kick submarines and aircraft carriers, he had to continue finding more ghost moon incense.

The next time, the electric eel could probably enter the mysterious cave to check it out! With the electric eel’s current average speed of 120 knots, it could reach Tonga Trench again in 40 hours without any rest.

Oh nature, just how many unsolved mysterious did you leave behind for mankind? Chen Fan climbed out of bed. "After I settle those secular issues, I better make a trip to that huge cave."

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