
Chapter 128 A Black Clipper Ship

Chapter 128 A Black Clipper Ship

"Take all the time you want to explain. I’m gonna sleep with two beauties now!" Bertrand let out shrill laughter. "Bye!"

"I’ll see how long you can laugh." Chen Fan snorted and hung up the phone.

The electric eel did not leave immediately after Chen Fan delivered the money at sea yesterday, but lurked around and waited for the black men in the speedboat to collect the it. Then he followed them quietly to a pier by the sea. There were two 500-ton black clipper ships and five seven-meter long white speedboats.

"Not give up until one reaches the Yellow River, not shed a tear until one sees a coffin?" Bertrand kept repeating this sentence. With his Chinese language ability, he really couldn’t understand what this sentence meant. However, this did not stop him from ridiculing the ignorance and arrogance of this Asian kid!

Bertrand slapped the buttocks of the two girls and had them wait for him in the bedroom after they washed themselves up. Then, he held the 1.2 million USD beside him and walked toward the courtyard.

The division of the Somalia Marine in Gandara had a total of sixty members. Out of the 7.4 million USD that they had gotten this time, 5 million USD was paid to the headquarters, 1.2 million USD was for the subordinates, and the remaining naturally went into his own pocket.


After having a good time the entire night in bed with the two hot girls, Bertrand crawled out of bed with an aching belly at 12 noon. By then, the two girls had already prepared lunch and laid the food on the white dining table, and were lovingly waiting for Bertrand’s arrival.

"My two beauties, did you have a good time last night?" After sitting down, Bertrand kissed each of the two girls on the lips. Lunch was stew beef with potato, and corn burritos. To celebrate his upcoming promotion, Bertrand even took out the bottle of Poisie-Nigg brandy he had gotten from a French cargo ship and poured himself a full glass.

As he was enjoying his wine, the satellite phone at the side suddenly rang. Seeing the familiar number, Bertrand’s eyes stopped for a moment before he pressed the answer key.

"Hello, my dear guest, are you thinking that the amount you sent yesterday was too little and you wanna send another few million?" Bertrand raised his head and laughed loudly. Was this Asian kid kicked in the head by a rhino? Otherwise, why does he keep calling every now and then?

This place was so poverty-stricken that he had to go to the capital of Mogadishu to get a satellite phone card, and each card cost 500 USD. Therefore, Bertrand did not intend to change a new card after every kidnap. Of course, as a member of a pirate’s organization of resounding fame in the world, he could totally ignore any pressure from the government unless other countries dared to attack the al-Qaeda and run the risk of "interference in internal affairs." If this was really the case, it couldn’t be avoided by just changing a phone card.

"I don’t have the intention of sending money yet, but I have a question for you." Chen Fan’s tone was full of ridicule. "Do you have a black iron shell clipper sailing at latitude eleven degrees north and longitude forty-nine degrees east? Oh, it may be difficult for you to understand latitudes and longitudes. I’ve checked that you locals like to call it Teluk Elat. Also, there are seven black men in camouflage clothing, and one of them has a white scarf. Oh, the ship is also pulling a speedboat in the back."

"How did you know?" Bertrand could not laugh out this time. Could there be a spy in the organization? No, it can’t be. If the other party was really so resourceful, that cargo ship wouldn’t even be hijacked!

"Not only do I know the exact location of the ship..." Chen Fab dragged his voice on purpose and kept Bertrand in suspense. "I also know that, this ship will sink exactly five minutes from now!"

"Oh, really?" Bertrand wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Let me tell you, as long as my ship doesn’t initiate the attack, your country won’t have any reason to sink my ship. Otherwise, this would involve political issues, and your country will be thrown into passivity." Bertrand had now started to understand vaguely that this Asian kid must have great power and skills in his country, otherwise it would be impossible for him to trace his subordinates’ activities. And the most possible way of doing this was through military observation satellites, or floating periscopes on submarines.

"No no no, of course I won’t leave behind anything for you to use against me if I want to sink your ship." Chen Fan sounded extremely confident. "There’s four minutes and thirty seconds left. You can inform your partners to quickly go to that area to save your crewmen who are about to fall into the water!"

"What a joke!" Bertrand moved his eyeballs around. "I wanna see what kind of power you have backing you up, that made you sound so confident!"

"Of course it’s your great and almighty Muhammad!" Chen Fan laughed. "Remember to quickly get your men to save the people in the water. Don’t blame me for not reminding you if they get eaten up by sharks!"

Beep beep beep... A series of busy tones came from the satellite phone. After hanging up, Bertrand felt alarmed. Could the other party really have such powerful skills to send a warship or a submarine to sink the pirate ship?

After thinking for half a minute, Bertrand got through the satellite phone of the pirate ship sailing at Teluk Elat.

"Hello, turn the ship around immediately!"

"What happened, Captain?" Thomas who was wearing a white headscarf was seated in the control room and observed the surrounding sea with the telescope to see if there was any target.

"Just do as I say and reverse the course! And, maintain five minutes of call time."

"Yes, sir!" Thomas put down the telescope and walked to the helmsman to convey the captain’s message.

There were three and a half minutes left. Bertrand stared at the mechanical watch on his wrist without moving and counted the time silently.

Three minutes left...

Two minutes left...

"Hey, go take a look at the surrounding sea to see if there are other vessels around."

"Captain, there are no vessels at all!"

One minute left...

Fifty seconds....

"Get everyone to stay on alert, inform me immediately if there’s any suspicious vessels."

Thirty seconds...

"Captain, what happened?" Thomas’s eyes swept around the surroundings like radar. "There’s not even a bird here, let alone a vessel?"

Ten seconds...

Bertrand counted the seconds silently!

"I’ll tell you guys when you’re back. Don’t talk, and observe the surrounding sea."

"Yes, captain!"

Time’s up! Bertrand felt that his heart almost popped out of his chest!

Just after the indicator on his watch completed five minutes, a bomb-like explosion suddenly came from the phone beside Bertrand’s ear, and it was followed closely by miserable cries all around.




"Oh my goodness..."

All these cries shot right at Bertrand’s heart like sniper bullets. "Tell me, what happened?" Bertrand’s eyes turned bloodshot immediately. "Tell me quick..."

However, only the phone’s busy tone replied Bertrand.

"Julian, Julian!" Bertrand rushed out from the villa and shouted.

"Here!" An almost two-meter tall, strong black man put down the wooden box in his hands and quickly ran to Bertrand.

"Quickly bring seven people and rush to the sea area where Thomas is. His ship was attacked by a torpedo."

"Ah! Attacked by a torpedo?" As if he was given steroids, the black man rushed to the pickup parked in the yard, not even bothering to pick up the hat he dropped.

"Torpedo, torpedo, where did the torpedo come from?" Bertrand paced around in a straight line, looking as if he was possessed by a husband waiting for his wife to deliver.

One hour later, Bertrand received a call from the black man, informing him that everyone had been saved on the ship, and they were on the way to the pier.

"Phew..." Bertrand wiped the sweat of his face, as he finally got the load off his mind.

Ringgg! At that moment, the number that was like the devil’s whisper called again.

"Hello...hello..." Bertrand’s legs cramped, and even his voice trembled.

"Hello!" Chen Fan’s cunning greeting came from the phone. "I think I saw another black clipper ship sailing at that sea area?"

"And it seems like there are more people this time, a good eleven of them!"

"Mmm...well...well..." Chen Fan said apologetically. "Although I hate to say this, but I gotta tell you that your clipper ship will still sink in exactly five minutes!"

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