
Chapter 74

Chapter 74: Chapter 74. Testing And Trial, Part XV

Chapter 74. Testing And Trial, Part XV

Translator: Khan

Editor Group: Liber Reverie

“What do you think? Isn’t that weird?”

“It’s not strange. You’re very beautiful.”

“Thank you, Emma. If you say so, then that would be it.”

In front of Emma, Mielle, who acted like the perfect child, smiled shyly. Emma responded with a gentle smile after seeing this. They looked much more like a mother and daughter compared to Aria and her mother.

Emma was like a mother to Mielle. Emma, who had been with Mielle since birth, had relentlessly removed anything that blocked Mielle’s path.

Emma was originally a lower aristocrat. Unfortunately, however, her husband had died leaving behind a huge amount of debt and could not pay back all of her debts even after disposing of her noble title. The trauma led her to have a miscarriage, and she tried to give up her life in grief over losing everything.

And it was the former countess who had happened to save her. She had brought Emma to the mansion of the Roscent family and allowed her to live a new life as her own maid.

But whether it was a trick of fate, Heaven took the former countess from Emma. She had lost her life while giving birth to Mielle. Therefore, it might have been inevitable that she had begun to take care of Mielle on behalf of the former countess.

The only thing she had was Mielle. She had vowed tens of thousands of times to keep Mielle no matter what happened. And that could have happened if it had not been for the dirty mother and daughter who had crawled into the Roscent family. Ever since the day they had come in the mansion of the count, Emma had cursed the mother and daughter every day for the happiness of her precious Mielle.

Thinking that she could meet Oscar soon, Mielle was staring out of the wagon’s window with a light humming sound, and she turned around to Emma as if she had suddenly recalled something.

“... So what happened to the wagon driver? What’s the name of the driver who was kicked out of the mansion?”

“You mean Elect?”

He was a driver who was fired because of Aria the other day.

“Oh, I guess that’s his name. It’s been a while since he got kicked out, and I’m worried. How is he?”

“I’ve taken good care of him so that there would be no complaints from him.”

“What about the other driver?”

“I found another job for Yagi. I’m sure cleaning the stable was a lot of trouble.”

“Emma is a friendly person as expected.”

Mielle laughed softly. It was a sweet, fragrant smile like her name. “You are a lovely woman who gives your kindness to even a mere wagon driver,” Mielle added.

“I’m a little scared of Aria these days.”

“Are you scared of her?”

“Since last summer... she’s been acting like she’s changed, but she kept breaking my heart.”

“... miss.”

Emma’s heart ached because of the dark cloud over Mielle’s face, who should have a fresh smile like a flower. Since Aria had suddenly got Oscar’s attention, Emma had meant to scare her with the drivers, but the wicked, vulgar b*tch had cajoled the prostitute and ruined her job.

She had even warned the employees of the mansion by pretending to be on trial for a trivial matter. Even though she thought of it again, she burst into anger and clenched her fists. The noble and prestigious family of Count Roscent was being messed up by the dirty prostitute mother and daughter.

“I will make sure that such matters won’t bother you anymore.”


“Yes. I even put Annie on her.”

“Yes, Annie...”

Annie, who she had put next to Aria, had been a child who admired, respected and envied Mielle. She had been always busy praising Mielle because she had brainwashed her on how noble Mielle was since she was just a child who had come to the mansion of the Roscent family.

She had been also relatively easy to deal with because of her vanity and desire for things. When she had promised to take the position of a head maid, she had even announced that she would gather information from Aria.

“Can the child really do well? She seems pretty close to Aria these days.”

“You don’t have to worry. She’s trying to keep a close relationship and beguiles Aria now.”

“... really?”

For that, but... Mielle blurred her words. In fact, even as Emma looked at her, Annie seemed to be too close to Aria, so she was a little worried. Emma tried to ease Mielle’s worries, thinking that she needed to remind Annie of the future that she could promise her.

“Yes. I even told her how awful young ladies who attended the meeting are. I also told her that Aria is busy decorating her face by staying in her room every day. Maybe it’s because she looks like her mother.”

“I hope so...”

“Don’t worry. When Annie gets a little more settled down, I’ll add another maid. She’s much smarter than Annie, and she’s going to drive that bitch into hell.”

“Yes, that’s a good idea. Emma, you have the same mind as me.”

“That’s great!”

While talking about this and that, the carriage slowed down and stopped smoothly.

After arranging her outfits and waiting in the carriage for a moment, there was a knock on the smart wagon outside. When she got off the wagon, Princess Frederick smiled brightly and welcomed Mielle.


“Miss Isis!”

Isis, who was different from Oscar but had a softer line than him, always excited Mielle’s heart because she reminded her of Oscar as a boy.

With her black hair in braids, she was as beautiful as the goddess in the myth. In admiration of her beauty, Mielle bent her knees and greeted her politely. In response, Isis also welcomed her with a face-to-face greeting.

“How long has it been? I couldn’t attend the party on your last birthday because I was busy. I’m so sorry.”

“No! I was so happy that you sent me a present. The book was so interesting and fun that I stayed up all night reading it.”

“Well, that’s a good thing! I thought you’d love it if you were Lady Mielle.” Isis took Mielle’s hand. “Come in! A new chef has prepared some great food. It’s enough to make me eat with a short mouth.”

“Oh, how delicious is it? I’m really looking forward to it.”

As they continued their conversation, the two ladies, who held hands together, slowly headed for the dining hall with a gentle and graceful gait. Perhaps Isis’s words were not false, but all the prepared food was to Mielle’s taste, and it made her hands always relaxed and leisurely, a little but quick.

Nevertheless, because she couldn’t eat enough, Mielle left the food in moderation and looked around her surroundings. The quick-witted Isis noticed the reason for her action and soon gave Mielle the answer that she wanted.

“I wanted to spend some time alone with Lady Mielle, so I informed Oscar ahead of time.”

“Then he must be on his way now.”

“I’m sure he is. I’m sure he’ll be here before we know it while we are having a cup of tea.”

“I’m always having fun talking to Miss Isis, so he will come any moment now.”

The conversation Mielle had with Isis was not just empty words; it was really fun. Most of their conversation was about Oscar because after talking to Mielle, Oscar’s attitude had changed a little.

Of course, Mielle hadn’t given too much kindness or care to him, but small gifts had been sent in. He had said that he was sorry that he couldn’t contact her properly because he had been busy, and he had enclosed a letter.

And today... she was hoping for something a little bigger than it had been before... For example, her engagement with Oscar, which she had mentioned briefly in the previous letter.

“Would he be busy with his graduation exam?”

“Maybe so.”

Isis, who replied and recalled Oscar’s face, smiled softly with a friendly sister’s face.

“He’s the type who’s struggling to put an end to it even though he’s already perfect. So he looks so lonely.”

“But... he’s always nice.”

The pressure would be great as it would not be long before he would get enormous power on his back. He didn’t want to miss a little thing. That was why he tried to work day and night. So even though he had been careless with himself, Mielle still liked him.

“If so, that’s a good thing. If he could look good to Lady Mielle, everything would be OK. He doesn’t have to look good on women other than you.”

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