
Chapter 50 - Finding The Tracks

Even though the computers and other equipment in the Village administration office was not specifically made for investigation analysis or similar purposes. 

They could still make use of the available resources to come up with a general analysis and a perimeter for search in a specific direction.

By the time they had completed their analysis and was set to go, good news arrived. 

The chief of the Enforcers had returned with some of his men. 

Sam had been in the village for more than three months but he had only seen this chief of Enforcer only once.

This was the same one eyed old man who was pretty badly hurt and was being treated in the village hospital, when Sam was still a helper at the hospital.

When the chief heard about what had happened in the Enforcers office, he wanted to teach the deputy a hard lesson, but was stopped by the village head.


It had been around 10 hours since the Red haired lady left, so finding her seemed almost impossible. 

But luck favoured the villagers here, even though one can cover long distances in 18 hours  this was only if the path was smooth.

The location of the village was inside the outer perimeter of the forest and if one has to travel to the city, It would take a journey of at least 3 days even though the distance was not that long.

This was because no one dared to travel in the dark near the forest. 

Even kids knew that the forest became especially active at night, only powerhouses with high cultivation would dare to move around in such a situation and most of the time they also avoided such journeys.

So the possibility of the Red haired lady continuing her journey in the night was close to nil. 

So she should have taken a break at the next village. 

The village head had already contacted Mr. Khan, the village head of the nearby village .

Mr. Khan was notified about the kidnapping and agreed to  help in investigating the kidnappers current whereabouts . 

Lone travelers didn\'t travel the forest path and especially at night, so the investigation should have been easy.

But the reply from the nearby village was both positive and negative, according to the nearby village the lady did enter  their village from the direction of violet flower village just after sunset. 

But when they investigated, they had found that the lady couldn\'t be found in the village, as she left the village at night itself after getting some supplies from the village. 

  Even after the entrance guard had tried to persuade her many times about the dangers outside, she had still left.

But according to Mr. Khan the lady could not have gone much further, because there was a danger zone nearby through which one had to travel. 

Travelling through the danger zone in the day itself was dangerous, not to speak of night.

There were places called safe zones on every path that was going through or was nearer to the forests. 

These so-called safe zones were small bunkers created by the villagers with the help of the Alliance government.

  Even though they were called safe zones there was nothing safe about it, just a little safer than camping outside in the open. 

Many of these so-called safe zones have been completely destroyed by the wild beasts many times.

These relatively safe places were clearly marked in every map related to the forested area. 

As this was intended to help anyone who was unable to reach a village or got lost, they could find a relatively safe place to spend the night if it comes to that.

The chances of the lady finding shelter in one of the nearby safe zones were very high and Mr. khan also dispatched some of the Enforcers in his village to scout out the nearby safe zone.


Back in the violet flower village the group was making their own preparations to move out. 

The enforcers had specially made Hover vehicles which were more durable and faster. 

So they were pretty much sure that they could catch up with the culprit.

They didn\'t waste anymore time and the elites were chosen to depart for this journey, the Old lady doctor was also included in this group. when she saw Sam she gave a snort.

Sam was not included in the group, as he had always kept a low profile. 

But Sam was already determined to do a search of his own. 

So he didn\'t wait for anyone else and left on his own, before the other group started their journey.

Sam\'s relation to the four punks were weird, even though they always created trouble for him deep inside his heart he really liked these little rascals.

  He was completely resolved to do everything in his power to make sure that the children were not hurt even one bit.

Afterall they were his underlings and only the boss had the right to punish or hurt them, no outsiders could lay a finger on them.

Sam entered the dark night, like a fish into the water. 

He had spent too many nights in the forest and was well aware of how to proceed. 

His main confidence came from the Evil sword and the little chain. 

The Evil sword has been continuously growing in strength ever since they left the mountains. 

Currently the area Evil sword could scan with it\'s spiritual sense was more than 10 times that Sam could do. The Evil sword was also much good at detecting danger and differentiating between different kinds of aura. 

While the little chain Maya could completely hide his aura.

Sam used the earth skip technique from the get go. 

With the Evil sword scanning ahead he was not afraid of moving fast or getting into sticky situations. 

His speed was growing, the further he moved. 

It was only a matter of time before he could move faster than the modified hover vehicle.

It was no surprise that he crossed by the other village and reached the safe zone before the other group. 

He checked for clues but didn\'t find any. 

So he kept moving, different kinds of wild beasts appeared in his path every now and then, but he avoided them and kept going with the help of the Evil swords guidance.

When he reached the second safe zone on this path, he didn\'t find any clue and was going to move forward. 

When the little chain in his hand tightened.

The little chain was also a divine weapon and it had it\'s on special powers, even though it had only awakened the soul not so long and behaved like a child. 

It had a special intuition when it came to finding hidden things or traps, This perk of the little chain had helped Sam survive many dangerous situations in the Black and Red smoke. The little chain was asking him to stop and search the perimeter.

After searching a wide area around the safe zone, he did find  the Hover vehicle being hidden away. 

No one would have guessed that the culprit had made her stop so further away from the safe zone, especially at night.

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