
Chapter 740 - Leonids

Chapter 740: Leonids

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The situation had grown out of control, and now that Chen Yang and the Secret Weapon, Sister Windcloud Nine had fallen, there was no one to stop the Fluttering Snow Alliance’s advance.

Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut was the first to rush up the altar. Upon reaching the peak, a fiery blaze rose from her body, enveloping her in mere moments, and turning her into a human torch.


A gust of wind erupted from her feet as she kicked off the ground, leaving an afterimage in her wake. Like a flaming meteor, she barreled towards Li Yi.

Flaming Dragon Armor! God-killing Fist!

Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut had spent more than month attempting the Deathwing dungeon, and she had lost almost thirty levels, but what were her efforts for?

Why of course, it was to defeat Li Yi!

Anyone could penetrate Deathwing’s stomach, but how many could survive the process? Alas, aside from Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut, there was no one else capable of such a feat.

There was a simple reason for this though, she was the sole wielder of the Flaming Dragon Armor that was formed from the Wicked Flaming Dragon.

She had spent so much time and paid such a hefty price just for one thing, to complete the Legendary Quest related to the Flaming Dragon Armor, which was to collect 1,000 pieces of Flame Dragon Scales from Deathwing’s body.

The moment 1,000 pieces of the Flame Dragon Scales had been collected, the Flaming Dragon Armor would unlock an ultimate buff, Ancient Wishes. It gave immunity from any abnormal or elemental status effects. Furthermore, it had a fixed damage reduction of 99% that would only disappear once a battle had ended.

The reason Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut could solo Deathwing, was not because she had entered its stomach, but rather, the moment she had collected 1,000 Flame Dragon Scales, Ancient Wishes had automatically activated. As such, Deathwing was unable to harm her, regardless of where she positioned herself.

The moment Ancient Wishes activated, Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut would become immune to all debuffs, and this immunity had even carried over to Deathwing’s Ultimate Skill, Shattered Void, which could do little to harm her.

As for the rumors about entering Deathwing’s Stomach, it was wholly Bai Xiaoya’s idea. The rumors existed to distract the players from discovering the truth.

After all, the Fluttering Snow Alliance had lost a bunch of levels because of Deathwing, just imagine how much of a shame it would be if they had not devised a method of bringing down the levels of other players as well?

However, this was just one of Bai Xiaoya’s many evil schemes.

The whole story about players needing to enter Deathwing’s stomach to defeat it was a farce orchestrated by none other than Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut and Bai Xiaoya. Together, they had managed to fool a large bunch of oblivious players, and they had caused plenty of players to blindly rush towards their deaths.

However, truth be told, had Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut not completed her Flaming Dragon Armor’s quest, she would have died, regardless of the number of times she attempted the battle. The only reason the Fluttering Snow Alliance had even managed to defeat Deathwing had been due to the Ancient Wishes buff provided by the Flaming Dragon Armor.

Alas, aside from an extremely small number of people, no one knew the secret, not even Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut’s party members that had accompanied her in battle for over a month.

Heck, even if we ignored the common folk, not even the reborn Li Yi knew how they managed to defeat Deathwing. All he knew was that, at his current level and with his current equipment, he had a snowball’s chance in hell in beating Deathwing.

Naturally, he could tell that Bai Xiaoya and Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut were up to some tricks, and it was something that he had noticed long ago.


The flames enshrouding Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut morphed into the shape of a dragon, and it came hurtling towards Li Yi.

However, the moment Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut had made it up to the altar, Unending Unmatched had already taken notice of her, and the moment she had shown her hand, he immediately set off to defend Li Yi.


The flames were still blazing strongly, and Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut’s advance did not slow in the least. She had barreled through Unending Unmatched who had his shields raised, dealing [−265443] damage onto him, and causing him to crumple to the ground.

Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut continued to charge forward. Her target unchanged, it was still Li Yi!

Territory Release!

Unending Unmatched had been keeping tabs on Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut since her arrival, and the same could be said of Li Yi. The moment she charged towards him, he immediately Released his Territory, which covered an area of 80 square yards.


Li Yi Teleported in his Territory barrier, appearing on the right side of the Seventh Demon God.

His positioning was very well done, as he could align the charging Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut and the Seventh Demon King into a single line.

“Woom! Woom! Woom!”

Li Yi spread his legs wide as he slowly pulled back his Orange Quality Bow. Countless stars congregated on his flashy bow, and the moment he cried out, the stars were unleashed.

“Shooting Star Arrow Hail!”

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud...

The stars had morphed into miniature Star Arrows, and like a machinegun, they bolted forward. It was not just one or two of them, instead, there were over a thousand arrows, and they barreled down like rain onto their opponents...

The Seventh Demon God had taken the Shooting Star Arrow Hail head-on, and countless damage counters drifted out of its head, overlapping one another. Only a few damage counters could be clearly seen, and each of those numbers had been over 150, no, 160 thousand!

During the moments after Li Yi had unleashed Shooting Star Arrow Hail, the Seventh Demon God had been taken down. Despite that, the rain of arrows did not stop there. Instead. they continued onward and headed towards Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut.

Thud! Thud! Thud...

Though the damage inflicted onto Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut was not as grand as the damage dealt to the Seventh Demon God, she was executed even more swiftly than the Seventh Demon God. After taking only 5 seconds of beating from the hail of arrows, she had already collapsed onto the ground.

The flames around her body dispersed, and the audaciously sexy Flaming Dragon Armor’s true form was revealed. Alas, the wonderful sight had only lasted for a few seconds, as Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut resurrected on-the-spot and vanished shortly after.

Li Yi’s Shooting Star Arrow hail lasted for another 7 seconds, and only after it had vanquished every single one of the Fluttering Snow Alliance players on the altar, did it finally come to a rest.

Above the altar, lay the corpse of the Seventh Demon God. It had dropped plenty of equipment, and they came in various colors. Though there had been plenty of players who had made it to the top of the altar, none of them were left standing, as they had been taken down by Li Yi’s overpowered Shooting Star Arrow Hail.

Without exception, all three Vice Alliance Leaders had their corpses strewn on the floor...

Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut fixated her gaze onto Li Yi’s Orange Quality Bow, and she stood still for quite some time.

She could not figure it out. Why was she still no match for the person before her, even after spending over a month preparing for this single moment?

‘Have I gotten weak?’

Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut scrunched her brows as she lapsed into thought.

Bai Xiaoya, on the other hand, could not remain calm. She widened her cherry lips and stared at Li Yi in both shock and anger.

Regardless, Jiaojiao and the rest of Li Yi’s crew were now frantically picking up the Seventh Demon God’s loot. It was an all-out loot fest, and though Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut stood still under the altar, the same could not be said of her alliance members. They charged up the altar and were swiftly dispatched by Li Yi.

All it took was a single arrow to bring down each member, no second shots were required.

“That damned OP brat...” Bai Xiaoya gritted her teeth and cursed.

Once again, Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut rushed up the altar towards Li Yi.

As if to acknowledge her, Li Yi Teleported behind her, targeted her ample breasts, and fired his Shooting Star Arrow Hail.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud...

Unlike their previous few encounters, Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut who was situated in Li Yi’s Territory barrier had her movement slowed to a crawl! Her originally blazing-fast Flame Dragon Charge was now as slow as a snail...

Once again, Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut had been taken down. This time, however, she chose to sacrifice her levels to return to her capital, and her corpse disappeared shortly after.

Though she was equipped with a Holy Light Talisman, there was no point for her to revive on the spot. After all, the gap between them was far too huge.

With a solemn face, Bai Xiaoya shouted in her Alliance Channel, “Disperse!”


The moment Bai Xiaoya turned around; a Stinger Arrow lodged itself onto her mouth. Before its follow-up damage had even procced, Bai Xiaoya was already lying on the ground.

Li Yi chuckled to himself. Satisfied, he sheathed his bow.

At Li Yi’s current strength, bursting down Bai Xiaoya was a piece of cake.

Now that their mastermind was dead, the Fluttering Snow Alliance’s troops began to retreat. They now knew that they were no match for the combined might of the Iron Alliance and Windcloud Clan.

Seeing that the Fluttering Snow Alliance had drawn back, the troops Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut had invited had followed heed and retreated themselves. Before long, the area around the Seventh Demon God Altar had been cleared of intruders.

The Great Commander, Pretty Good Mood who was still lying on the ground began to cheer, “Brothers! We are victorious, but... f*ck you guys! Why hasn’t anyone resurrected me yet?”

The crowd broke into laughter, and Nirvana Inaction ran over to resurrect the Great Commander.

Above the altar, Little Elf from the Magical Realm was taking inventory of the spoils of battle. All in all, the Seventh Demon God had dropped 6 pieces of Demon God Equipment, 5 Pieces of Purple Quality Epic-leveled Mixed Equipment, and a dozen or so Green Quality Holy Equipment.

Among the six pieces of Demon God Equipment, two of them belonged to Holy Shield Paladins, and the remaining four belonged to Cloth-armored Classes, as there was each a piece for Wizards, Priests, Vagabonds, and Summoners.

The auctioning of equipment had begun, and naturally, the Holy Shield Paladin equipment was snagged by Brother Windcloud Nine. After all, they were part of the Demon God Series of equipment, which was currently the strongest. For someone like Brother Windcloud Nine who always set his eyes on the most exquisite of equipment, it was a no brainer to purchase them.

While the players were busy bidding for the equipment, Li Yi walked past the Seventh Demon God Altar and into the Sixth Demon God’s domain.

Li Yi’s departure had been noticed by Qian’er. After giving it some thought, she decided to sneakily follow behind.

Since the Seventh Demon God had not dropped any Archer equipment, Li Yi was completely uninterested in the auction. Instead, his priorities had shifted to the Luo Lan Empire’s Hall of Fame Quest activation. He had been biding his time for quite some time now, and now that the path ahead was finally open, he could not wait to carry it out.

After making it past the Path of Darkness, Li Yi had arrived at the Demonic Forest. Despite that, he still had not noticed Qian’er tailing him, as he had been recalling his fight against Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut as he advanced.

Compared to their previous few encounters, their battle this time had been much more fast-paced. Be it Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut or himself, they were both aiming for the same goals, which was to execute their opponent in a single blow.

[Gift of the Hunter Goddess, the Wrath of the Stars (Orange Quality, Legendary)]

[Equipment Level: Unlimited]

[Durability: Will never wear out]

[3500-9900 ATK]

[STR +1800]

[AGI +1800]

[WIL +1500]

[END +1500]

[Crit Rate: 20%]

[ATK SPD 1.0 Second]

[Greatest attack range increased by 60 yards.]


The frustrating Hunter Goddess’ long upgrade had not disappointed Li Yi in the slightest. He had finally unlocked another seal on his Orange Quality Bow, and at present, there was only a single seal left that had yet to be unlocked.

Due to the unlocking of the seal, the Orange Quality Bow no longer had a level limit, and each of its stats had skyrocketed. Furthermore, Li Yi had also received a valuable Special Arrow Skill.

Shooting Star Arrow Hail!

[Usage Conditions: Orange Quality Bow Energy (Flame Energy). For every 50 energy points gathered, the player can unleash one shot of Shooting Star Arrow Hail. Furthermore, the number of miniature Star Arrows unleashed would depend on the player’s Territory and Holy level. In other words, the greater a player’s Territory Level and Holy Attribute points were, the more miniature Star Arrows would be unleashed.]

Due to the Flame Energy restriction on the skill, Li Yi could only fire at most two rounds of Shooting Star Arrow Hail within a short period of time.

While Li Yi hurried to his destination, he thought, ‘What would Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut have done if those two Shooting Star Arrow Hails had not taken her down?’


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