
Chapter 143: Thugs


Zhang Xiao Qiang drew Shangguan Qiao Yun in protectively, and breathed in deeply, suppressing the urge to vomit. When he felt better, he noticed she was shivering really badly and thought that maybe he should continue to hold her, when suddenly, a sharp shrill scream came resounding from the gate. It was the woman who was nailed to the wooden plank.

Zhang Xiao Qiang turned around to see and immediately, his eyes turned bloodshot, his teeth gritting hard, and he even subconsciously tightened his grip around Shangguan Qiao Yun. She felt out of breath from his sudden movements and turned to look curiously as well. Her head quickly burrowed back into Zhang Xiao Qiang’s chest, her trembling increasing in intensity, and her grip around him also became tighter.

One man was sprawled on top of the woman as he got busy. Behind him, the other men were urging him on. Another was holding a chopper with blood in one hand, the other hand held a pale mound of flesh. The flesh was from the breast, and the woman had only a concave wound chest on her wound. The man was muttering incoherently, with blood flowing from the side of his mouth. (Author’s note: Up to this point, I hope you guys aren’t retching! Anyway, I haven’t so, hehe....)

Zhang Xiao Qiang let go off Shangguan Qiao Yun, prying her hands apart, then pushing her into the car. He then retrieved Yuan Yi’s blade and shield, bearing the shield on his left, the blade on his right, and ran towards the gate with bloodshot eyes.

When the men on Zhang Xiao Qiang’s side saw him charging towards the gate, they cheered, and some even grabbed their weapons and followed behind, while the rest grabbed some stones and started to fling them.

When the men inside saw that the guys outside were rushing in, they hollered in fear and started to throw more stuff at Zhang Xiao Qiang. Some even threw their own weapons out. Zhang Xiao Qiang just forcefully deflected them off, while his only focus was the lock on the main gate.

Zhang Xiao Qiang got close to the gate when a few spears thrust out. He evaded them and slashed down on the thick, heavy lock. Once, twice, thrice, and the lock came shattering onto the ground. He then flung the gates wide open and charged in, as his men followed behind in a bellow of rage.

When the men inside saw Zhang Xiao Qiang pulling the gates open, their frenzy seemed to subside, and some abandoned their weapons and fled. Some crouched down and hugged their heads. 2 others tried to charge at Zhang Xiao Qiang in a bid to attack him, one of them was the cannibal, he knew he had done unimaginable things, and he only wanted to bring as many down with him as he could. The other had already long since lost his rationality, and he just grabbed a wooden bat and charged over. Before he could swing down, Zhang Xiao Qiang had flashed past him, and the man turned to look at him blankly before he realized his neck had turned cold, itchy and numb. He then felt like he was flying through the air before he landed on the ground and saw his own shoes.

The men behind Zhang Xiao Qiang raised their weapons and were prepared to beat and slash at the offender, but before they could even act, they saw the red line appearing on the neck of the guy, before his body crumpled, and his head fell separately, landing and rolling to his own feet. Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, they had not seen how Zhang Xiao Qiang move. His slash was too fast, to the point no one had thought he had already moved.

In fact, Zhang Xiao Qiang himself did not realize this strike of his had already reached a point where it surpassed everyone’s perception. His focus was on the cannibal and seeing that grim and savage expression, Zhang Xiao Qiang felt his fury boiling. Cannibalism had become some sort of taboo in Zhang Xiao Qiang’s mind, and even so when rations were not lacking. He had no issues with how they had killed Old Hairy and Drunkard. Death was a common thing now, especially when this world had the rule of the strong preying on the weak. Old Hairy and Cannon weren’t any good men anyway if they died so be it. Zhang Xiao Qiang had not even intended on dealing with this group for the killing of those people. After all, these sallow men with yellow complexions had suffered greatly under Cannon anyway, the mindless hacking was a sort of venting.

However, Zhang Xiao Qiang loathed cannibals the most. To him, the moment one committed this sin, they were no longer humans, but a bunch of rabid dogs that had lost their humanity, and if they were to live on, they would just be a hazard to other people. Zhang Xiao Qiang hence decided to get rid of each and everyone that he saw. He was not going to show any mercy to them. As for this one in front of him? His senior would be awaiting him in Hell!

When the cannibal saw his comrade decapitated, his hands and feet turned cold, and he froze entirely, not daring to move. He did not expect the opponent to be so terrifying, strong to the point that he had lost his hope of taking down one more with him before he died. He closed his eyes and waited for the scythe of the Grim Reaper.

Zhang Xiao Qiang saw him closing his eyes to wait for death, but he did not want to grant the man his wish. To him, killing him in a single strike was letting him off. He wanted this bastard to regret the day he was born. He slammed into the cannibal with his shield, and the men behind immediately charged forward and started to strike at the cannibal.

“Ding ding dang dang” Zhang Xiao Qiang’s blade flashed past, and the ground was filled with the broken spears. The men saw their spears destroyed by Zhang Xiao Qiang and looked at him with a little apprehension. To them, this man had even killed a D2, and he was legitimately their leader at this moment. Not knowing what they had done wrong, for him to lash out like this, they were truly on tenterhooks.

“Tie him up, find a chance to feed him to the zombies. He’s no different from them.” When he finished speaking, they all felt their backs erupt in cold sweat. This guy was truly ruthless, and he actually wanted the cannibal to suffer before dying. His viciousness was way beyond Brother Long’s. They all decided inwardly to be extremely careful, if they were to antagonize him, then they would likely face the same fate.

They nodded profusely and motioned for the rest of the men that had gone crazy earlier. Zhang Xiao Qiang looked at those cowards, who were just raving mad moments ago, and now all bowing not daring to raise their heads. A feeling of loathing arose in his heart. These sort of people were useless. They were not better than the cannibal, at the very least, the cannibal had the courage to try and fight for his own life. These losers were a waste of resources and chicken feed.

“Kill them, chicken feed is still food, isn’t it?” Zhang Xiao Qiang spat out coldly.

The 3 men on the ground instantly began to beg and wail when they heard that. One tried to stand and flee, but he was instantly pierced in numerous places by the men behind Zhang Xiao Qiang, turning him into a sieve. One fainted directly before they were stomped and pummeled to death. The last trembled badly, kowtowing as he begged until Zhang Xiao Qiang slashed his head off.

Looking at the corpses, Zhang Xiao Qiang commanded: “Go settle the rest of the chaos.” After that, he assessed the 5 men with him. There were Common-face and He Wen Bin’s 3 lackeys, as well as the man who had acted first to kill Vulture earlier. The rest in the vehicles were just alighting and coming over. Zhang Xiao Qiang pulled out the .92 of Brother Long and handed it to Common-face, telling him to lead the other 4 to go quell the chaos. Common-face saw that Zhang Xiao Qiang was entrusting him with such a huge responsibility and a weapon, and he became extremely emotional. Not knowing what to say, he bowed deeply and led the rest away.

Zhang Xiao Qiang then got the rest of the men to follow and provide reinforcements, while he himself went back to the car. He had just killed 2 men, and yet, there wasn’t any blood on him. He was extremely pleased with the machete. It was a pity that Su Qian had brought hers with her. Thinking to that point, he realized that he was fine with the rest of the people in the chicken farm dying, as long as the old weaponsmith was fine.

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