
Chapter 51: Wake up! Stop sleeping!

Zhang Xiao Qiang had already taken the opportunity to point the Beast Horn Spear at the throat of the D2. It was not that he didn’t think of aiming for its head, however, seeing that shiny bald head without a single spot of hair, he was afraid that the spear might slide right off. Hence, he played it safe and went for the throat.

“Pu” The Beast Horn Spear went through the throat of the D2, all the way to the cervical spine. A huge force traveled down the shaft of the spear towards its end, before disappearing into a huge stone the size of a computer monitor that was used to lodge the spear in place.

The D2 wanted to roar in anger once more, but it could not do so anymore. The Beast Horn Spear in its throat had ravaged its vocal cords, and it was truly in a sad state now. It had a spear up its ass, and a spear in its throat, causing it to be unable to move backward nor forwards.

Seeing that the D2 was finally stuck, Zhang Xiao Qiang finally heaved a sigh of relief and reloaded the 3rd magazine for his pistol. He stepped forward, aimed and fired.

“Peng....” The 7 bullets were fired at the mouth of the D2. However, the target was too small, and Zhang Xiao Qiang’s marksmanship was too poor. The bullets landed at the corner of the mouth, causing the D2 distress.

“Pu” The D2 spat out something foreign from its mouth, as the object flew and knocked the stone at Zhang Xiao Qiang’s feet. “Deng” A huge yellow tooth ricochet off the stone.

Having its tooth broken caused the D2 to become enraged again, and this time, it swung both its arms to hit the rebar Beast Horn Spear.

“Tong” The rebar Beast Horn Spear became U-shaped as it bounced towards the sky, and Zhang Xiao Qiang’s gaze followed it up.

The ‘U’ shaped Beast Horn Spear shot towards the sky as it revolved a few times, with a huge, round and bald head flying by its side. The eyes that had been shut all along were also wide open. The pale eyes seemed to have a bewildered expression. The D2 had died with grievances.

The Beast Horn Spear and the D2’s decapitated head landed at the same time. The Beast Horn Spear stuck in the ground and stopped moving immediately. As for the head of the D2, it kept rolling, all the way till Zhang Xiao Qiang’s feet. The eyes were staring at his feet, as though intending to bite down.

Zhang Xiao Qiang felt his whole body instantly relax, as he slumped to the ground numbly. He was unable to shake himself from the scene he had just witnessed.

Initially, the D2 had been stuck in place by those 2 Beast Horn Spears. There was no need for the handgun even. Zhang Xiao Qiang had no way of hurting the D2 at all, and he had thought that it was over, keeping the D2 trapped in the ditch, he had finally escaped from danger. It was time for them to part ways.

Who knew that the D2 had been so fearsome, that when swinging its arms, it had caused the rebar to bend, at the same time, the vibration from the impact had traveled up the spear towards its own cervical vertebra. The Beast Horn Spear had then sprung up from the tension, tearing the D2’s cervical vertebra, flinging its head up towards the sky, together with the Beast Horn Spear.

The D2 had been killed by its own strength, how could it not die with regrets?

The D2’s head was by his feet, and the huge body slumped into the ditch. The upper body in the hole it had dug and there was a Beast Horn Spear lodged up its ass. At a first glance, it seemed as though the D2 was killed by penetration of its chrysanthemum.

Zhang Xiao Qiang sat on the ground and slowly regulated his breathing until he shook himself out from the daze. He looked at the corpse of the D2 and felt a sense of pride welling up in him.

Since the 1st encounter, he had always thought of running when facing a D2. There were times where he had woken up from nightmares about D2s as well. The brute strength, the fearsome defense, that caused him to be helpless. He had never thought it was possible for him to actually kill one.

Now he had done it, he had come out alive, the D2, dead. Looking at the corpse, he felt like he was in a trance, his entire body floating. It was as though he was in a dream. He poked himself extremely hard in the leg, “Hu” and shook his head clear.

Finally regaining some strength, he climbed up, and noticed the D2’s head looking like a soccer ball!

“Fuck. You.” He raised his leg and kicked out.

The D2’s head rolled all the way into the ditch.

“Hss....Argh...Damn!” He felt like he had just kicked a large shot put, hugging his right leg as he hopped about, moaning in agony.

He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Earlier, when chased like hell by the D2, he had at most tumbled around here and there, not injured in the slightest. Now that the dust had settled on the ‘fight’, he had actually hurt himself. It seems like ‘killing’ the D2 was the extent of his luck.

He stepped down the huge pit that the D2 had smashed open earlier and stepped on its rubbery skin till he reached the waist. He then grabbed the Beast Horn Spear stuck up the chrysanthemum and tried shaking it loose, to no avail. It was likely that it had been lodged in the pelvic bone. He tried a few more times, without much success.

He gave up on that Beast Horn Spear, and picked up the rebar Beast Horn Spear that had been warped in shape, and walked over to Yang Ke’er. Seeing her still on the ground, Zhang Xiao Qiang felt his heart tightened.

If it had been a time where he had just met her, he would not have cared about her life or death. An ignorant young girl that didn’t know anything, if she was dead, she was dead.

However, it’s different now, even though she like to act up, and was a little unreasonable, at the most critical moment, she had been worried about him. He might be an otaku, and withdrawn, even stiff, but he was not ungrateful nor cold-hearted.

Furthermore, although she’s young, she knew how to take care of others, and would refer to herself as his wife. While he would say that he didn’t care much for it, he still felt good in his heart. The moment he thought that this bright and bubbly little lass would not be by his side, he felt as though his heart was being crushed by a huge stone.

With a heavy heart, he walked up to her side. She was lying there quietly, her camouflage uniform a little wrinkled. Her right arm was stretched out, her left arm crossed on top of her right arm, acting as a pillow under her face. It looked like a scene from ‘Sleeping Beauty’.

Looking at this, the heavy feeling in Zhang Xiao Qiang’s heart disappeared without a trace. This Yang Ke’er had actually forgotten all about the danger and was sleeping soundly. He could even hear a slight snoring.

With this lass sleeping like a pig in front of him, he wanted to bawl out, the person who had wanted to take the initiative to fight the BOSS was actually sleeping on the ground. The one who wanted to run and escape had been the one to fight for his life.

An intense rage welled up in him, and he raised his leg intending to kick out, but at that moment, he couldn’t bear to, and he looked at the sleeping girl, the corners of her mouth lifted in a slight smile, and released a long, deep sigh.

“Why did I save such a little ancestor!!!!”

“Wake up! Stop sleeping!” He began to shake her.

“$#&^%%&···” She flipped around, mumbling some incoherent words, before going back to sleep.

Honestly speaking, Zhang Xiao Qiang could not help but be in awe. That huge spectacle and commotion of the D2 chasing him, she had actually slept through it. The D2 had even roared so loudly so many times, Zhang Xiao Qiang had even fired a few gunshots, all these had not been enough to wake her up.

“It’s daylight already! Wake up!” He switched tactics.

“En~~~mm, just a while more... call me up when there’s food!” She was still unwilling to open her eyes.

“It’s time to eat! Wake up!”

She instantly shot upwards, wide awake, even saying as she got to her feet: “I’m so famished! I couldn’t even sleep properly! Where’s the food? Where?”

She could even remember to eat! She could not find the food and looked towards Zhang Xiao Qiang.

He stared at her with a steely face, a vein threatening to pop in his forehead!

“AH! BOSS!!!” She finally reacted and looked frantically for her weapon.

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