
Chapter 643: Obstacles

Chapter 643: Obstacles

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

A huge fireball rose up on the other side of the city. Sound from the explosion reverberating in the cavernous city. Looking at Y’zaks, astounded, Hao Ren asked, “What are you doing, Y’zaks?”

“Create some headline,” Y’zaks turned his head and pointed at the TV on the wall. “Let’s wait and see if there will be any news.”

The Nangong Wudi and Ayesha stared at the fire at the far end of the city for like a century before they ‘wowed’ in unison. Ayesha whispered, “We hadn’t been dare to cause such a noise.”

Nothing happened in the ten minutes after the explosion, until the fireball dissipated and the demonic fire began to swallow up the buildings near the explosion centre they heard sirens coming from afar. Elliptical aircrafts with flashing strobe lights were rushing to the scene along the steel girders of the city’s dome. Hao Ren stood on the balcony, using his super vision he could see the situation in the explosion site beyond what ordinary people could see: there were machines and equipment scrambling to put out the fire, roads leading to the scene were condoned off, as robots were redirecting traffic at the intersections. Traffic took a detour under the command of those robots. Hao Ren’s attention quickly shifted from the fire to those detouring vehicles. A thought suddenly came to his mind; since there was an unmanned system controlling those vehicles, the traffic coordination should be running smoothly, why did they even need the robots to direct traffic at the intersections?

Was it just the stupid interest of the city’s planners (or should we call them the ‘watchers outside the glasshouse’) in simulating the human society here?

“We can act tomorrow,” said Y’zaks, who came up from behind and said beside Hao Ren. “Let’s wait for one day and see what comes out in tomorrow’s news. I want to confirm something.”

The place had ample rooms and it was easy to make a comfortable stay. Hao Ren and his team spent the first night in this spooky city but they did not sleep very well: from after midnight, sirens were blaring from other neighbourhoods, it seemed that the fireball of Y’zaks had created more chaos than expected. The next morning, Lily was complaining that she did not sleep well last night, but to be honest, Hao Ren was very sceptical: supposedly, no one was least susceptible to insomnia than the husky… How does the husky’s brain support such complex symptoms as insomnia?

Everyone stayed in the house; did not know whether to wind a watch or bark at the moon except watching the news report that might popped up at any moment, and soon what they had been waiting for finally came out.

The morning news broadcaster was a woman in a beige short dress with an onscreen professional smile. She read out the script with a hint of nervousness on her face. “…Breaking news. Yesterday night, a massive mysterious explosion broke out around Riverdeep Station, instantly destroying four residential buildings. The fire ensuing the explosion has also destroyed a dozen other buildings; the entire block of street was damaged as a result. After a frantic overnight effort by the fire department, the fire has been kept from spreading but it is still burning…”

Lily patted on Y’zaks back and said, “Hey, Biggie, looks like you have really caused a scene.”

Y’zaks quietly lifted his chin. “Don’t worry; just pay attention if something is wrong.”

Now, the broadcaster on the TV had finished reading the script. Suddenly the camera flicked to the side. “… We are connecting with the director of the Fire Department of Riverdeep Station, Mr. Veanromme. Now, Mr. Veanromme please tell us the progress on the investigation of the explosion.”

A tall, bald-headed man appeared in front of the camera. “…so far we have not determined the cause of the explosion. The last visual sent back by the CCTV at the scene shows that the explosion suddenly happened out of thin air. A huge fireball first formed in the air and then it destroyed the signal at the scene…”

After Veanromme spoke for a long moment, the camera turned to a black-skinned old man with grey hair, a voice narrated. “Riverdeep Station commander, Loken commented about this explosion…”

Everyone wide-eyed in front of the TV, blinking.

Y’zaks turned around. “I guess the city where we are staying is called Reverdeep Station.”

Hao Ren pointed at the figure appearing on the TV screen as he looked at the Nangong couple. “This is the commander and officials of Riverdeep Station… When did this empty city get a mayor?”

The Nangong Wudi opened his mouth and waved his hand. “We have never heard of them.”

At this time, a sound was heard from outside the door, everyone stayed quiet while Lily tiptoed over to open the door. A moment later, she came back in to the living room with a newspaper still smelled fresh with ink. “It’s today’s newspaper… The front-page headline is the news of the explosion. The photo of the city’s fire department director is up there. The caption says the VIPs have come to the scene to supervise the disaster relief works…”

Nangong Sanba took the newspaper over and gently squeezed the paper. “Fresh out from the printer.”

They looked at the newspaper and TV; a chill ran up their spines: the faces, the world that looked so normal. Hao Ren suddenly realised that he should take a second guess.

“The ‘people’ are simulating the existence of human society,” Y’zaks reached out his hand and switched off the noisy TV. “They’re pretending that the world is still alive.”

Lily blinked, asking, “Who are ‘they’?”

“Then you have to find the one who produced the program and newspaper,” Hao Ren took a deep breath. “Let’s gear up. We’re going out and make some noise.”

Everyone had a tacit understanding. As soon as Hao Ren made his decision, everyone was ready for action. They walked out the door, and Nangong was following from behind before she turned to her parents, “Dad, mom, come on, this should be your last day in this city.”

The Nangong couple stared at each other and smiled. Nangong Wudi called out at them who were already out in the doorway. “Give me a minute, let me put on my outfit.”

The Nangong couple have been living in this city for a hundred years. They had the chance to discover many secrets; they should have vaguely realised the truth. It was just that unlike Hao Ren, they had no way to escape. Compared to the hostile surface of the planet, this strange, false city was their only safe sanctuary—so safe that they had never thought of busting the bubble of the fake city here.

Now, a bunch of guys who could come and go freely was here, the veil of the fake glasshouse will soon be opened.

Hao Ren was leading the way out in the neighbourhood as they walked down the street headed to the end of the city. The lights on the city dome lit up one after another, simulating the arrival of the morning sun. More and more small robots came out on the streets as if it was morning rush hour. They were cleaning the streetlights, railings, and streets, even the garbage that did not exist, checking every empty trashcan on the sidewalks, making everywhere look bustling with activities.

They hustled along the main street of the city where electronic billboards neatly lined the street on both sides. The billboards suddenly lit up and began to play a commercial of a bustling and prosperous era of peace and prosperity. The laughter in the speakers and the pleasant smile on the screens seemed to surrounding them.

The roadside billboards exclaimed, “… The sanctuary provides you and your family the most meticulous safety. We have protective layers of rock and steel of up to ten kilometres thick, shielding you from the ice and vacuum of the surface world, letting you live in a safe and comfortable new paradise…”

A taxi was blasting a voice when it came near them. “…Who would want to leave the safety of home and go to the uncertain world? Give up your naive thoughts. You can hop on a taxi and go to the new recreational plaza downtown where you could spend you day there. You will realise that it is more comfortable than the snow and ice…”

A little cleaner robot happily circling the feet of Hao Ren. “Vjekally Limited, we’re a cleaning equipment manufacturer providing the most meticulous cleaning services for you and your loved ones—can you imagine the world without Vjekally Limited? You need Vjekally, everything here, and a home that is always clean and comfortable!”

More and more robots and vehicles came out on the streets, as if the entire world was pouring in. Hao Ren stopped the taxi next to him, poking his head into it and looking at the bunch of flashing lights on the driver’s seat. “Would you like to take us leaving this city?”

The taxi console lights dimmed immediately, saying, “I’m sorry, the vehicle is down.”

Hao Ren took out his silver spear and gun from the dimensional pocket, winking at Vivian beside him. “It seems no one will let us take a ride.”

A horde of robotic army began to gather in front of them.

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