
Chapter 718: Pregnancy

Chapter 718: Pregnancy

Noah and Luo hummed in agreement when they heard those words from Gale. They had become more lively and compassionate after the birth of their son. They had come to realize that a child was a very important part of their love life and that Calvin has brought them closer, understanding their love for each other better.

"Craig, I am very happy to see you back here with me. I hope you will decide never to go back to the province and leave me again. Life was boring without your constant nagging and pestering." Noah chuckled.

Craig nodded when Noah said this because he knew how much Noah depended on him.

"Gale, let\'s serve the snacks first and bring out the drinks from the fridge," Craig told Gale and she immediately stood up to bring out the chilled drinks and snacks.

"This is a special drink for the adorable darling boy. You will grow taller and have strong bones if you drink this chilled almond milk. And here are some special snacks for you with cheese and potatoes. Once you eat this and finish your dinner, Aunty has a surprise for you!" Gale so loved the little boy and how she wished to keep him with her. She had prepared a small gift for him and also bought lots of chocolates and snacks for him.

Calvin spoke in a cute baby voice, his first time since he arrived!

"Hello… A-unty Ga-le, Uncl-e Cre-gg.." he had that cute smile and blushing face as he talked again, repeating the same words properly.

Gale\'s heart melted hearing the baby\'s adorable voice and she pulled him onto her lap and turned her complete attention to playing and talking with him. Calvin replied to her questions? like a? mature boy who knew everything. He was especially skilled in earning everyone\'s favour and in making all the aunties he met fawn over him.

He was already used to the affection showered on him. His Aunty Lana also fawned over him and especially loved to talk to him and hear his replies for everything. His tone and pronunciation made Lana really happy and she too urged him to repeat some words over and over again.

They all enjoyed the snacks and soon Craig led them to the dinner table. Gale reluctantly left the little darling and made him sit on the sofa to go and heat the dishes to serve on the table.

Soon after everyone sat down for dinner and Gale personally served everything on their plates. The food was amazing and Luo and Noah both enjoyed the meal very much. Even Calvin loved his dinner and Luo was very happy to see the obediently eating child.

After dinner, Noah and Craig went to the study to discuss some business and Gale cleared the table and Luo stood up to help her. Together they removed the dishes from the table and brought them to the kitchen.

Luo saw how lovingly Gale had been playing with Calvin and even helped put him to sleep after he finished his dinner and received his gifts, so Luo thought of asking, "Gale, I can see that you love kids a lot. Why don\'t you talk to Craig and have a child of your own? A child will help in increasing the love and trust between you both.

You know, I also had apprehensions about having a baby at first. I felt that Noah would never agree to have a child. But he is such a caring and loving father and if we have more kids he would dote on them too. Not to mention how much he still cares about me and loves me more with each passing day!"

Gale listened to her patiently and smiled before explaining to her, "Luo, it\'s not that I don\'t wish to have a baby or that Craig is denying it, it\'s just that we have been trying for the past many months but have not been successful in getting pregnant.

Sometimes my periods get delayed by more than a week and I check through the home test kit, but it always comes negative, and then my period also arrives two or three days later. Sigh!! Looks like I should consult a good gynecologist and get a complete examination ."

When Gale spoke in a low voice, clearly sounding sad, Luo felt very bad and prayed to God to give them the happiness they both so rightly deserved in their lives after going through so many hardships already.

Luo patted Gale on her shoulder and said, "You should not worry. Sometimes your body just takes longer to conceive and there definitely is not going to be any problems in your pregnancy. I believe that these home test kits give wrong results sometimes!

Whatever, I feel you will soon be pregnant and have a lovely playmate for my son."

Gale felt warmth flood her heart and her eyes teared up as Luo showed so much affection for her!

Gale moved forward and hugged Luo as her tears changed into little sobs as all her underlying emotions and stress over pregnancy became too much for her to keep hidden! Luo consoled her and gently rubbed her hand on Gale\'s back trying to calm her down. She could understand how much Gale must be suffering in her heart.

"Don\'t worry Gale, you will surely be able to conceive very soon. You must try not to stress out as it is not good if you are planning to conceive. Who knows, maybe this month when you test at home, your results will come out positive! Just continue praying also and I\'m sure you will be answered soon," Luo exclaimed and wished Gale would stop crying and feel better.

And indeed that was what happened. Gale immediately reverted to her happy self and chuckled as she said, "This month I had already taken the test so maybe next month. We will work hard for it this month. I heard some experience years of trying but we will not give up and work on it."

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