
Chapter 684 Beauties

The Villain’s Wife 684 ’Beauties’

After they finished recording the video, the group instantly started with the contest. Of course, Veron insisted on going first.

His aim was simple. He wanted to make Bei Tian nervous. Surely, his skills were enough to intimidate him, right?

Twenty arrows.

Two moving targets.

The fact that this place had mechanisms that could cater the needs of their game was really surprising even for Veron. Since the target was very difficult to hit, they chose to have the contest based on their scores.

While Veron was sure that hitting the inner gold ring was almost close to impossible, he at least knew that he could still get a decent score.

After letting go of his tenth arrow, a proud smile instantly hung on Veron’s lips. As expected, he was not able to hit the golden ring but his score was still satisfactory. The fact that he only missed one arrow even surprised him.

"Mr. Bei should watch carefully." Veronica smiled as she sat next to Bei Tian. "My brother’s skills are already at a professional level. However, because of our company, he doesn’t have the time to focus on his passion. I’m sure you will learn a lot from him."

"Of course." Bei Tian said before drinking from the water bottle. All this talking made him really thirsty, ah. It seems that having fun always had its price. "He looks just like a master. Look at that posture. Those perfect biceps." He smirked. "Not comparable to Yuanfeng but.... That will do."

"You—" Veronica widened her eyes. How could this man be so shameless? Veron was still her brother! Isn’t it too gross to talk about this? She immediately turned her body away from Bei Tian, disgust apparent in her eyes.

"Whoo... that was twenty arrows!" Veron’s voice echoed before he walked towards them, beaming. "You better go and check out my scores. I don’t want you to say that I cheated or something."

"Of course." Bei Tian smiled before he asked Qin Yuanfeng to accompany him. Together with Veron and Veronica, they started adding Veron’s scores.

In the end he got 74 points.

"Aigo... why are you so proud?" Bei Tian mocked. "That’s seventy four points out of two hundred. In my vocabulary that already means you failed." He said, his chin raised slightly, making him look more arrogant.

"This man..."

"Brother... calm down. We can’t stoop down to his level." Veronica immediately stopped her brother. "We are here for business not to get in trouble with the locals." She reminded him. As expected, Veron turned silent. He unclenched his fist and turned his head away.

"Your turn." Veron said, hoping that he would have enough patience to deal with this man.

"Where are you going?" Bei Tian asked when he saw him walking towards the bench with his sister. "Are you sure you won’t watch me? You know... to make sure that I won’t cheat?"

"No!" Veron snarled. Now, he was already regretting his decision to come in here with Veronica just because of ’good looking people’. Rolling his eyes, he mentally noted not to accompany his sister again in appreciating ’beauties’.

This was infuriating him! Everything about this is making him angry.

"Brother your face is so red. You should calm down."

"This is your fault." He hissed. "Are you happy that he is ridiculing me?"

"I— " Veronica lowered her head. "Im sorry... I didn’t know."

"We should have stopped when he suggested that extravagant bet!" Originally, Veron didn’t want to have the bet. But his sister convinced him into agreeing with it. He glanced at the group sitting at the other bench. Seeing them smile and chat as if they didn’t just bet half a million was... insulting.

The group seemed to be having so much fun! They were laughing and obviously enjoying this show. He immediately wondered if they had started mocking him when they heard his score.

A curse escaped his mouth as he eyed Bei Tian who already started shooting while.... Humming? Why would he hum? Was he not taking this seriously?

"That man is mocking me." He said.

"Or he is just enjoying himself." Veronica said, trying to calm down his brother. In fact, she also thought that Bei Tian was indeed mocking them. However, saying her opinion out loud would only add fuel to the fire. She would not want to get her brother into trouble, especially now that they are in a foreign country.

A flash of regret glinted in Veronica’s eyes. She and her brother were playing on their own on the other side of this place when she spotted Qin Yuanfeng walking with some bottle of water in his hand. Seeing a good looking man in this place immediately made her feel excited. So, she asked her brother to go to the other spot and join them.

Too bad... they encountered a fox like Bei Tian. Sighing, her eyes darted towards the target. She widened her eyes for a few seconds before letting out another sigh. It seems that Bei Tian was baiting them earlier.

He was acting as if he was being too arrogant. Then he started pretending to have second thoughts on the seventy meter distance before proposing a hundred and seventy meters. This made them conclude that he was only bluffing. That he was all talk while trying to intimidate them into backing out.

They thought Bei Tian was too embarrassed to back out because his friends were watching. Well... they were wrong.

So wrong.

Turns out, they had stumbled onto a fox who was genuinely enjoying his schemes. A bold man who was not afraid to put them in their places. Eyeing at the targets again, Veronica sincerely hoped that her brother wouldn’t lash out on her. After all, this was her fault.

Knowing her brother’s competitive nature, she was sure that this incident wouldn’t let him sleep tonight. This might even affect their meeting tomorrow.

He had already lost.

Bei Tian’s arrows were inside the golden ring and he still had at least five more arrows to shoot. What a beast. She thought.

"We lost," She heard Veron utter. "I lost."


Proofreader: Dragon777

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