
Chapter 126 Preparing For War

Chapter 126 Preparing For War

Hua Tuo woke up with a message from Roovan saying that Zenobia had summoned everyone for an important meeting at nine in the cave. The doctor was slightly surprised that they would be summoned so soon. He didn’t think that Carrabas would be moving so quickly but at the same time, he knew it would only be a matter of time before they attacked. The physician decided that he would talk to his apprentice before they went to the meeting.

Zero woke up a few hours later, expecting it to be yet another eventful day. He wasn’t disappointed but the seriousness on his teacher’s face surprised him. It wasn’t usual for Hua Tuo to be so tense in the morning. The physician was usually in a better mood in the morning and crankier in the afternoon.

"What’s going on?" Zero asked, slightly worried when his teacher wouldn’t talk even after a few minutes. The silence was making him nervous.

Hua Tuo didn’t know how to phrase what he was going to say. He wanted to be as delicate as possible about the topic of death but there really was no good way of putting it. As a doctor, one had to save as many as they could. With Zero’s abilities, it was highly possible he could save everyone if he wanted to, including the lives of his enemies. Hua Tuo didn’t know how Zero would react if he told him that enemies cannot be saved during the war even if he had the ability to do so. As such, the God of Medicine was conflicted.

Zero waited as patiently as he could. Whatever his teacher had to say must be important.

Finally, Hua Tuo spoke.

"Zero, the village is going to war with Count Carrabas."

The brunet blinked. He knew that already. Why was Hua Tuo stating the obvious? Nobody told him that explicitly but Zero was a smart boy. He’d put the pieces of the puzzle together himself and figured it out.

"We will not be interfering with their fight, only healing and saving the villagers who need it. You are not to attack anyone on the enemy side. Most importantly, you cannot save the enemies. The dead must stay dead. If they don’t have a healer who knows revival magic, that is their fate. You are not allowed to use healing magic on the enemies."

Zero blinked. He knew what wars were. Enemies were the bad people. For Zero, anybody who made his newly-found friends miserable would be considered an enemy. Anyone who wishes harm on another person is not a friend in Zero’s books. He was very clear about where he stood. There were some people who do not deserve to be saved, Bell had said so before and Zero agreed when he heard about what they did.

"I understand," he told his teacher calmly and Hua Tuo was slightly surprised.

"Are you sure?"

Zero frowned. "We are talking about bad people, right? People who do bad things to make others miserable and all? Bell told me about these types of people. He said that they are the true definition of evil instead of the stereotypes that humans have about demons and other species. People fight all the time over different things. However, some people don’t fight because of a difference in opinion about what’s best for them or their families. They fight because they want to see others suffer. I don’t want to save these kinds of people. I’ll let En handle their punishment."

Hua Tuo was mildly surprised at Zero’s mature response and nodded in satisfaction. It was hard to predict how Zero would react but he was glad the brunet agreed.

"That means that I will save those innocent people who were forced to fight because of Count Carrabas. I just won’t be saving the person called Count Carrabas," Zero beamed and Hua Tuo wanted to smack his head into a wall.

"No, Zero. You can’t do that in a war. Anyone who fights against the village is an enemy. You can’t save them if they are killed."

Zero looked confused. "But they’re not evil... why can’t I do that?"

Hua Tuo looked exasperated. How could he explain the concept of war to Zero without confusing the boy? In war, sometimes the innocent must be sacrificed for a victory. Good men must die for their country. Evil men must be befriended for an advantage. Lying and cheating is not something frowned upon during a war as it was considered strategy.

Thankfully, Hua Tuo had a little more time to think of a way to explain this concept to his disciple. Roovan swooped into their apartment from the window to let them know that the meeting was about to start soon. They followed the raven beastmen to the cave with Zero feeling proud of himself and Hua Tuo feeling mentally tired.

The day had only begun but already, the physician didn’t have the energy to continue the rest of it.

Zero was surprised to see everyone in the cave. It was usually very spacious but today, it was a little crowded. Zero didn’t mind, he liked being in the company of others. However, the mood was what threw him off. Lady Zenobia stood on the stone platform in front and everyone was standing at attention, waiting for her to speak.

Zero and Hua Tuo were the last to arrive so Zenobia nodded at them in acknowledgement of their presence before she started her speech.

"Good morning, everyone. I’ve gathered the village here for an important announcement. Carrabas is on the move and we anticipate that they will launch an attack tomorrow with the cover of night. We have their numbers and I will be honest. It’s going to be the toughest fight we have in a while. We might lose a few in this war but we will defend our home."

The loud cheers echoed in the cave and Zero shivered at the level of energy the warriors possessed. He watched in awe as Zenobia explained their strategy with undeniable charisma. No wonder she was the chieftess. It was a side of her that Zero had never seen before. He finally understood what Roovan meant when he spoke about the position of the village leader. Camie may be the strongest warrior but only Zenobia can lead them.

"Rima, Leon, Jacqueline, Latitia and Karris. I’m sorry but the five of you will sit out of this battle. Hua Tuo will accompany you after the first stage of the plan is complete. It is slightly dangerous but I assure you that you will be taken care of. Mitchnew’s team will act as an escort while you lure the knights into the tunnels. Once you are there, you will hide in the secret passageway and wait with Hua Tuo. Do not engage in battle if you can. Our objective is to have everyone return from this war alive."

Leon and Jacqueline looked disappointed that they couldn’t participate in the battle but with Rima’s stare, they held their tongues. Latitia apologised for not being able to help. Zero didn’t blame her. Not everyone in the village was combat trained. Latitia certainly wasn’t. Karris clutched her stomach subconsciously but her eyes reflected determination. Zero approved of the mother-to-be’s resolve. Her unborn child will be safe, he would make sure of that.

"Raj and Grandma Moppo will oversee the village fortification operation today. I want all able hands on deck. As for the battle strategy, your commander will explain the plan to you. They have been briefed so listen closely and stick to the strategy."

A chorus of "yes" echoed and Zero felt somewhat proud. Hua Tuo didn’t stop him from wanting to help fortify the village. In fact, the physician volunteered to break the boulders that they required rocks from to build the traps. Zero was impressed by the great display of strength he didn’t know his teacher possessed until Hua Tuo explained that it was a cultivation trick. That made the brunet determined to learn cultivation.

Zero decided to join the children and collect stones. According to Wiser, some of the weaker fighters like Raj and his lab members would be hiding on the trees and throwing pebbles onto the soldiers in the clearing while the warriors on his team acted as a decoy until Lovina came to put them to sleep. For better measure, Zero decided to practice throwing stones with slightly better accuracy. He didn’t want any stones to actually fall on anyone’s heads. It could be fatal.

The day passed very quickly. Zoe and Karris made rounds giving everyone sandwiches in between lunch and dinner, Zenobia made rounds and Wiser helped oversee the traps by the bridge. The fortification was done by evening and instead of sleeping, Clowis decided to have a last minute spar to work out the tension in his body with Lowis. Amaraline watched them spar from the sidelines and Grandma Moppo decided to turn in early.

Hua Tuo was still wondering how he should tell Zero that enemy forces cannot be saved or healed. After listening to Zenobia’s full plan with the commanders, Hua Tuo was somewhat relieved that there will be minimal deaths and casualties. It’s mostly Count Carrabas and the knights who would die. The best part was how all these would be done away without Zero witnessing anything.

"I have a condition," Hua Tuo told the chieftess.

"What is it?"

"If the situation arises that the plan does not work, please do not kill in front of Zero. He doesn’t quite understand the concept of wars. I’m still trying to explain it to him but it might take some time."

Zenobia looked troubled but Wiser agreed. "We’ll get Lovina to work something out. I’m sure there is a way to get rid of him without killing him. It’s just a more tedious method but we can work something out."

That conversation happened hours ago. Hua Tuo sighed heavily as they walked back to their apartment. Zero sensed his teacher’s thoughts and frowned.

"Are you worried about the war?"

Hua Tuo looked at Zero long and hard before shaking his head and patting his apprentice. Zero was growing taller. The change wasn’t significant but it was still a fact.

"Zero, Zenobia has agreed to try and not kill anyone during this war. However, you must promise me that if anyone has to be killed because they do not surrender, you are not to heal them or revive them. This is the way of war."

Zero looked confused but agreed. Hua Tuo looked absolutely serious and Zero didn’t want to go against his teacher. There had to be a reason why Hua Tuo didn’t allow it. He didn’t understand the reason behind it yet but he trusted his teacher.

"I promise."

Satisfied with Zero’s promise, they returned to the apartment to retire for the night.

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